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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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23:19 Tue 27 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Back with a bang, top class result m8.
Posts: 38,097
23:21 Tue 27 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
class harry
Posts: 2,327
23:23 Tue 27 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
class harry

Yours and harrys results alone scored 27 points out of a possible 30, so some great play during that fixture and a very well deserved overall win for the whole team.
Posts: 38,097
23:29 Tue 27 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah, mine wasn't as great i don't think but i'll take it as fed from his errors, same with ferret, Adams was good even though it was a loss as a close contest
Posts: 2,062
00:40 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  

w_hoolahan 14 - 1 bigcjl2

8us: 5-0 (run out me)
9us: 4-1 (GB me)
8uk: 5-0 (run out and 2 7 ballers me)

In 8us it began rather slow and tactical with it looking possible to go either way, but in the first 4 frames, 2 of them saw him somehow miss a sitter of a black to the top middle both times on his easy finishes ;/, in the other 2 i managed to find my way to win with one being a top run out, last solid don't ask how i got on for black so perfectly, power was only just enough full to knock it out and it be on. In 9us it continued to go my way with him making different decisions on shots and me always clearing pretty much, the one he did get was with a 9 over the pocket, was a tight frame. If anything i did feel better potting in 9us than i did 8us as id got going a bit too, doubles were good. Then in 8uk out came my form after he messed up at the end of the first as I went on to run out, 7 ball, 7 ball and 6 ball in the last 4. In many of them the balls ran well for me but also I played some top shots and got on for balls rather well when it could of gone wrong, however in one i did get a big slice of luck on last yellow going long off cushion when i expected to knock a red in or just miss easily when going for double to top middle. Overall wasn't his night and me well on return it went well in the end, started 50/50. ggs, thanks for playing!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:08 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice result harry

Just to clear things up I had Dee texting to say I missed an arranged time with Andy for the gsc , I'm not daft if I set a time I would have been here lol

My last message to Andy yesterday

tomorrow night onwards mate things are hard with work sometimes im not home till 8ish all depends how things go during the day timing etc

ill keep you posted tho but defo get it played
Sent a day ago

No where in my message did I say I'd be on tonight I said I would keep him posted if I can get on

I'm getting tired of this tbf would appreciate it if you can sub me out had enough
Posts: 2,062
07:21 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe w_hoolahan can jump in and put the newly sharpened sword to andy
Posts: 13,570
15:19 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Hoping to get games done tonight
Posts: 203
15:38 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs 2pac

2 vs 3 him
2 vs 3 him
2 vs 3 him

6 vs 9 him
Posts: 38,097
15:58 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
ul mate but nice close score
Posts: 38,097
16:00 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL set 2

Dragon Flame 18 vs 27 Uprising

w_hoolahan vs horse10000 (Arranging)
i_am_noob vs miss_harriet
dvz vs thegame26 (Arranging)

lolumadbro 4 vs 11 ritcho
_wales_lad_ vs turtle1560
__start__ 6 vs 9 dark_chocco
allypunk vs apples_back (Ally evenings from 8 pm)
hippesville 8 vs 7 zantetsukenz

Note: Ally, pm Dgen when you're on and he will see if Sam is free or if Stu has an Opponent

Dragon Flame 67 vs 48 Black Scorpions

dvz 7 vs 8 the__priest
hippesville 4 vs 6 veyron
w_hoolahan 14 vs 1 bigcjl2
_epicshot_ 9 vs 6 _huts24_
__start__ 8 vs 7 mr_pink_eyes
matttt 7 vs 8 slimeball
vixen_xox 5 vs 10 kris
dgeneratio 13 vs 2 drewdt3

Dragon Flame 44 vs 46 Phoenix

dvz vs legend_pot
__start__ 10 vs 5 mich
hippesville vs davyb0207
matttt 10 vs 5 andyw1
dgeneratio 6 vs 9 rapid_pot
lolumadbro 8 vs 7 letsgochamp
i_am_noob 4 vs 11 versatile
_wales_lad_ 6 vs 9 2pac786

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 2nd October 2016

^ Last games this week so lets make that effort (particularly vs Uprising) and lets get them done
Posts: 38,097
20:08 Wed 28 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Asked Ryan for an update and said they arranged for tonight but Ryan has to do something so may not be able to make it as he will be tired when hes back. Glad he told me in advance so Dave doesn't have to wait so not really missed an arrangement i feel (others may disagree) as he let me know well before the arranged time.

Ryan has assured me that he will be online All Day Sunday should the game not be played beforehand and i have Ryan on FB so hopefully things will be fine.

Edited for Ash's benefit

Edited at 17:30 Wed 28/09/16 (BST)
Posts: 859
20:45 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
have I any games left to get played???
Posts: 38,097
21:00 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
no mate
Posts: 2,327
21:02 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We need to sort out the GSC 8UK game if ally can't find the time and wants to be subbed out.
Posts: 2,327
21:05 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
have I any games left to get played???

Next fixtures will be the sl playoffs and killer that's all that's left.
Posts: 859
21:06 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
have I any games left to get played???

Next fixtures will be the sl playoffs and killer that's all that's left.

Posts: 2,327
21:15 Thu 29 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I tried to get Ally to change his mind but with his FCL vs Sam which is annoying him too I can understand it. So either I will sub in or Harry or pretty much whoever's eligible.
Posts: 2,327
00:06 Fri 30 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Would lolumadbro be able to sub into the 8UK GSC match.. If not I will sub in .. Just wanna be able to give the team their best chance!

As far as I'm aware Andy isn't available the weekend.
Posts: 38,097
00:22 Fri 30 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I tried to get Ally to change his mind but with his FCL vs Sam which is annoying him too I can understand it. So either I will sub in or Harry or pretty much whoever's eligible.

I understand too from what i was told, For Sam, If Ally can pm me when he is on at night i'll mail Stu and said he would sort something. I could check for Ally and ask if hes free but i don't think he will appreciate being pestered to play.
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DFE V - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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