A Ladies Tournament....
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01:25 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Ok. Not that my opionion matters any but its time i step in. Heres my 2 cents. *digs in pocket* Do you have change?
I am for the idea. I am a male but lets face it. If you look in stores you see a Female bathroom and a Male Bathroom. Um ok thats all i can think of. What would be the harm. None!!! The only thing it could hurt is our (being the guys) ego. If the females wants this and nick is able to do i say" Go for it"
Action EMS
I am for the idea. I am a male but lets face it. If you look in stores you see a Female bathroom and a Male Bathroom. Um ok thats all i can think of. What would be the harm. None!!! The only thing it could hurt is our (being the guys) ego. If the females wants this and nick is able to do i say" Go for it"
Action EMS
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07:44 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
ok the idea was put forward to give us ladies somethin 2 compete for, im not sayin that this shud happen on a regular basis if it does happen i was mearly suggestin that it cud be a one off thing maybe once a month or somthing like that. Also we do compete in regular tournys and we do get far in them sometimes, however as the regular tournys are mostly dominated by men this is an unfair advantage to us, it wud be great if we cud see out of us ladies who is the "best" if that is the right word.
Ediss if ure that bothered why not ask for an all males tournament then u will be pleased as us females will not be in it.
Ediss if ure that bothered why not ask for an all males tournament then u will be pleased as us females will not be in it.
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10:58 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
okay...time out kiddies...take a look at this thread..and how pathetic its gotten..i think we are proving the point about guys being sore losers right now...we wanted a female only tournament....nobody said you couldn't make a male only tournament, but the first thing ya do is just start complaining and moaning...let it go...esp you darrenbo...it was an idea...not a life threatening suggestion...
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15:11 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Whats bad about it? Its a good idea and i feel that most lads seem offended by it. Why? Maybe they feel threatened? Maybe they can't take the fact that women are also great at pool?
Sorry, but anyone who says 'pathetic idea' and 'women cant play pool', i suggest that you quit spamming forums. You should be happy that we actually have a decent idea and thread....but yet again, it is ruined by almost the same people everytime.
Eve, miss_steph, bunny, _kezza_ etc are better then most people who have replied negatively to this thread!
Im for the idea, not that it bothers me much. This is not discriminating in my opinion, although i opologise for those males who felt deeply offended by the title thus having sleepless nights over it.
Im not in anyway being biased, but leveling out the argument (even though bunzarino seems to doing just fine)
I agree that the idea is hardly fool proof and others will pose as girls to enter if they could. Im glad that a decent suggestion has been made and that anyone who wishes to dissagree and moan without proper explanation are only flooding the forums with the same crap thats been around lately.
Think before posting in the forums, and anyone who wishes to complain about this seemingly sensative idea then please use the contact us page.
Sorry, but anyone who says 'pathetic idea' and 'women cant play pool', i suggest that you quit spamming forums. You should be happy that we actually have a decent idea and thread....but yet again, it is ruined by almost the same people everytime.
Eve, miss_steph, bunny, _kezza_ etc are better then most people who have replied negatively to this thread!
Im for the idea, not that it bothers me much. This is not discriminating in my opinion, although i opologise for those males who felt deeply offended by the title thus having sleepless nights over it.
Im not in anyway being biased, but leveling out the argument (even though bunzarino seems to doing just fine)
I agree that the idea is hardly fool proof and others will pose as girls to enter if they could. Im glad that a decent suggestion has been made and that anyone who wishes to dissagree and moan without proper explanation are only flooding the forums with the same crap thats been around lately.
Think before posting in the forums, and anyone who wishes to complain about this seemingly sensative idea then please use the contact us page.
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16:53 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Your saying about the males opinion about not having it, (i have to agree, i see no point in it) but you girls + farren and a few other numpties havent made a good case for having one yet.
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16:54 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Wen't to far there.
Edited at 22:56 Sun 29/01/06 (GMT)
Edited at 22:56 Sun 29/01/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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17:03 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
You don't like the idea chip_fork i think we see that so why keep posting? We would like a ladies tournament because we think it would be fun. Good enough reason for you? As Ediss so fondly puts it,
'its an online game' so why do we need to turn this in to a political debate?
'its an online game' so why do we need to turn this in to a political debate?
17:13 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
thts tru just give the ladies there tourny if it makes them happy lol
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17:16 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Its oppertunity cost, and the cost of having people monitor each person who enters to make sure that they are not a male having fun, just doesn't come close to desired benifit that the site would get out of it.
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17:19 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Girls want around 1 maybe 2 female tournaments a month and you moan, if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all!!
Im for the idea, will give the females a chance to win a few.
Im for the idea, will give the females a chance to win a few.
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17:19 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
and you know the ins and outs of the technical set up of this site do you chip fork?
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17:24 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Well i have been playing the game since it opened, so i would like to think i did know more than the average player.
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17:29 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Ahhh so i understand that gives you the authority to say that the idea of a ladies tournement is not cost effective? May i inform you that moderating is not a paid profession/job whatever you want to call it. And in this particular instance, as a female, eve_ninall (also a moderator) is willing to supervise these tournements should they go ahead. And in the case of males competing as females... How many males with good profiles are going to delete their ranks in order to play as the opposite sex?
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17:39 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
I dont think you are aware of the concept that is creating a new email addy, its not hard. For sure i would do it just to be annoying. And i know alot of males pretend to be females as it stands.
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17:41 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Moderators can check for multiple names, if they got found out they would get booted.
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17:49 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
The same thing could be said about people who create new accounts to enter tournaments now, there is an element of deceit involved, this is not utopia its a game! This could be a viable event and at the end of the day if a male created a female profile to enter a ladies tournament they need to have a little think about what it says about them.
Edited at 23:50 Sun 29/01/06 (GMT)
Edited at 23:50 Sun 29/01/06 (GMT)
22:08 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
You could boot those accounts no but they eren't acctually doing anything wrong.....
Deleted User
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23:19 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
Personally i dont think this would work! but if the ladies want to see this happen fair does!
It is only fun afterall what harm can it do?!
It is only fun afterall what harm can it do?!
23:41 Sun 29 Jan 06 (GMT)
We could all have our birthdays taken away by admin, I've warned you of these sinister consequences before but you turned away. When I turn 20 I will post again and laugh at everyone stuck at 17.....
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06:57 Mon 30 Jan 06 (GMT)
how many girls are on the site that would do this anyways?
it sounds cool
it sounds cool
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A Ladies Tournament....
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