NICK!! typed one word!!!

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Posts: 4,751
08:49 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
It seems the problem changes for you each time you try to enter.

I would say you have a general error on your laptop, maybe a faulty disk drive (try and run scan disk). Else you may need to reinstall Windows.
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18:48 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Nick, its the same prob every time!!!!!! ust that sometimes i can type one word in!! It cant be a fault with laptop,cos everything else is fine,even poolsharks,its just this site.
What does unable to parse mean Nick???
Posts: 4,751
01:27 Tue 20 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
It cant be a fault with laptop,cos everything else is fine,even poolsharks,its just this site.

Equally, it can't be a fault with the game, cos every other user is fine, it's just you.

Basically, it seems the fault is related to your instance of the game. Somehow it seems to have got corrupted when downloading.

Unable to parse message means that the data between the server and your computer failed. If you can copy and paste the chat window contents in it's entirety it may tell me more information. (You haven't done this since I changed the code to show more information).
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NICK!! typed one word!!!

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