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A Ladies Tournament....

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Posts: 1,821
10:05 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
vry true....
Deleted User
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11:37 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
wat a ******* crap idea!
Deleted User
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12:13 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
If a ladies tournament was to go ahead what difference would it make to any of you? So sorry some of us aren't active members of the funkypool elite! Ediss i like you but you always say its an online game, we are fully aware of that we were just asking if this idea would be possible. Swerve please do not swear on the forum why not try and think of something constructive to say, for example give us a reason why you think it is a bad idea?
Deleted User
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12:30 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
thanks for the advice eve ;-)
Deleted User
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13:26 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
because it wont just be ladys that will be playing in it.
Deleted User
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13:35 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
So there will be the odd saddo who pretends to be a bird

Deleted User
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13:41 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
yes there will be u idiot
Deleted User
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13:50 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Idiot, answer me this please wild BOY, why did you feel the need to start throwing insults

Bet your one of the saddo's who would make up a bird name

Edited at 19:51 Sat 28/01/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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18:12 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Only physically competitive sports have seperate events, because in the current genetic structure, males have an obvious advantage. But even that is changing if you look at sports like golf. So please give us the reason why you need a females tournament? Can't you move the mouse hard enough and thats why the males are winning? Next we will be asking for a white mans tourny or an under 14's tourny. Maybe if you spent this time posting and thinking about the idea on the practice table instead, you would win a tournament. Quite franky the idea is joke and should be laughed off the forum.
Deleted User
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18:17 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
males have an obvious advantage?

give ya a game sometime sunshine, then we will see
Deleted User
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18:19 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe you thought this was the specsavers website? Because you need your eyes testing. I said ONLY in physically competitive sports do males have an obvious advantage due to the genetics. Not on an internet pool site.
Deleted User
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18:21 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
then why are you posting saying not to host a womens tournament when it not real?

like you said, its an internet site, things can be different :)
Deleted User
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18:24 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
You don't need a female tournament though. And if you have a females only tournament, which imo is a form of discrimination, where are you going to draw the line. Plus there are obvious ways around it, its not that hard to stick "female" in your profile.
Posts: 3,764
18:39 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it's fair to say there are more Male than Female user's in the game, so come Tournament time the Females are a minority.

Don't worry lads, we can have a 'male chauvinist' Tournament to balance the scales!! But seriously, i see no harm in this idea if it can be arranged.

'miss_steph' 'eve_ninall' 'im_cheeky' and 'lickle1' are all regular entrants and i think it would be great to watch the battle commence between them.

Anyway, if we can't do it officially then we will arrange one between friends ; )
Deleted User
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18:51 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why has this become an attack on female playing ability. The idea of a female tournament was suggested as a bit of fun for the ladies on this site because they often feel in a small minority considering the members of this game are mainly male. Is it such a bad thing that the females want to have a bit of fun together whilst competing or is that a completely unrealistic thing to ask? Online...Fun....Two words which obviously shouldnt be entered in the same sentence. Many people on this site seem to have forgotten that this is a game which is there to be enjoyed, not an outlet for people to abuse others because of their own inferiority complexes.
Deleted User
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18:53 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have you finished bunz? lolololol
Deleted User
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18:56 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I do believe i have. hehe
Deleted User
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19:15 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think there should be one + many othe specific entry tournies.

Who cares if there's no reason...its fun
Deleted User
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19:52 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
and no offense to you lads or anything..but you lot are crap to're extremely over competitive and get off to a swearing rage when us ladies do beat ya! would save ya a lot of embarassment if you just let us have a fun tourney, enter if you want..if you really think you need to prove that you can beat a bunch of girls...
Posts: 1
20:42 Sat 28 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
be good if there was a ladies tournament match i think the fellows are scared of women winninig them

Edited at 02:43 Sun 29/01/06 (GMT)
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A Ladies Tournament....

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