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NO player will ever get to a 1000

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Posts: 859
13:19 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
if any of the class players can prove me wrong please do??

I bet no1 can get to 9.99 in a game type or a 1000 if it lets you??
Posts: 859
13:26 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
my mate dvz and onua have been the closest.. but never to be done?????
Posts: 38,097
13:29 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
no it is impossible to get to 1000 due to edge modification, highest ever on Snooker was 996 i think on Arcade on old system and 990 from Dest on Orig on new system.

Higher Rank you go above 900, the fewer points you will get which means playing 600s would mean like 0.1 per win and back then lost 10-20 for a loss on old system at least. Once saw a few above 970 ish playing even 700s and gaining 0.1 and 990+ only way they could play while gaining rank would be to play Professional Players and even then may only get 0.3 per win.

All it would take is one loss and you're back grinding again.

Higher Rank the less points you gain even against skillful players so like a Handicap for being top rank. Reverse is true for Novices, lower ranking below 600 they get a Rank Bonus to try and become an Intermediate.

This doesn't include Newbie Modification either which lowers your gain even more.
Posts: 859
13:34 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
so the highest is 9.99 then??
Posts: 38,097
13:35 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]

3) The edge modification: if you approach a very high ranking or a very low ranking your score is reduced.
Ideally, no players should be able to reach the extreme limits of the rankings system. If they do, the system is flawed as we can not differentiate between 2 players on the maximum.
Therefore it is (roughly) exponentially more difficult for players above 900 points to reach 1000 points.
An amount is reduced from scores, this is known as the edge modification
The actual amount is linear, at 900 points you lose 0%; at 950 points you lose 25%. If you get past 950 points it becomes even more severe, eventually resulting in a 100% loss of points at 1000.
The inverse occurs for users with scores below 600.
Posts: 38,097
13:36 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
so the highest is 9.99 then??

Correct, i'll try and link to more threads
Posts: 859
13:37 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
im asking if it would be possible for a player to get to 1000 points........ not how hard it would be pal?
Posts: 38,097
13:42 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]

Deleted User
(IP Logged) 8 years ago
As has been said before (twice), explains in detail why it can't happen. However, if you acheive a rank of 999.95+ it will be displayed as 1000.0 due to rounding.

^ Back when Rank was two decimal places
Posts: 38,097
13:43 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
From Blutch in two parts

We have already proven that mathematically, the ranking cannot reach 1000. However there was still a possibility of still reaching it due to computers having a limited precision in number's storage.

I've talked to Nick about that, and the result is that it's really impossible to reach a ranking of 1000, even when counting the computing imprecisions.

On funkysnooker the ranking gain is rounded to 2 decimal places (for example 2.4689 is rounded to 2.47, and 3.1345 is rounded to 3.13). Therefore, a ranking gain under 0.005 is rounded to 0.
Now, a player having a ranking of 999.97, winning against a 999.99 player, would gain, in original, 0.004199952116 points, which would get rounded to 0.

Therefore, 999.97 is the biggest ranking ever reachable on original.

Similarly, regular's maximal ranking is 999.96, and arcade's is 999.94 (the difference is due to the different ranking scale).

We can also affirm that, for any ranking scale up to 25, a ranking of 1000 cannot be reached. Indeed, for a ranking scale of 25, a player ranked 999.99 would gain 0.00499975 points for beating another 999.99 player, and this gain would get rounded to 0.
Posts: 38,097
13:43 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Conversely, for any ranking scale above 25, a ranking of 1000 could be reached. Indeed, for a ranking scale of 26, a player ranked 999.99 would gain 0.00519974 points for beating another 999.99 player, and this gain would get rounded to 0.01, and the ranking would become 1000.

Fortunately enough, we're far enough from having a ranking scale of 26, so it's safe to tell that a ranking of 1000 will never be reached on funkysnooker.

I hope this helps.
Posts: 859
13:45 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
just wondered if 1 of the robots would take the challenge on?????
Posts: 4,228
15:42 Mon 12 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
just wondered if 1 of the robots would take the challenge on?????

Lol, I'd like to see that too
Posts: 1,714
12:55 Tue 13 Sep 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's hard enough to get to 900 now, of course no one will get 1000 although it was never possible anyway
Posts: 404
11:33 Wed 5 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
my mate dvz and onua have been the closest.. but never to be done?????

If my mind serves me correctly.. ucyforit was the only player to reach 990+ in a game type. 8UK i believe it was.
Posts: 643
16:03 Wed 5 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
my mate dvz and onua have been the closest.. but never to be done?????

If my mind serves me correctly.. ucyforit was the only player to reach 990+ in a game type. 8UK i believe it was.

Was 8US Phil, he played for Crazy Eights at the time. He was close to it in 8UK as well though. Only remember as i used to play him usually every night for a bit before we played any clan games.

His account is not available for search now
Posts: 404
16:01 Fri 14 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
my mate dvz and onua have been the closest.. but never to be done?????

If my mind serves me correctly.. ucyforit was the only player to reach 990+ in a game type. 8UK i believe it was.

Was 8US Phil, he played for Crazy Eights at the time. He was close to it in 8UK as well though. Only remember as i used to play him usually every night for a bit before we played any clan games.

His account is not available for search now

Yeah he left a long time ago, didn't deactivate nor was he banned. He just didn't log in for 13 months an then his account disappeared. I'd still like to believe hes on here somewhere playing again though. Wasn't he 996 in 8us? I remember him being 989 in another type. It may have been 8UK though since you corrected me haha.
Posts: 8
21:17 Thu 20 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
That really didn't happen with ucyforit, wasn't even close.

Palosalamma got 990 plus in Original Snooker Degen, think it was around 994? Years ago.
Posts: 7
20:34 Sat 21 Jan 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
if any of the class players can prove me wrong please do??

I bet no1 can get to 9.99 in a game type or a 1000 if it lets you??
I will do it easy work
Posts: 38,097
20:42 Sat 21 Jan 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
That really didn't happen with ucyforit, wasn't even close.

Palosalamma got 990 plus in Original Snooker Degen, think it was around 994? Years ago.

yeah, 990 dest has is on the tougher system. 994 remains highest in Orig, In Arc was it Ste or Lyle who got like 996?
Posts: 7
20:47 Sat 21 Jan 17 (GMT)  [Link]  
ill do it on 9 arcade no danger
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NO player will ever get to a 1000

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