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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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Posts: 14,736
18:45 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 14,736
18:46 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Swap: Phoenix Reapers B vs Black Scorpions B
Now: kirk vs black_shadow & friendyboy vs drewdt3
Prev: kirk vs drewdt3 & friendyboy vs black_shadow

Swap made: drewdt3 can only play on Fridays and kirk cannot so I've spoken with black_shadow and he's fine with the swap.

You have to ask me to swap and I am saying no swap so In future you ask the captain not the player.

It's there own player who can only play on Fridays, 1 day a week so I made a swap which would enable friendyboy to play drewdt3 possibly this Friday and the berk reverses it.

Fine let's see what happens if goes to default. Some ppl on here are so dense.
Posts: 7,297
18:46 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
But will accept the swap in don_mega match in SL for drew.
Posts: 1,714
18:47 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Pretty sure i'd get the default as im the one that initiated contact and i can play a lot more times than he can so i wouldnt stress over it.
Posts: 14,736
18:50 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol you're unbelievable, obviously tactical. Don't you believe in your own player black_shadow? No you are content if the swap involves don_mega though lol

Unlike yourself I'm happy to let kirk play whoever as long as he gets to play an active usually helps.
Posts: 7,297
19:00 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Swap :

don_mega vs dead_silence
drewdt3 vs kirk
is now :
don_mega vs kirk
drewdt3 vs dead_slience
Posts: 14,736
19:17 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Reversed - we'll see how active drewdt3 can be - already been offline 11 days. (Deadline's a while away)

Back too original lineup:

kirk vs drewdt3 & dead_silence vs don_mega
Posts: 7,297
19:20 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Reversed - we'll see how active drewdt3 can be - already been offline 11 days. (Deadline's a while away)

Does'nt make sense at all that ?

Did'nt you post that kirk cant play when drew can ... Yes drew was offline 11 days and will get all his matches played but if kirk can not play then why reverse this swap ?
Posts: 14,736
19:20 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
kirk continue to message drewdt3 - I'm sure he'll have to try and accommodate you a little more than 1 day a week, failing that he should be subbed out. (Week 4)

Cheers mate
Posts: 14,736
19:22 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Reversed - we'll see how active drewdt3 can be - already been offline 11 days. (Deadline's a while away)

Does'nt make sense at all that ?

Did'nt you post that kirk cant play when drew can ... Yes drew was offline 11 days and will get all his matches played but if kirk can not play then why reverse this swap ?

Yeah your players the unavailable one - I made a swap to try and cater for all involved - yours is purely tactical so rejected. We'll make necessary changes in week 4 and not before seeing as you want to try and manipulate the fixtures ...already.
Posts: 7,297
19:26 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
kirk continue to message drewdt3 - I'm sure he'll have to try and accommodate you a little more than 1 day a week, failing that he should be subbed out. (Week 4)

Cheers mate

I was happy with the swap i made to get this match played quicker but i can see you was'nt lol .. Seems to me your looking for default and trying to gain points which wont help you. cheers anyways
Posts: 14,736
19:38 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You obviously don't know your own players online times and have little or no faith in all your players - black shadow (who was content with my initial swap) in this instance. don_mega used to be tombo1 and it's common knowledge he only plays weekends and that's if he even bothers to log on which helps kirk in no way at all.

So your swap was a benefit to no one really and ultimately would impact on US being forced to sub out our active player. Those are the reasons I rejected your swap involving don_mega.

We have a few weeks in order to try and get the fixture played, also the option for subs come the final week. I tried to get the fixture played which your player agreed too and i know for a fact friendyboy vs drewdt3 wouldn't be any issue. The reason you rejected my swap was you feel I went behind your back and made the swap that's the only reason lol. (as per your offline message you sent me - telling me to NEVER do it again!)

Get over yourself sunshine.

Do not approch one of my players next time regarding a swap , you need my permission / agreement from captain ! .
Posts: 14,736
20:35 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 1
Dates: 03/07/2016 >>> 31/07/2016

Subs Permitted: 24/07/2016 >>> 31/07/3016 (Week 4)

Phoenix Reapers (25) vs (20) Dragon Flame

legend_pot vs dvz
dead_silence vs __start__
rapid_pot vs w_hoolahan
_fresh_ vs _wales_lad_ (17/07 7/8pm)
mich (12) vs (3) i_am_noob
joeyy vs allypunk
andyw1 (5) vs (10) matttt
2pac786 (8) vs (7) silent_phil

Phoenix Reapers (48) vs (42) FPD's not Inc TBC

joeyy (9) vs (6) triple_b
legend_pot vs crazy_greg
friendyboy (9) vs (6) quickshot
(swp) letsgochamp (8) vs (7) buckjam
(swp) versatile vs itapool (TBC 5-0)
mr_tumble (9) vs (6) doge
the_king84 (5) vs (10) whocares8x8
2pac786 (8) vs (7) klien

Phoenix Reapers (35) vs (25) Black Scorpions

_fresh_ (10) vs (5) kingdadcool
letsgochamp (4) vs (11) bigcjl2
versatile vs mighty_zeus
the_king84 (8) vs (7) slimeball
legend_pot (13) vs (2) kris
mr_tumble vs madmick22 (s)
rapid_pot vs fastboysam
friendyboy vs celticbhoy

Phoenix Reapers (33) vs (42) Uprising

legend_pot vs miss_harriet
rapid_pot vs dark_chocco
_fresh_ vs corsair
mich (8) vs (7) dv8
dead_silence (8) vs (7) cgibson92
joeyy (6) vs (9) r1p0m4n_v2
andyw1 (3) vs (12) ritcho
2pac786 (8) vs (7) apples_back
Posts: 14,736
20:36 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1
Dates: 10/07/2016 >>> 07/08/2016
Subs Permitted: 31/07/2016 >>> 07/08/2016 (Week 4)

Phoenix Reapers A (Fixtures Only)

Phoenix Reapers A vs Phoenix Reapers B
8us: mich vs mr_tumble
9us: joeyy vs friendyboy (s)
8uk: legend_pot vs andyw1
Str: rapid_pot vs dead_silence

Phoenix Reapers A vs Uprising Ultras
8us: legend_pot vs miss_harriet
9us: 2pac786 vs dv8
8uk: mich vs dark_chocco
Str: rapid_pot vs corsair

Phoenix Reapers A vs FPD's A
8us: versatile vs crazy_greg
9us: 2pac786 vs doge
8uk: legend_pot vs scottyjr
Str: rapid_pot vs whocares8x8

Phoenix Reapers A (1) vs (1) DFE A
8us: joeyy vs __start__
9us: mich vs allypunk
8uk: legend_pot vs w_hoolahan
Str: rapid_pot (1) vs (1) dvz

Phoenix Reapers A (2) vs (0) Black Scorpions A
8us: versatile vs kingdadcool
9us: moore6cc vs slimeball
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) ]bigcjl2 (6-2)
Str: legend_pot vs mighty_zeus

Format: 8 frames of allocated game type - 2 frames straight ONLY
Posts: 14,736
20:37 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1
Dates: 10/07/2016 >>> 07/08/2016
Subs Permitted: 31/07/2016 >>> 07/08/2016 (Week 4)

Phoenix Reapers B (Fixtures Only)

Phoenix Reapers B (2) vs (0) Black Scorpions A
8us: friendyboy vs the__priest
9us: (s) kirk (2) vs (0) slimeball (5-3)
8uk: andyw1 vs bigcjl2
Str: dead_silence vs mighty_zeus

Phoenix Reapers B (2) vs (0) Black Scorpions B
8us: mr_tumble vs celticbhoy
9us: kirk (2) vs (0) black_shadow (7-1)
8uk: the_king84 vs madmick22 - needs to be replayed 8uk not 9us arc
Str: dead_silence vs drewdt3

Phoenix Reapers B (2) vs (2) DFE B
8us: friendyboy (1) vs (1) asdfghjk (4-4)
9us: (s) the_king84 vs vixen_xox
8uk: andyw1 vs godawful
Str: kirk (1) vs (1) dgeneratio

Format: 8 frames of allocated game type - 2 frames straight ONLY

Players Championship - Round 1
Deadline: 24/07/2016

friendyboy vs dark_chocco
andyw1 vs re_rack_jack - W 7-4
letsgochamp vs zantetsukenz - Zante through, Lewis no laptop
legend_pot vs the__priest - W 7-2
_knightmare_ vs immortal - Immortal Advances (personal issues)
Posts: 14,736
20:38 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 1: 17/07/2016 >>> 14/08/2016 (Deadline)
Subs Permitted: 07/08/2016 >>> 14/08/2016

Phoenix Reapers A

Phoenix Reapers A vs Phoenix Reapers B
mich vs kirk
rapid_pot vs the_king84
2pac786 vs friendyboy
legend_pot vs dead_silence

Phoenix Reapers A (2) vs (4) DFE B
moore6cc vs matttt
_fresh_ vs silent_phil
versatile vs x_sean_x
joeyy (2) vs (4) asdfghjk

Phoenix Reapers A vs FPD's B
versatile vs itapool
legend_pot vs ferretlady
2pac786 vs centralsteel
_fresh_vs watchinawe

Phoenix Reapers A (3) vs (3) FPD's A
legend_pot vs whocares8x8
moore6cc vs scottyjr
_fresh_ vs crazy_greg
rapid_pot (3) vs (3) gawa

Phoenix Reapers A vs Black Scorpions A
joeyy vs _huts24_
2pac786 vs the__priest
mich vs bigcjl2
rapid_pot vs slimeball

* Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk ONLY - (Bonus points awarded for Golden Breaks & Runouts)
Posts: 7,297
20:38 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You actually believe your own crap dont you lol .. incredible ! firstly you made a tactical swap to try and gain points which it was easy to see and then when i do my own swap you rejected it for the same reasons . I have better things to do with my time lol ..

Next time you would like a swap message me rather than trying to pick players you feel that you would win against . I have Full confidence in all my players win or lose but i wont stoop low with your antics . Enjoy your day !
Posts: 14,736
20:39 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fix Set 1: 17/07/2016 >>> 14/08/2016 (Deadline)
Subs Permitted: 07/08/2016 >>> 14/08/2016

Phoenix Reapers B

Phoenix Reapers B vs Black Scorpions B
dead_silence vs don_mega
andyw1 vs tonyc455
kirk vs drewdt3
friendyboy vs black_shadow

Phoenix Reapers B vs DFE B
friendyboy vs matttt
andyw1 vs x_sean_x
mr_tumble vs silent_phil
the_king84 vs vixen_xox

Phoenix Reapers B vs FPD's B
friendyboy vs ric_flair
andyw1 vs hustler_1987
mr_tumble vs justadream
the_king84 vs naaaaaaaaath

* Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk ONLY - (Bonus points awarded for Golden Breaks & Runouts)
Posts: 14,736
20:40 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You actually believe your own crap dont you lol .. incredible ! firstly you made a tactical swap to try and gain points which it was easy to see and then when i do my own swap you rejected it for the same reasons . I have better things to do with my time lol ..

Next time you would like a swap message me rather than trying to pick players you feel that you would win against . I have Full confidence in all my players win or lose but i wont stoop low with your antics . Enjoy your day !

It's old news that was finished 1 hour ago...just leave it at that.
Posts: 14,736
22:19 Tue 19 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]

League Name: Funky's Premiership
Code to join this league: 70422-24226

This Opened today so feel free to join up - £100m to spend on 15 players - Enjoy.

* It would be good to have a minimum of 10 players.
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Phoenix Reapers: "Masters of our own Destiny!" (Defending: GSC Champions)

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