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Posts: 108
20:21 Tue 1 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
From someone who makes up fake girlfriends, your opinion isn't even valid since you clearly have a few screws loose inside your head.

erm are you talking too yourself again..
nothing changes there then...

lets look at you Phil,, lol
Car crash you made up.. your excuse to spend every waking moment on here..

i may have many screws lose
but your a kid
living on pool, why is that ?
its sunny outside
loads of things to do
loads of friends
a job (not)
living at home .(lol)

tell me Phil, why are you on here
every second of everyday

sad so very sad
but thats a life choice, you choose this path

i have a fiancee, you have a computer
im not here anywhere as much as i was
through choice
youve made a life on here

Screw lose hmmm really

youve never seen me, or Sarah many have
i love your pic... lmao

how can you judge anyone
Posts: 75
21:59 Tue 1 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
silence_hill (0) loses to poiuytrewq (2) on the black
RANKINGS: poiuytrewq 765.7 (+3.0), silence_hill 753.0 (-2.9)
12 minutes ago

Dedicated to silence_hill, hope your ok buddy, you seemed rather upset after that.
Posts: 4,230
01:21 Wed 2 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
back on topic it is then

won a 8UK mara, surprised myself actually.
I would like to dedicate it to firstly, fcfrankel, who was extremely unlucky to loose 03, due to few lucky shots by me. He clearly is a top-top player.
And also, to my good old friend, dvz
who i managed to beat in the final, 5-4. Id say he let me win really

Also, whilst im posting already, little note to ferretlady- i will be online tomorrow and thursday night at 6pm UK time, to get tht game played. I have been on 2 days now at the times ive said i can be on and shes off 2 days :( hopefully i can get to help u dgeneratio, and get it played, we will see...
It has to be said tht i did received a mail off her on the day when i was subbed in to "play now" but i was at work.

And my matey hippesville, thanks for not being in tht tourney, ud prob ruined it for me hahaha
You are a class act on this site and also off it, keep up the good work!
Posts: 13,570
04:07 Wed 2 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Sir
Posts: 607
00:37 Sat 5 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I dedicate being ranked 1st in 8us and 9us to kris, w_hoolahan, _takeiteasy_, parallax,

Edited at 21:40 Fri 04/08/17 (BST)
Posts: 108
15:12 Sat 5 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
i dedicate all my wins to anyone who is on this site 20 hours a day

have funky fun everyone
Posts: 607
22:08 Sun 6 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Dedicate my back to back run outs in 8us to you allllllllll

19:02 Sun 06/08/17
8 Ball Billiards - silence_hill broke and cleared up!
18:57 Sun 06/08/17
8 Ball Billiards - silence_hill broke and cleared up!
Posts: 607
05:48 Mon 7 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
And now back to back 8uk run outs

02:23 Mon 07/08/17
8 Ball Pool UK - silence_hill broke and cleared up!
02:18 Mon 07/08/17
8 Ball Pool UK - silence_hill broke and cleared up!
Posts: 13,570
16:05 Thu 10 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats to Tom for hitting 600 Tournies!
Posts: 13,570
23:43 Sun 20 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats to Tom for hitting 600 Tournies!

cant believe ive had to tag the numpty!

_stellafella!!! fs!

.......oh and I hit 700 I think too lol
Posts: 399
23:44 Sun 20 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats to Tom for hitting 600 Tournies!

cant believe ive had to tag the numpty!

_stellafella!!! fs!

.......oh and I hit 700 I think too lol

cheers m8 im hitting 30mph soon n be over taking ur sorry behind
Posts: 13,570
23:46 Sun 20 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats to Tom for hitting 600 Tournies!

cant believe ive had to tag the numpty!

_stellafella!!! fs!

.......oh and I hit 700 I think too lol

cheers m8 im hitting 30mph soon n be over taking ur sorry behind

lmao thats hilarious x
Posts: 4,230
02:39 Sat 2 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
now, id like to say something about one of the most hated player around here- silence_hill

Ive mostly stayed neutral, in all that hate, that people are giving him. firstly, because i kinda have sorted our issues with him, and they have been sorted for nearly a year now. That is, by me, anyway.

Sadly tho, today- i meet him in a final. No greetings, nothing. Mara 8b arc. He plays some bad shots, gets 0-3 behind, then quits in fourth.

In my book, fk the greetings, its fine. But i cant remember when i last time quit a tourney just cos i was behind.
In my book this isnt right. I would understand, if the man says tht "sorry man, its not gonna happen today, ill give the rest to you"- ive done that few times. frustrated, etc.

But not like that. this is not right in my book, Phil. And sadly this isnt the first time either.

Not that anyone cares on here, anymore, but i still try to maintain some face, some dignity, some friends.

This might also be a reason, why one of us has been banned many times, and the other hasnt.

Anyhow, i have to dedicate this win to you, Phil.
Was easy enough, because you quit.
Posts: 607
03:45 Sat 2 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
now, id like to say something about one of the most hated player around here- silence_hill

Ive mostly stayed neutral, in all that hate, that people are giving him. firstly, because i kinda have sorted our issues with him, and they have been sorted for nearly a year now. That is, by me, anyway.

Sadly tho, today- i meet him in a final. No greetings, nothing. Mara 8b arc. He plays some bad shots, gets 0-3 behind, then quits in fourth.

In my book, fk the greetings, its fine. But i cant remember when i last time quit a tourney just cos i was behind.
In my book this isnt right. I would understand, if the man says tht "sorry man, its not gonna happen today, ill give the rest to you"- ive done that few times. frustrated, etc.

But not like that. this is not right in my book, Phil. And sadly this isnt the first time either.

Not that anyone cares on here, anymore, but i still try to maintain some face, some dignity, some friends.

This might also be a reason, why one of us has been banned many times, and the other hasnt.

Anyhow, i have to dedicate this win to you, Phil.
Was easy enough, because you quit.

Posts: 4,230
04:04 Sat 2 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
so, you posted a smiley, instead of explaining your shortcomings at the simple know-how on politeness on this site.

Or are you referring to the 9us final, where u won me?
in that case-
Well played, what can i say, the better player won there!

Either way, you look bad at doing it.
Posts: 13,570
04:08 Sat 2 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
That's Dedication
Posts: 607
04:18 Sat 2 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
so, you posted a smiley, instead of explaining your shortcomings at the simple know-how on politeness on this site.

Or are you referring to the 9us final, where u won me?
in that case-
Well played, what can i say, the better player won there!

Either way, you look bad at doing it.

Politeness? I don't think you know the meaning of the word. In all fairness pm me sometime in server please Kris. Oh wait a min you can't because your on ignore and have been on ignore for a number of weeks if not a month.

I shouldn't have to explain anything. But since we are considered friends i'll explain to you. I lose respect for someone who talks when its your shot. A bit fussy you may think? It's only when people are trying their best to put you off. That's when i get annoyed, in your case you still do what you have done for years and years, especially against me, if nobody else. You actually type on screen "gg wp gl" when im still in the process of taking my shot, and i remember back when i had 3 or 4 pots to make and you were typing "gg gl".. That in itself puts pressure on me to finish up the frame. If i miss/underhit i feel your laughing, now that infuriates me.

Back to the 8 arcade final, i was playing horrendous, its a flukey game. Anyone can win so i just very rarely say anything in either 8 arcade or 9 arcade anyway. Nothing against you
Posts: 13,570
21:40 Sun 3 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
WOW!.......a run of 98 in Straight

2 off the big 100 but still my best. Even hit a 73 yesterday too.
Must add the fact that the 73 was in a Speed Tourny and a lot tighter (unfortunately I can't say I'd run out of tourny time lol)
Dedicated to davitz my oppo and to all me funky chums

Edited at 18:43 Sun 03/09/17 (BST)
Posts: 399
22:38 Sun 3 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
wd m8 great stuff I cant get 30 at mo
Posts: 44
05:20 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
silent phil, you came in to say I didn't say gg.....

I did say it.....

You're ignoring me you absolute clown lmao...

Words .... leave.... me..... for how dumb you are. I have you on my friends list, you have me on ignore, then complain when you can't see what I type... DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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