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Posts: 4,195
23:07 Mon 16 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would welcome other people's opinions!

It's not difficult to see what has gone've ripped in to a fellow member for not talking ffs

A wolf in sheep's clothing???!! Thanks, because that did make me chuckle

I didn't call anybody a bully

i have to say this has been going on for a good few years now and i totally agree with all thats been said regarding _k1rk_ its all about me me me with him, no one else opinion matters and yes i will say it he can be a bully sometimes and im so glad a few other well respected members have finally seen this. and have put him firmly in his place

You forgot arrogant, egotistical, handsome. And backs it all up
Posts: 22
23:20 Mon 16 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
kirk tbh im first hand an still got everything, every e-mail so pipe down lad yeh .. its boring.. yer a twunt get over it ... an expressive time take fingers jeez.
Posts: 4,195
23:33 Mon 16 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Enlightening as always. Stay frosty
Posts: 22
23:49 Mon 16 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
you know it
Posts: 22
00:51 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 22
01:21 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
thought so cant not lie ..
Posts: 35
06:54 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Regardless of dictionary definition I have nothing to be bitter about. I would class it more as bemused. The last time I was at school was when I was teaching you how to play pool. I find it hard to teach the special kids though.

As well as going back to school to learn basic word definitions you should also go to a clinic for those bouts of delusion youre experiencing
Posts: 35
07:04 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
On the contrary I am very much nonchalant but I generally reply to anyone whether I agree or disagree. I dont have to agree with you. And im entitled to continue to back up my original point. Especially how you are trying to twist it into something it was not.

I fail to see how mentioning something that relates to the title of the thread is crying or whining. Its a simple fact that to not say gg etc isnt very sporting. Then added to that the excessive safety play. Safety play is used in all game types of course. But not as much as he uses. If you go down to a pool hall he would be laughed out the building.

I watched him try to clear when he thought his safeties paid of and he couldnt even clear an open table. It was laughable. So yeah its absolutely used because of his lack of ability. Thats just the way it is. You dont have to agree. He isnt good though. And the way he acts shows he is himself intimidated and scared.

I played against a new player I never played before called potslots. We both won and had some good friendly games. A player like that earned my respect and he beat me.

"On the contrary" lol, yeah OK Sherlock. Fact is you do appear as a bitter crybaby as you continue to harp on about vals safety play, while making personal attacks at him on an online forum. You care that much to type out these silly long messages. It could be excusable if you were a young kid, but according to your profile youre 30? Very sad
Posts: 35
07:21 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont believe you know me well enough to know my shortcomings. And you slipped up there because i admit when I lose and I am honest. But even so. If you had won, it changes nothing.

Maybe so but the exact same can be said of you and your safety play.

Oh please dont mistake me for being upset. Im very capable of expressing my posts in a calm manner. I have zero reason to be upset. Your entitled to disagree and I expect nothing less. Id love to play the game but players like yourself and mrandmrsval do take the fun out of it for me. And you are allowed to play as you play, it just doesnt earn my respect.

I think we should agree to disagree on this topic as it would go on endlessly. And because im big enough to admit the truth I would say you are a much more capable player than mrandmrsval when you go for it. Sometimes the safety costs you.

Youre hardly convincing anyone that youre not upset with these dramatic messages. You really cracked me up with your line "And you are allowed to play as you play, it just doesnt earn my respect.." Everyone - im hereby announcing that im quitting funkypool as I havent earned k1rks respect

Anyway I completely agree with you saying people are entitled to play as they wish. This sums up my message all along. Whether you like it or not - val, myself, whoever else is entitled to play as safe or as attacking as they want, & shouldnt be ridiculed on the forum for it
Posts: 4,195
09:13 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Regardless of dictionary definition I have nothing to be bitter about. I would class it more as bemused. The last time I was at school was when I was teaching you how to play pool. I find it hard to teach the special kids though.

As well as going back to school to learn basic word definitions you should also go to a clinic for those bouts of delusion youre experiencing

We can go together, looks like you need your denial fixed
Posts: 4,195
09:39 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
I never he said he wasnt entitled. I said there is a level of safety that becomes to much and taking the fun out of the game for others. While still entitled. I just dont agree with it and never will. Ruins the game for me but I guess thats what he wants.
Posts: 13,570
15:44 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  

What you're saying is, you're not happy with his tactics and are therefore ripping into him????
So the way to deal with it is spit out yer dummy, throw the toys outta yer pram and then ridicule???

Personally I'd take their tactics as a mark of respect due to the fact he/she thinks they need to do that to beat you. Although the way you have dealt with it commands no respect at all. Granted you are a good player, but really?

Tell you what, if we get a 10 or 20 sec delay before a game or match starts then you can let your opponent know how you would like them to play ffs long as you've got your homework done and changed out of your school uniform
Posts: 4,195
17:22 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Totally not listened or got my point. Yawn.
Posts: 4,195
17:31 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Safety is ok. Safety after safety after safety even when you can clear is pathetic and boring. I dont care if you mongs disagree because well your mongs. And I dont care if you wish to call me a bully and childish or bitter. Because to me your all maggots anyway. And thats all that matters
Posts: 13,570
18:14 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,195
18:16 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awwww shucks, you know where you can shove that black ball
Posts: 5,821
22:55 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then surely that would mean mentioning it to your friend as you did say about him not so long ago. I wasnt being negative about him because believe me I could say much worse.

All I said were facts that related to the title of the thread. As I find him rude and his play style is boring. Not to mention he runs from games with good players when he is losing rank. He is a wannabe and hopefully this call out will make him play better and be sporting at the very least.
yes I played him a few times and instead of going for his shot he pots the white and when you snooker him he does the same pots the white ball any other player woul try to get out of snooker but he does not
Posts: 4,195
23:07 Tue 17 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then surely that would mean mentioning it to your friend as you did say about him not so long ago. I wasnt being negative about him because believe me I could say much worse.

All I said were facts that related to the title of the thread. As I find him rude and his play style is boring. Not to mention he runs from games with good players when he is losing rank. He is a wannabe and hopefully this call out will make him play better and be sporting at the very least.
yes I played him a few times and instead of going for his shot he pots the white and when you snooker him he does the same pots the white ball any other player woul try to get out of snooker but he does not

Exactly, but we are wasting our time as these idiots will defend it because they dont like me. Its a sad way to play but ah well. But my original point on top of playing like that is he never says gl or gg and I find it unsporting.
Posts: 35
06:24 Wed 18 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol oh grow up buddy. I dont know about the others but my stance on this topic is not because I "dont like" you as you say, hell I dont know you at all aside from this interaction and a handful of games. Ive made my opinion clear all along that I defend Val and anyone elses right to play in the style they wish. Thats one of the great things about pool - the variety of strategy and technique between different players. He and anyone else doesnt deserve bitchy comments being made about them and their family on a public forum because you dont enjoy their style of play.

As for gls and ggs, are they really that important to you? I have never seen Val say a word on the game, has anyone? Anyway the gg/gl tradition is only tokenistic gesture. If someone was sending abuse your way (a bit like what weve seen on this topic) then sure that would be unsporting, but to say a player is unsporting for remaining silent as per usual is a real stretch of the definition of unsporting.
Posts: 4,195
12:33 Wed 18 Nov 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
9 Ball Arcade Marathon - mrandmrsval (3) loses to _k1rk_ (5) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: _k1rk_ 772.0 (+2.1), mrandmrsval 767.7 (-2.0)
42 minutes ago

We battled, you watched and we ended up having a good chat and I believe a mutual respect. I won and I still stand by him being unsporting but its fine to disagree with that. I think the best thing to come from it was our conversation in game.
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