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Posts: 38,097
22:12 Mon 24 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (9) vs (6) tratter
3-2 in each
Both didnt play too well. I gave away a couple of frames with really poor positional shots and a bad miss. tratter also left a few chances. He fluked two frames, I fluked one.
This was better than several previous matches this season, but really not that great.

Luckily, we win the match by 1 point with that.

Nice! probably will be Team H's only loss this season lol.
Posts: 38,097
22:13 Mon 24 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
Deadline 30th April @ Midnight

Post Results Here

cke1982 v fastboysam
im_crap_adam v whocares8x8
whocares8x8 v 9ballsniper_
cke1982 v naaaaaaaaath
whocares8x8 v rapid_pot (Hoping Adam logs in soon)

their are no words yet if Subs are allowed without removing someone so disallowed for now but may help get games played closer to the deadline horse10000?

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Once this post is posted, i'll check the current page only for missing results and post them, Rest are down to Clan Reps.

Posts: 38,097
13:51 Tue 25 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 vs veyron

instead of rapid_pot.
Posts: 11,061
07:24 Wed 26 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Ha, adam just messaged as well. Ill see who i catch on first.
Posts: 38,097
21:10 Wed 26 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Ha, adam just messaged as well. Ill see who i catch on first.

Yeah, was removed mainly due to activity by Keith but Veyrons about now
Posts: 38,097
23:50 Sat 29 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys, i'm not sure where we're at with subs but with deadline being tomorrow, i'm going to allow Subs to get games done as the most important thing is to avoid defaults so if you have an active sub vs an inactive player then please use them to get games done.

I can't see Keith disagreeing as would have done same last season and millions of changes so can't see a few more hurt
Posts: 38,097
13:32 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Keiths League
DeadlineTONIGHT @ Midnight

Post Results Here

cke1982 v fastboysam (Team M - Harriet, Team D - Seb)
im_crap_adam v whocares8x8 (Team A, Horse, Team D - Cke)
whocares8x8 v 9ballsniper_ (Team E - Beetlejuice)
cke1982 v naaaaaaaaath (Team F - Bucky)
whocares8x8 v veyron (Team D - Cke)

Subs and Swaps are allowed so please use one if the opportunity presents itself.

If any is played please post results on results thread or it may be treated as an unplayed match (even partial ones).

Defaults start tomorrow but please be aware that theirs been lots of changes so people in the fixture at this time may not be responsible for the game going to default but info from all those players would be required.

Posts: 11,061
20:44 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (9) vs (6) im_crap_adam
8US: 5-0
9-Ball: 2-3
8UK: 2-3

No luck at all for crapman in the first 5 frames, with several tough bounces. That turned around in 9-ball, where he smashed in two 9-ball-combos that didnt look very planned. I also missed an open shot on the 9 to lose one frame.
8UK was very good by him. We each ran out once. The fixture was already over by the time he won his third frame of course...
ggs mate!
Posts: 11,061
22:05 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 (2) vs (0) veyron
We were 21-9 ahead before this, so I only needed two frames to get the fixture. We decided to quit at 2-0 up since we're a bit short on time (at least i was).

ggs mate!
Posts: 38,097
22:11 Sun 30 Apr 17 (BST)  [Link]  
nice win, rest would likely go to default but fixture already decided
Posts: 38,097
15:51 Mon 1 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  

Default Info should be sent in to horse10000 by Midnight UK Time on Friday 5th May.

Remember the players who are in games now may not be responsible for the default.

Team D 15 v 15 Team M
cke1982 v fastboysam

Team D 18 v 12 Team E
whocares8x8 v 9ballsniper_ (Team D - marksmith)

Team D 20 v 10 Team F
cke1982 v naaaaaaaaath (Team F - dvz)

Team D 23 v 9 Team K
whocares8x8 2 v 0 veyron (Fixture Decided) (Team K - rapid_pot)

i'll mail individually as well
Posts: 11,061
20:25 Mon 1 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
why are we doing default for the game against veyron? I thought it was only the fixture win that counted. At least thats what i was told earlier in the season? We couldve finished it otherwise.
Posts: 38,097
20:29 Mon 1 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
why are we doing default for the game against veyron? I thought it was only the fixture win that counted. At least thats what i was told earlier in the season? We couldve finished it otherwise.

I just added all games including partial ones and put fixture decided next to less important defaults. Not really been told much throughout the season, just do the updating and leave Keith to make the more important choices (Subs was my idea though)

There is frame difference potentially but not really important.

I'll mail Keith now asking if he wishes to skip decided results.

Edit: Grammar Mistake

Edited at 18:12 Mon 01/05/17 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
14:22 Fri 5 May 17 (BST)  [Link]

Last chance for default info, needs to be sent to horse10000 tonight if you have any
Posts: 1,986
18:06 Sat 6 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just wanted to say hi to all my friends on Funky Pool.
Posts: 38,097
20:49 Sat 6 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  

Team D 22 v 22 Team M
cke1982 7 v 7 fastboysam

Team D 28 v 12 Team E
whocares8x8 10 v 0 9ballsniper_

Team D 30 v 10 Team F
cke1982 10 v 0 naaaaaaaaath

Team D 30 v 15 Team K
whocares8x8 9 v 6 veyron (was 2-0)

Well done guys
Posts: 38,097
21:07 Sat 6 May 17 (BST)  [Link]

Congrats to Team A for winning this Seasons Clan League

1ST: Team A (36 Points, 11 Wins, 1 Loss)
2ND: Team H (33 Points, 11 Wins, 2 Loss)
3RD: Team I (30 Points, 10 Wins, 3 Loss)

4TH: Team M (28 Points, 9 Wins, 1 Draw, 3 Loss)
5TH: Team B (24 Points, 8 Wins, 5 Loss)
6TH: Team J (21 Points, 7 Wins, 6 Loss)
7TH: Team D (19 Points, 6 Wins, 1 Draw, 6 Loss)
8TH: Team L (18 Points, 6 Wins, 7 Loss)
9TH: Team F (16 Points, 5 Wins, 1 Draw, 7 Loss)
10TH: Team G (15 Points, 5 Wins, 8 Loss)
11TH: Team K (13 Points, 4 Wins, 1 Draw, 8 Loss)
12TH: Team C (12 Points, 4 Wins, 9 Loss)
13TH: Team G (6 Points, 2 Wins, 11 Loss)
14TH: Team N (0 Points, 0 Wins, 13 Loss)

**All Teams have +1 Win due to Team N's Elimination**
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