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14:30 Sun 18 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
21 tommy's Legends Funkypool Tomtax 29 205
22 bonds_greatest funkypool bond 21 201
23 The_mighty_Rats Funkypool Rat 21 201
24 harts's heroes funkypool harts 32 200
25 jack_daniels Jack D. 27 199
26 The Final Cut Ian Osborne 34 198
27 pastys jamie vooght 32 197
28 berts_army funkypool lambert 28 187
29 redandwhitearmy pool_shark funkypool 25 181
30 Goo's Crew Funkypool Goo 21 180
31 Pompey on Tour funkypool simon 40 177
32 gazrjones Funkypool gazrjones 18 170
33 nicknax's champs! funkypool nicknax 42 167
34 Challengers Phil Grice 30 165
35 the show stoppers show stopper 26 163
36 the A team Funkypool danny godlieb 21 154
37 _bananas_ thuganomics 2 31 150
38 suicide squad funnkypool canter 20 149
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:13 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  

1 Cool Dudes Crew Funkypool Cool_Dude 40 301
2 Hkewell's Champions chris stewart 36 283
3 gava_utd Gavin Ashdown 49 280
4 Revenge's Monsters kevin carter 52 278
5 red_devils callum lawrence 38 275
6 break the football funkypool break 35 266
7 spunkymonkeys Funkypool seandoh 48 262
8 French Connection FC Pompey 4 Life 34 260
9 OWNED Legends of Maricon 37 256
10 Lost On Display Mavado . 34 241
11 44cab's Compadres Funkypool 44cab 56 238
12 Get In There FunkyPool ll_pool_jay 31 237
13 Gav's Boys Funkypool Gav 42 235
14 topworldselection topshots topteam 45 230
15 Bluey Samui PFC funkypool nick 51 226
16 MCKENZIE FC sharky rice 46 225
17 Onion Baggers FunkyPool dr_pepper 32 218
17 harbottle2004 Robert Harbottle 33 218
19 Sidewinder FC Bren dan 39 218
20 bonds_greatest funkypool bond 30 210
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:13 Mon 19 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
21 derp's destroyers max lambert-derpatovski 37 209
22 tommy's Legends Funkypool Tomtax 31 207
23 pastys jamie vooght 38 203
24 The_mighty_Rats Funkypool Rat 23 203
25 jack_daniels Jack D. 30 202
25 harts's heroes funkypool harts 34 202
27 The Final Cut Ian Osborne 34 198
28 redandwhitearmy pool_shark funkypool 41 197
29 berts_army funkypool lambert 33 192
30 Pompey on Tour funkypool simon 49 186
31 Goo's Crew Funkypool Goo 25 184
32 the show stoppers show stopper 45 182
33 gazrjones Funkypool gazrjones 23 175
34 nicknax's champs! funkypool nicknax 49 174
35 Challengers Phil Grice 36 171
36 _bananas_ thuganomics 2 46 165
37 suicide squad funnkypool canter 34 163
38 the A team Funkypool danny godlieb 28 161
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:11 Thu 22 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Bit more respectable, up to 30th and overtaken goo!

Better than my consistant second bottom before!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:47 Thu 22 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm moving my way up the pecking order too after falling back after transfers
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:46 Wed 28 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Mr Simon, a tenner says that I will end the season well above you ! (well above being only 1 place or more!), been on holiday for a week and only just found the dam internet on my way to the bus to go home. It happpens. Laters.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:07 Wed 28 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
been on holiday so i am a bit late:p


1 Cool Dudes Crew Funkypool Cool_Dude 70 379
2 Hkewell's Champions chris stewart 59 346
3 red_devils callum lawrence 52 329
4 gava_utd Gavin Ashdown 37 320
5 OWNED Legends of Maricon 61 317
6 break the football funkypool break 40 314
7 Revenge's Monsters kevin carter 33 314
8 French Connection FC Pompey 4 Life 46 308
9 Lost On Display Mavado . 57 301
10 Get In There FunkyPool ll_pool_jay 57 297
11 spunkymonkeys Funkypool seandoh 33 294
12 Onion Baggers FunkyPool dr_pepper 70 294
13 MCKENZIE FC sharky rice 60 288
14 44cab's Compadres Funkypool 44cab 38 287
15 Gav's Boys Funkypool Gav 43 286
16 Sidewinder FC Bren dan 68 282
17 topworldselection topshots topteam 35 268
18 The_mighty_Rats Funkypool Rat 58 264
19 harbottle2004 Robert Harbottle 45 263
20 Bluey Samui PFC funkypool nick 37 262
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:07 Wed 28 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
21 jack_daniels Jack D. 59 261
22 derp's destroyers max lambert-derpatovski 46 256
23 redandwhitearmy pool_shark funkypool 50 253
24 harts's heroes funkypool harts 43 251
25 The Final Cut Ian Osborne 49 251
26 Pompey on Tour funkypool simon 51 244
27 tommy's Legends Funkypool Tomtax 20 230
28 bonds_greatest funkypool bond 18 229
29 berts_army funkypool lambert 28 225
30 Goo's Crew Funkypool Goo 36 224
31 pastys jamie vooght 19 224
32 suicide squad funnkypool canter 44 216
33 nicknax's champs! funkypool nicknax 30 212
34 Challengers Phil Grice 34 211
35 _bananas_ thuganomics 2 32 203
36 the show stoppers show stopper 55 202
37 gazrjones Funkypool gazrjones 17 195
38 the A team Funkypool danny godlieb 45 190
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:19 Wed 28 Sept 05 (BST)  [Link]  
now i knw what its like 2 b west brom.... always at the bottom ov the prem ship :(

Edited at 16:19 Wed 28/09/05 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:55 Tue 4 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Why do so many people have injured players in their starting 11? Change it around people!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:40 Tue 4 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
ha im 3rd
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:16 Sat 15 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
1 Cool Dudes Crew Funkypool Cool_Dude 62 487
2 Hkewell's Champions chris stewart 62 448
3 red_devils callum lawrence 57 424
4 Onion Baggers FunkyPool dr_pepper 55 418
5 Revenge's Monsters kevin carter 37 406
6 break the football funkypool break 42 400
7 gava_utd Gavin Ashdown 24 399
8 Lost On Display Mavado . 48 395
9 The_mighty_Rats Funkypool Rat 57 385
10 Get In There FunkyPool ll_pool_jay 35 381
11 OWNED Legends of Maricon 52 371
12 MCKENZIE FC sharky rice 33 369
13 jack_daniels Jack D. 62 365
14 Gav's Boys Funkypool Gav 39 364
15 spunkymonkeys Funkypool seandoh 36 361
16 French Connection FC Pompey 4 Life 18 351
17 44cab's Compadres Funkypool 44cab 20 347
18 harbottle2004 Robert Harbottle 58 347
19 topworldselection topshots topteam 28 345
20 The Final Cut Ian Osborne 44 333
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:16 Sat 15 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
21 Sidewinder FC Bren dan 43 327
22 derp's destroyers max lambert-derpatovski 26 323
23 harts's heroes funkypool harts 19 316
24 redandwhitearmy pool_shark funkypool 30 315
25 Bluey Samui PFC funkypool nick 18 312
26 tommy's Legends Funkypool Tomtax 36 306
27 Pompey on Tour funkypool simon 21 302
28 suicide squad funnkypool canter 30 293
29 the show stoppers show stopper 40 290
30 Challengers Phil Grice 34 290
31 berts_army funkypool lambert 33 284
32 Goo's Crew Funkypool Goo 27 283
33 nicknax's champs! funkypool nicknax 34 273
34 bonds_greatest funkypool bond 12 268
35 gazrjones Funkypool gazrjones 35 261
36 pastys jamie vooght 5 259
37 _bananas_ thuganomics 2 6 240
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:56 Sat 15 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i'm idling down the bottom with mr. Goo :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:14 Sun 16 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
With me? WITH ME? I'm a whole 10 points ahead of you Mr Nax ! What I'm annoyed about is the 19 point difference between Si and I, it's not over till the fat lady sings everyone remember that !
Deleted User
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11:16 Sun 16 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Just send the tenner in the post to me and forget about it

Deleted User
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14:11 Sun 16 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm always poo at these Fantasy Football things =(
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:23 Mon 17 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
cool_dude is running away with this!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:17 Mon 24 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  

1 Cool Dudes Crew Funkypool Cool_Dude 42 553
2 Onion Baggers FunkyPool dr_pepper 54 494
3 Hkewell's Champions chris stewart 31 492
4 red_devils callum lawrence 26 471
5 Lost On Display Mavado . 49 470
6 break the football funkypool break 45 464
7 Get In There FunkyPool ll_pool_jay 52 459
8 Revenge's Monsters kevin carter 34 456
9 The_mighty_Rats Funkypool Rat 40 438
10 gava_utd Gavin Ashdown 28 435
11 OWNED Legends of Maricon 48 425
12 French Connection FC Pompey 4 Life 39 410
13 spunkymonkeys Funkypool seandoh 40 403
14 MCKENZIE FC sharky rice 21 398
15 jack_daniels Jack D. 24 397
16 harbottle2004 Robert Harbottle 32 397
17 Gav's Boys Funkypool Gav 42 397
18 44cab's Compadres Funkypool 44cab 22 393
19 harts's heroes funkypool harts 40 387
20 topworldselection topshots topteam 16 376
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:17 Mon 24 Oct 05 (BST)  [Link]  
21 The Final Cut Ian Osborne 24 373
22 Sidewinder FC ^ ^ 40 371
23 redandwhitearmy pool_shark funkypool 38 365
24 derp's destroyers max lambert-derpatovski 32 362
25 Bluey Samui PFC funkypool nick 34 355
26 the show stoppers show stopper 34 336
27 Pompey on Tour funkypool simon 28 334
28 Challengers Phil Grice 28 332
29 berts_army funkypool lambert 32 332
30 tommy's Legends Funkypool Tomtax 20 330
31 suicide squad funnkypool canter 18 317
32 nicknax's champs! funkypool nicknax 22 317
33 Goo's Crew Funkypool Goo 21 315
34 gazrjones Funkypool gazrjones 38 306
35 bonds_greatest funkypool bond 32 303
36 pastys jamie vooght 17 299
37 _bananas_ thuganomics 2 25 280
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