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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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Posts: 1,142
22:27 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Imagine it a default argument on here.

And a very unliked figure being screwed so it benefits the team of the league runner.

Not at all suspicious is it.

lol horse plays for uprising..

And who benefitted most from us dropping points...?

I see what your getting at, but whos fault is it that Dee didn't have an active opponent for the first 3 weeks?

You get punished and never seem to learn from it.

The person who came up with the genius idea of not allowing subs. Say my laptop breaks on the first day of the fixture... the only choice my captain has is to remove me from the clan right? Which makes me ineligible for the next fixture set as far as I know... so I can't play in possibly the next 4 fixtures? Despite having 3 weeks to fix my computer. It's not like a holiday that the captain should know about. There should be a mitigating circumstances option where a captain can apply for an early sub due to unforeseen circumstances.
Posts: 10,109
22:29 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Imagine it a default argument on here.

And a very unliked figure being screwed so it benefits the team of the league runner.

Not at all suspicious is it.

lol horse plays for uprising..

And who benefitted most from us dropping points...?

Not us. We've pointed out time and time again we're not bothered about the FBL. Don't think Eri even sent in any default info! Think you should unknot your knickers and try use some perspective.
Posts: 38,097
22:30 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.
Posts: 2,327
22:30 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Well that's open to for and against arguments. We had to remove Sean from the team and sub no less than 4 of his games yet they were all completed before deadline.
Posts: 38,097
22:31 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
it reminds of of Quickybaby's Tank Giveaways he used to do, like he had 3 rare prizes out of 15,000 viewers and drew it out of a hat, when they didn't win the prize, they moaned the draw was fixed because they didn't win.

Now he has a smaller prize for 20,000 viewers as he is nice like that so no one moans unless its before prizes are out and keep saying, Prize, Prize, Prize before the Mods make it VIP only.

If it was reversed and Curt was Dee and Dee was Curt i would agree with Keith's choice as in the Uprising fixture i didn't sub Harry until deadline as i forgot, had it gone to default it would be a clear 2-0 Uprising, even if Phoenix got a 1-1 with info given as it was, i would be disappointed but i wouldn't have ago at Phoenix or do what Phoenix normally does and play the 'bias' card with the runner (not singling mich out but i see it usually) but i would move on as it is only a game and not moan about screwjobs.
Posts: 1,142
22:32 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?
Posts: 2,327
22:33 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?

No, as long as they are put back in before lineups for the next fixture are sent in, they can play in any upcoming leagues.
Posts: 38,097
22:34 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?

Nah i'm not sure but usually people to sub faster (which i'm against as defeats three weeks to sub), only negative i think is they have to be subbed in all leagues.

Keith would know though
Posts: 10,109
22:36 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
This happens time and time again, season after season. Phoenix try and manipulate the sub process, lose - and then kick off a massive storm about how it's all corrupt and the site is against them. That's why with an exceptionally tiny minority, this clan has always attracted the degenerates of 2d billiard sports.
Posts: 4,046
22:37 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
NOOOOO!!!!! Pheonix weaners lose another default. You must be joking. They are just so easy to get games played with. FIX!!
Posts: 38,097
22:39 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
NOOOOO!!!!! Pheonix weaners lose another default. You must be joking. They are just so easy to get games played with. FIX!!

Its funny though, Scorpions was in the same situation as Phoenix vs FPD but i don't hear Huts complaining about it.
Posts: 1,142
22:39 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?

No, as long as they are put back in before lineups for the next fixture are sent in, they can play in any upcoming leagues.

Then how does that stop anything? If you can do that then you may as well be allowed to sub! The most sensible thing would be that an early sub should be allowed with the permission of the runner and the opposing captain!
Give you an example, I crack my head on a doorway on day 2 of the fixture and end up in hospital for 2 weeks. Ash messages you and Keith saying "rapid in hospital but will be back for week 4. Can we have permission to sub?" You want an active opponent so agree, clearly not tactical so Keith agrees. You get an active opponent but ash isn't forced to remove me from the team.
Posts: 38,097
22:43 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?

No, as long as they are put back in before lineups for the next fixture are sent in, they can play in any upcoming leagues.

Then how does that stop anything? If you can do that then you may as well be allowed to sub! The most sensible thing would be that an early sub should be allowed with the permission of the runner and the opposing captain!
Give you an example, I crack my head on a doorway on day 2 of the fixture and end up in hospital for 2 weeks. Ash messages you and Keith saying "rapid in hospital but will be back for week 4. Can we have permission to sub?" You want an active opponent so agree, clearly not tactical so Keith agrees. You get an active opponent but ash isn't forced to remove me from the team.

That would be fair as wouldn't have politics or manipulation behind it. Personally if both Captains agree (I mean Head Honchos not Vices) then a sub may be allowed early, otherwise would have to wait until permitted to do so.

Would be best of both worlds
Posts: 1,142
22:44 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You could if Ash added you back but politics and manipulation is WHY it was added.

Isn't the rule that if a player is removed during set 1 then they are ineligible for set 2 regardless of if they are put back in?

No, as long as they are put back in before lineups for the next fixture are sent in, they can play in any upcoming leagues.

Then how does that stop anything? If you can do that then you may as well be allowed to sub! The most sensible thing would be that an early sub should be allowed with the permission of the runner and the opposing captain!
Give you an example, I crack my head on a doorway on day 2 of the fixture and end up in hospital for 2 weeks. Ash messages you and Keith saying "rapid in hospital but will be back for week 4. Can we have permission to sub?" You want an active opponent so agree, clearly not tactical so Keith agrees. You get an active opponent but ash isn't forced to remove me from the team.

That would be fair as wouldn't have politics or manipulation behind it. Personally if both Captains agree (I mean Head Honchos not Vices) then a sub may be allowed early, otherwise would have to wait until permitted to do so.

Would be best of both worlds

This should have been thought through when the length of fixtures was brought in. Not rocket science.
Posts: 38,097
22:47 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe but look at Snooker, Lots of tie breakers in Cup and almost one in Killer where i was stuck how to do it as had 2 for win, 1 for draw.

I think Rules are their for a reason as now next season i can make a clear cut tie breaker situation (3 for win, 1 draw and either frame difference or head to head).

Without the tiebreakers i wouldn't have known my rule is buggy so i wouldn't see to fix things.

I'm happy with what Keith decides but i won't be playing next season so makes no odds to me
Posts: 1,142
22:51 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe but look at Snooker, Lots of tie breakers in Cup and almost one in Killer where i was stuck how to do it as had 2 for win, 1 for draw.

I think Rules are their for a reason as now next season i can make a clear cut tie breaker situation (3 for win, 1 draw and either frame difference or head to head).

Without the tiebreakers i wouldn't have known my rule is buggy so i wouldn't see to fix things.

I'm happy with what Keith decides but i won't be playing next season so makes no odds to me

I still maintain that 1 fixture 1 week is the way forward. Then there's no time to wonder if a player will come back or not. Captains have to put active players in from the start and it forces players to actually put some effort into arranging fixtures. Last FBL set I had curt, seb, jack and dave. I didn't message any of them and none of them messaged me. That's 5 very experienced clan players. It's like essays, no-one starts an essay with a 1 month deadline on day 1... at least, no-one normal does!
Posts: 38,097
22:59 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i always thought 2 in 2 weeks, but same averages. I do find in longer matches that effort is less as it has a long deadline then people start to panic later if things go wrong.

^ Just have to see my Endurance event.

Default system is harsher the longer the deadline due to that and three weeks to sub which i agreed with and on a point, i still do as means teams has to put in active or wait for three weeks to sub. Same effect as 1 game per week but in 1 game per week you make effort in first few days compared to people missing a week or two in a four week fixture.
Posts: 9,926
23:01 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What a surprise the biased card yet again........

Always blame others, maybe you should learn to look closer to home for who to blame.
Posts: 4,046
23:21 Sun 14 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
What a surprise the biased card yet again........

Always blame others, maybe you should learn to look closer to home for who to blame.

Thats extremely ambiguous. Who do you mean?
Posts: 1,142
00:48 Mon 15 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry guys, we lost the killer 4-2. Sean got logged out, then Ryan managed to kill off Fiz. Joey went soon after and then Ryan fought to stay in for ages before finally dying leaving 3 on 1. I killed off Sam after he missed a sitter, then Imran missed a sitter and died leaving 1 vs 1, me and zante. I was 2-1 up on lives, missed a ball that I actually can't believe, left him a plant which he made and the balls fell nicely for him and I missed a long pot. Happy getting 2 points from it but I had the chance to win it. Argh!
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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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