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DFE IV - World GSC (plate) Champions of the WORLD!

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Posts: 7,297
23:32 Sat 23 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub required for godawful. In (FBL) DFE team B as I see you have removed him.
Posts: 2,327
23:45 Sat 23 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub required for godawful. In (FBL) DFE team B as I see you have removed him.

Yes I'll sort that out for you, huts.
Posts: 2,327
23:57 Sat 23 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
We need to sub godawfuls game vs PHO and Harrys FCL game vs PHO, I've subbed into the BS one for godawful and perhaps matttt can play andyw1? If lolumadbro can't sub in to play rapid_pot, I'll sub into that one too.
Posts: 14,736
00:22 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No worries, we have plenty of time for the FBL Deadline anyway.
All Good.
Posts: 38,097
00:28 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Straight

Lost 2-0 to Andy

Sorry but he played well in these and i missed two tricky pots + inoff in the other.

He took eye off it with 30+ on (1st was easy, 2nd not so much with 1 smash left) so not much i could do.

ggs man, class and friendly as always, gl for season
Posts: 38,097
00:29 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
As for me, i'm off on the Xbox while it is free, see you tomorrow
Posts: 2,327
00:49 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Very unlucky James, Andy is a great player so no shame at all there, one miss in straight against the best players and that's all that's needed.

Got my first ever B2B run outs in 8UK yay me!
Posts: 2,062
01:08 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Very unlucky James, Andy is a great player so no shame at all there, one miss in straight against the best players and that's all that's needed.

Got my first ever B2B run outs in 8UK yay me!

nice!! getting ready for that FBL match!
Posts: 2,327
01:09 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Very unlucky James, Andy is a great player so no shame at all there, one miss in straight against the best players and that's all that's needed.

Got my first ever B2B run outs in 8UK yay me!

nice!! getting ready for that FBL match!

Lol I don't generally tend to like UK as a rule, but I'll take one for the team or two if I have to sub in vs Adam, haha.
Posts: 2,327
02:20 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No worries, we have plenty of time for the FBL Deadline anyway.
All Good.

Thanks, Ash, Will be sorted by the end of the weekend, promise.
Posts: 38,097
15:33 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Nice Work Dee and cheers, soon as Andy was in he created chances to make the 30.
Posts: 2,062
18:33 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures
5 Frames of 8US, 9US and 8UK

Deadline: 31st July

Dragon Flame 35 vs 55 Uprising

dvz 6 vs 9 dark_chocco
__start__ 6 vs 9 dv8
_takeiteasy_ 5 vs 10 cgibson92
_wales_lad_ vs miss_harriet
silent_phil 5 vs 10 r1p0m4n_v2
allypunk vs horse10000
matttt 6 vs 9 apples_back
i_am_noob 7 vs 8 erigert

Dragon Flame 51 vs 54 Funky Pool Devils

re_rack _jack 9 vs 6 klien
__start__ 7 vs 8 triple_b
silent_phil 3 vs 12 whocares8x8
_takeiteasy_ 3 vs 12 crazy_greg
dvz sub* 11 vs 4 scottyjr
northman vs gawa
dgeneratio 9 vs 6 quickshot
asdfghjk 9 vs 6 buckjam

Dragon Flame 49 vs 56 Black Scorpions

roxbury_100 6 vs 9 _huts24_
allypunk vs mighty_zeus
i_am_noob 5 vs 10 slimeball
vixen_xox 8 vs 7 kingdadcool
re_rack _jack 10 vs 5 bigcjl2
dvz 9 vs 6 kris
northman 5 vs 10 h50
dgeneratio 6 vs 9 drewdt3

Dragon Flame 37 vs 38 Phoenix

dvz 9 vs 6 legend_pot
__start__ 8 vs 7 dead_silence
w_hoolahan vs rapid_pot
_wales_lad_ vs _fresh_
i_am_noob 3 vs 12 mich
allypunk vs joeyy
matttt 10 vs 5 andyw1
silent_phil 7 vs 8 2pac786

Edited at 19:28 Sun 24/07/16 (BST)

Edited at 19:28 Sun 24/07/16 (BST)
Posts: 2,062
18:35 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Dragon Flame A (1) vs (1) Dragon Flame B

8US: __start__ vs roxbury_100
9US: allypunk vs vixen_xox
8UK: _takeiteasy_ (4)vs(4) silent_phil
STR: i_am_noob vs northman

Dragon Flame A 2 vs 0 Strawberry Goats

8US: __start__ vs cgibson92
9US: _wales_lad_ vs turtle1560 (s)
8UK: w_hoolahan vs r1p0m4n_v2
STR: dvz 2 vs 0 apples_back

Dragon Flame A 5 vs 1 Funky Pool Devils B

8US: _wales_lad_ vs ric_flair
9US: i_am_noob (2) vs (0) watchinawe (5-0)
8UK: _takeiteasy_ (2) vs (0) hustler_1987 (5-1)
STR: re_rack_jack (1) vs (1)centralsteel

Phoenix A 1 vs 1 Dragon Flame A

8US: joeyy vs __start__
9US: mich vs allypunk

8UK: legend_pot vs w_hoolahan
STR: rapid_pot (1)vs (1)dvz

Uprising Ultras 2 vs 2 Dragon Flame A

8US: dv8 vs __start__
9US: thegame26 vs _wales_lad_
8UK: dark_chocco (2) vs (0) re_rack_jack (5-2)
STR: _niall_ 0 vs 2 dvz
Posts: 2,062
18:37 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Black Scorpions B 1 vs 1 Dragon Flame B

8US: celticbhoy vs matttt
9US: black_shadow(4) vs(4) dgeneratio
8UK: madmick22 vs need sub
STR: drewdt3 vs northman

Uprising Ultras 6 vs 0 Dragon Flame B

8US: _niall_ (2) vs (0) matttt (5-2)
9US: thegame26 vs vixen_xox
8UK: zantetsukenz(2) vs(0) silent_phil
STR: dv8 2 vs 0 dgeneratio

Phoenix B 2 vs 2 Dragon Flame B

8US: friendyboy (4)vs (4)asdfghjk
9US: the_king84 vs vixen_xox
8UK: andyw1 vs need sub
STR: kirk (1) vs (1) dgeneratio
Posts: 404
19:20 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  

me vs _fresh_

1-1 8us
2-1 9us (1 run out for me)
1-0 8uk

5-2 to me

He conceded the last frame, claimed he couldn't play with the lag he was having. Which i simply would have thought, okay your lagging today. But tomorrow you might not be lagging. He seemed optimistic to just concede it though. Ggs mate
Posts: 7,297
19:21 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Vixen subbed in above vs madmick22.
Posts: 871
19:30 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Phil well played there, I lag most days lol and when I do I find it pointless playing as a frame which I can't lose I could end up losing which happened twice.
You played very well well done
Posts: 404
19:40 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done Phil well played there, I lag most days lol and when I do I find it pointless playing as a frame which I can't lose I could end up losing which happened twice.
You played very well well done

Yeah i felt you was a little harsh in your post match reaction on your clan teams thread. I sent 1 message yesterday in relation to friday. It wasn't that i wasn't happy. It was totally my fault why we didn't play friday. I realised that almost instantly. Its not like i put a gun to your head an said were playing today though. Which is the impression i got on your thread. I wouldn't have minded when we played. You were just on an asked if i wanted to play now. To which i said yeah sure.

Also i can't really remember what happened in 8us, first frame you cleared. 2nd frame i cleared. I know how good you are, the miss on the 9 ball was rare to see. but you left it tough for me to pot at the same time, i missed it and you potted it on your second attempt. Hitting a break like i did on my break, and literally having an easy 2-9 combo tap. Not many would miss that.

And yeah in 8uk it seemed you was having problems. I didn't even play well, that miss on the 9 for me in the first game of 9us was a horrible one. Lol we've played before it finished 3-3. So i know your a deadly finisher, and a great attacker. But lag can be a right royal pain in the backside some days.
Posts: 38,097
19:45 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't concede frames so 4-2 Phil with one UK to play. If Fresh can't complete we should get the 5-2.

Nice Result mate
Posts: 14,736
20:12 Sun 24 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
x_sean_x offline 9 days and (8 days on Snooker)

Sub please.
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