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Posts: 4,230
05:31 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
silent phil, you came in to say I didn't say gg.....

I did say it.....

You're ignoring me you absolute clown lmao...

Words .... leave.... me..... for how dumb you are. I have you on my friends list, you have me on ignore, then complain when you can't see what I type... DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

nvm, he lost it anyway
Posts: 44
05:32 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Very well played Kris, as normal lad
Posts: 4,230
05:35 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Well, the old age has finally caught up with me-i got glasses today

this is my first tourney won with my new glasses, tht look ace actually :)
Big thanks to leviathan, for cheering me on
I dedicate it to everyone, who care about me

many thanks x
Posts: 4,230
05:37 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image
Posts: 607
06:00 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah kris, carry on running you're mouth online

Dedicate my 9us mara win to the big man kris himself

Two faced

Eat, sleep, drink, repeat

Edited at 03:28 Sun 24/09/17 (BST)
Posts: 607
06:25 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

There you go guys, just living proof how two faced kris is.

Says "gg wp" when there was still 4 balls left on the table for me to pot.
Posts: 4,230
13:24 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Posted Image

There you go guys, just living proof how two faced kris is.

Says "gg wp" when there was still 4 balls left on the table for me to pot.

yeah, u scratched, i missed, u went for it and i said gg wp just before u were gonna sink the easy 9b

one might say tht i jumped it a bit, but if its obvious, then i dont see an issue there. AT THE END OF THE DAY, ITS STILL BETTER, THAN YOU, WHO SAYS FK ALL, either at the beginning, or at the end of the game. So u really do not have a leg to stand on here, my good friend.

Edited at 10:30 Sun 24/09/17 (BST)
Posts: 4,230
13:28 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
And, since you have brought it up, so classily- i challenge u to find 3 people, who i dont say the complimntary words, at the beginning and at the end of each game. and for every one u find, i can find u 25+ people, who can confirm, that i always do this.

Are u for real, man
Posts: 607
16:56 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Is that really the best you can come up with? Oh my daysssss... Firstly why lie about at what point in the frame you said "gg wp" you said it when i was clearing up and there were still 4 balls on the table..

Secondly. It's always an issue at whatever time you say it before the frame has finished. "You jumped it a bit".. You're jumping a lot then arn't you? If that's what you call being a stuck up two faced twit, then so be it, they are you're words not mine.

I say fk all? Congratulations.. You got me! I mean my username is called silence_hill, clue is kind of in the name that I don't say much. I have a reputation of winning an playing well in tournaments, however my reputation when i lose is simply don't say anything, go back into the chat room.

I mean that's surely a lot better than wishing someone luck in the next round, when the game is far from finished.

You are two faced kris end of
Posts: 4,230
17:32 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Is that really the best you can come up with? Oh my daysssss... Firstly why lie about at what point in the frame you said "gg wp" you said it when i was clearing up and there were still 4 balls on the table..

Secondly. It's always an issue at whatever time you say it before the frame has finished. "You jumped it a bit".. You're jumping a lot then arn't you? If that's what you call being a stuck up two faced twit, then so be it, they are you're words not mine.

I say fk all? Congratulations.. You got me! I mean my username is called silence_hill, clue is kind of in the name that I don't say much. I have a reputation of winning an playing well in tournaments, however my reputation when i lose is simply don't say anything, go back into the chat room.

I mean that's surely a lot better than wishing someone luck in the next round, when the game is far from finished.

You are two faced kris end of

u talking about your reputation. Do u understand, what that word means, my friend?
To have a reputation, u need actually have someone , that recognizes ur stuff. Uve won some tourneys, when the site is empty.

Ill just throw out few names here- Dvz, beenjammin, davitz, tinie, many more....... Even Harry- They all have left their mark on this site. They have REPUTATION

you?- u got nothing. neither do i, but unlike u, i dont crave for it.
But still, at least I am polite to other members, unlike you
Posts: 4,230
17:35 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
educate yourself, please, buddy-

I cant beleive, that a foreigner has to help u to the dictionary. Always here to help tho x
Posts: 607
17:38 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh just shut up you two faced moron please... I can't laugh anymore
Posts: 4,230
18:08 Sun 24 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh just shut up you two faced moron please... I can't laugh anymore

Laughing is supposed to be good for the ole health.
Keep practicing that, and u might finally get a reputation. I might have something to do with the circus, but still, its a reputation!

Clowns come to mind.....

Id say it has to be a common breed.

U sad boy. u are lost in your ways. Let me, as an older man, direct u towards the circus.
colorful signs, when u see them, u know ur at home
Posts: 13,570
00:03 Mon 25 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Enjoy PL!
Posts: 44
05:53 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  

I say fk all? Congratulations.. You got me! I mean my username is called silence_hill, clue is kind of in the name that I don't say much. I have a reputation of winning an playing well in tournaments, however my reputation when i lose is simply don't say anything, go back into the chat room.

I mean that's surely a lot better than wishing someone luck in the next round, when the game is far from finished.

You are two faced kris end of

Ummm, you just left the game after being 3-0 down there in 9ball mara final, on your way to a wonderful 5-0 loss. As per, your reputation in the short time i've played ye, is throwing your toys out of the pram and running, so a guy can't say he beat you 5-0.

Good player, but don't need to preach to Kris about being polite or what not, you're certainly not. Actually just came on to beat you 5-0, you ruined my God-damn night lol x
Posts: 44
05:58 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
oh, and nice glasses Kris mate!
Posts: 607
07:03 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a little message to tombo1

Should i bring up the facts that you lost 4-3 a couple of nights ago to leviathan in the exact same tournament? The same guy that i demolished 5-0 in the exact same tournament?

Should i upload the video recorded of the final, were you failed so many snookers, but yet managed to fluke so many pots? I mean come on man, the second frame you missed a 9 ball straight down the middle, and left me nothing on. That's luck that is infact 9 ball. Not forgetting that I infact played rubbish anyway. But even at 3-0 down, did i say anything negative? Did i give you any abuse at all? I couldn't have done, because if i had you would have reported me, and chances are i would have been banned.

You were only back a few nights, and you was already accusing of myself and _epicshot_ of being the same player, why not post about that? Or instead post that me and yabet are the same player?

I know why. Because you know that your wrong, i mean tell me by an offline message, what signals are entering your brain to spout such nonsense? Drunk or not.. Nobody is that silly

I would use more words to describe the drunk you are, more insulting words, but this is a respectful site. So i won't

And considering you posted the above looking for a reaction, I believe i've responded in a fair manner. Anger management classes must be working a treat. £1 a week well spent.
Posts: 607
07:13 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
I mean even I remember all the rubbish you used to type up on clan threads after a few drinks, and then apologising a day later.

You're actually so lame. You post looking for a reaction when you beat someone you dislike, but dude you are as quiet as a mouse when someone you dislike beats you. Hence exactly why you were placed on ignore the minute i saw you return.

This is actually my last ever forum post. So feel free to reply back saying absolutely anything. Chances are I won't ever read it. But I know you'll read this, and that's the joy i get out of all of this.

Having the last word. I really couldn't care that i lost a final. I do care that i just left without saying a word. That my friend is called control..

I hope in future you can learn to control your drink, before coming on here an typing so much crap.

Yeah I ran, but throwing my toys out of the pram, would surely mean some kind of insult thrown towards you? And if i did ever insult you, you know where the report button is. Waste of time though im guessing?

The end.

Edited at 04:19 Tue 26/09/17 (BST)
Posts: 44
08:15 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  

This is actually my last ever forum post.
Edited at 04:19 Tue 26/09/17 (BST)

Somehow, I doubt that.

let me respond will ya..... since you have me on ignore all the time, for no reason, I have to do it here.

you need to take me off ignore...

It's so 'lame' playin' a dude who won't chat, even a little bit. You probably have it in your head i'm insulting you or slagging your awful positional play off, but i'm not.

You talk about levi beating me 4-3 and you beating him 5-0 ,oh my..... that's a stretch at trying to claim a win over me.

Rafa, the old Liverpool manager, dealt in facts didn't he....

1. 7 frames in a row lost to me, at LEAST, (embarrassin', i'm not even good) FACT
2. You have me on ignore for some reason, when I don't mind banter. FACT
3. You claim the last post you made was your last post = liar! FACT
4. You said you have video of the levi semi-final I lost 4-3 in.... it was only me levi and some other guy, that was not you, in the room! Multi-user cheat! FACT

Number 4 is a big point....... FACT

5. I played this guy on snooker years ago, he's about 50 and has uploaded an ugly teenager picture to his profile. FACT
6. This is my last ever post on this matter. NOT SO FACTUAL

Posts: 14,736
16:15 Tue 26 Sept 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Grow Up! You sad little lowlifes!

Edited at 13:20 Tue 26/09/17 (BST)
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