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Posts: 36
14:34 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
9 Ball Arcade Marathon - mrandmrsval (3) loses to _k1rk_ (5) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: _k1rk_ 772.0 (+2.1), mrandmrsval 767.7 (-2.0)
42 minutes ago

We battled, you watched and we ended up having a good chat and I believe a mutual respect. I won and I still stand by him being unsporting but its fine to disagree with that. I think the best thing to come from it was our conversation in game.

LMFAO,,, shut up you sad freak,,, who gives a flying f-k
Posts: 607
16:13 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrandmrsval is _al from many funky years ago
Posts: 17
16:22 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
No it's not its kermit
He's married to miss piggy
Posts: 7,974
17:16 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrandmrsval is _al from many funky years ago

i thought it was you


when are u coming back lad
Posts: 607
19:28 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrandmrsval is _al from many funky years ago

i thought it was you


when are u coming back lad

Nope it isn't me. I ain't coming back onto the server not when I'm aware that there are creeps preying on children.
Posts: 5,821
23:24 Thu 19 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrandmrsval is _al from many funky years ago

i thought it was you


when are u coming back lad

Nope it isn't me. I ain't coming back onto the server not when I'm aware that there are creeps preying on children.
Mrandmrsval is you

Edited at 23:27 Thu 19/11/20 (GMT)
Posts: 35
07:27 Sun 22 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
9 Ball Arcade Marathon - mrandmrsval (3) loses to _k1rk_ (5) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: _k1rk_ 772.0 (+2.1), mrandmrsval 767.7 (-2.0)
42 minutes ago

We battled, you watched and we ended up having a good chat and I believe a mutual respect. I won and I still stand by him being unsporting but its fine to disagree with that. I think the best thing to come from it was our conversation in game.

Was a good chat and there was no fighting between the three of us - val was silent as per usual. I don't like to see unjustified abuse, however there's nothing wrong with disagreeing with some one without personal insults. I myself can be a very disagreeable chap
Posts: 35
07:38 Sun 22 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
...And on that note, something I disagree with is being called a "cheat" when I beat someone fair and square. I had poolbuster on ignore for months as he would whinge and accuse me of being a cheat whenever I beat him. I decided to take him off ignore as I hadn't played him for a long time and thought he may have cleaned his act up a bit. We were playing in the 8UK final just now, 2 games in. He gets on the black after I miss a pot and leave him a simple clear. He falters, lining up and then re-lining up several times for a rather simple pot on the black. His time runs out and he does a little tap which ends up in a foul - i initially thought he random shot however it's just a fault at his end not having enough shot power. I clear to win the frame and he responds with the following:

poolbuster hit no ball (foul)
poolbuster: ffs cheating again
green: lol
poolbuster: cheating scum
green: you didnt shoot in time you idiot
RESULT: 8 Ball UK Grand Prix - poolbuster (0) loses to green (2) on the black

Poolbuster then left the game

If im being honest im not left with the best impression of him from a pathetic accusation like that before running off. Thats the game though I suppose, you get allsorts!
Posts: 607
21:51 Sun 22 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
I heard poolbuster had found a job an finally found something better to do with his time then play funkypool from 2am till 2pm.

Oh wait he plays fifa now on an xbox 360?

Some would consider that a hobbie an not a job.

Lmfao ignore the haters
Posts: 5,821
14:00 Mon 23 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
listen to the guy that plays his ex box all day
Posts: 4,228
23:53 Thu 26 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
you reply and the letters are up...
Posts: 4,228
23:55 Thu 26 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
sounds about right. on a bad day, everyone is a cheat for the ole poolbuster :)

saying that, thanks for takingg me off the iggy for a change, i missed u too lol
Posts: 5,201
01:54 Mon 7 Dec 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
I thought it was bad enough that fasteddie_ is logging in his other name anglepark83 to chat because he is muted so he can still talk garbage lol , its really taking the hiss that he is entering both names into tournament's at the same time .

Edited at 02:32 Mon 07/12/20 (GMT)

Edited at 05:53 Mon 07/12/20 (GMT)
Posts: 5,201
03:34 Mon 7 Dec 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22
20:31 Tue 8 Dec 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
go you gal
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