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07:25 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
*rolls his eyes and thinks 'its alright ste, we dont need paula's titles do we. do we? no we dont, now concentrate on your beer, and go through the threads again' *
Deleted User
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07:52 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
(ooooooh just wait til u need ur clothes ironing Mr)

Cuey?? U wanted a title!!

Title: Lazy
Deleted User
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07:54 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol - well if im so lazy il get them pressed lmao.

I just been going through all the poems we done *eyes water* , some are really fab!
Deleted User
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08:25 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I read this thread, and think to myself
"Is writing poems good for my health?"
and "If I was a lobster, could I write
like I do now, or would my lack of height
stop me from doing what I've done before
keyboard on the desk, and me on the floor?"
and I think "I've not been posting much, perhaps
I've been a lobster for a week or two
(This line of thought is making me blue!
Or red, perhaps, or boiled pink!)
I really need to stop and think
about where this ditty is heading towards
(Ever hear of a lobster treading the boards?)
It's a poem 'bout laziness, but I couldn't be ar$ed
(Saw a Shakespeare play with some lobsters as cast)
to keep it on topic, or write about fact
my complete lack of effort's why this poem is cack!
Deleted User
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08:43 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Fine Mr G, and all becos u wudnt carry my brekky up to me! ffs.....ARGH!!!! Men!

SWING!!!!!!!!! Ur back, ha ha ha
gud poem, but i got a seeky feeling im goona bump into this lobster on every post! I swear i really am pmsl...........

Title: Friends........
Deleted User
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08:51 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
This lump of metal is my friend
it keeps me safe until the end
of this rock face that I am on
Ah do ra ra, a do ron ron

Monica's friends are here as well
Phoebe, Rachel, Ross (he smells)
Joey, also Chandler Bing
ah do ra ru, a do ron rin

But the best of friends are those that come
In a little box, or large carton
pins, and chocolate, lobsters too
ah do ra re, a do ron roo

Other things that come in boxes
Chickens, eggshells, nutmeg, foxes
wine, staples, Simon le Bon
ah do ra ra, a do ron ron.

My friends will keep me safe from harm
Men in white coats from the funny farm
I sit in my room with padded walls
Ah do ra ra a do ron (wails!)
Deleted User
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11:53 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hahaha ! well done swing, love the simon le bon bit
Deleted User
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13:58 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that I shall never see
A pigeon in a cup of tea
For tea is hot, and burns the wings
of pigeons and other flying things

But who's to say, when tea is cold
that flying rats may not be bold
see the cup, and take the plunge
and after, eat the strawberry sponge

And so, a solution must be found
a Net! that gathers all around
the edge of cups to keep them out
and a thimble for the teapot spout

And then this modern scourge will pass
resume your drinking tea with class
without a fear that pigeons wild
will bomb your cup and splash your child

These measures few, with simple grace
at our dinner table, take their place
(It also keeps your china set,
safe from any prowling pet)

But now there is a graver threat
than aerial pigeon or grounded pet
to cups of tea (with spoon to stir)
and folks, that threat is the lobster!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:59 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
With giant pincers, toughened shell
these seasoned brutes that come from hell
will seize your cups in giant claw
and squeeze! your cup is whole no more
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:09 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
lol gr8 poem swing (its Mr_guevara btw)
Deleted User
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14:13 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
G2 !!! Nice to meet ya!!,,,,,,
Swing keep it up mate,,,lol

Title: Clouds.......
Deleted User
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14:16 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
nice to meet u too JSG - would it cause you any bother if i indulged in the poems? You see i taught Mr_guevara everything he knows lol
Deleted User
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14:20 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Clouds come in many different shapes!
I peep from behind curtain drapes
At snakes and badgers, leopard spots
Grandma Sparrow's cooking pots
A giant tortoise, cat with flu
a wolf that's chasing dragons too
These scary shapes, in white and grey
come rarely on a sunny day
But when the light begins to dark,
A toothless dog that's lost his bark
a woman at a sewing-machine
three lobsters on a bowling green
And all these thing's I've said aloud
I saw that day, in just one cloud!
Deleted User
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14:27 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow, some very good stuff in this page!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:33 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hmmm ok now just thort id join in on this thread as i havnt before whats u gota do and gd poem swing

Edited at 19:33 Tue 11/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:36 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hahaha -lobsters. Im gunna do one anyway paula.

I remember when i was up on cloud nine,
Sailing through the skies with a girlfriend of mine.
Up in the skies, so madly in love,
Looking down at the people way up from above.
Then suddenly a kestrel flew into the cloud,
There was a lot of turmoil, the noise was so loud.
The cloud shook and wobbled, and i gripped hold of the side,
The cloud fell quickly, then started to glide.
Cloud number nine, which was made for love,
Was just right for me and her, fit like a glove.
So it glided down slowly, and touched on the ground,
The kestrel was Ok, and we were both sound.

Edited at 19:37 Tue 11/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:31 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Extra Posts

Today we had a breakthrough, double the amount,
So we will have more posts added, to all our accounts.
No longer we shall run empty ,so quick without word,
We all made the movement, fifty a day was absurd.
So thank you Paula, and Miss Steph for your help,
The joy when i found out, has never been felt.
We struggled for so long, sadness in our loss,
Until we had a word with the funky pool boss.
So understanding, he will change the amount with a click,
This poem is dedicated to him, so thank you lots Nick
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:39 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
OH i love this thread.Fab...
Stephy i give a title, and they create a poem for me to read, i was judging but they all dropped out!!
Back to Mr G and Swing........

Title: Admins..........
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:49 Tue 11 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
mmm. Admins.

On the funkypool site, there are a lot of members,
But there are only a few that i ever remember.
Half are the junkies, who stay on till late,
the others are the rulers, who administrate.
They look over us all, like an eye of God,
or a cctv camera, or a PC Plod.
But one thing they do, is keep us in line,
Always and forever, whatever the time.
So here's to those few, who dedicate their time,
To look after the site, and the well being of yours and mine.
They deserve the respect they get, for without them we'd be lost,
The site would be in turmoil, which would be a hefty cost.
So remember this when your sad, or even in the graters,
That theirs always a shoulder to cry on, in the form of administrators.
Deleted User
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04:01 Wed 12 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Yay,,,lol Well done Mr G.....(Mornin')
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