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question for the mods?

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Posts: 859
19:48 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
question for the mods? ..... 8 Ball Pool UK Professional
Ranking 807.3 (2nd)
onua0767.. why does his ranking not go down 0.5 a day like everyone elses?? hes been ofline 5 months????
Posts: 38,097
19:54 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball Pool UK Professional
Ranking 807.3 (2nd)
Maximum 979.1

5) Daily reduction: a small amount is reduced from the top player's ranking.
To prevent player's simply retiring when they are top of the rankings half a point is chopped of their ranking daily.
The ranking is reduced to a residual point dependent on the maximum rank you have achieved. For every point you have scored above 750, the residual point increases by a quarter. Examples, someone who reached 950 would reduce until 800, 850 would reduce until 775, and 754 would reduce to 751.

Onua's Rank is already at lowest possible so it won't lower anymore, same as someone who goes below 750.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:33 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So it allows players to sit on ranks forever,bit daft.
Posts: 38,097
23:37 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So it allows players to sit on ranks forever,bit daft.

Only if you have a rank over a certain quality, it used to be everyone would sit on 800.0 but now if ranking isn't really high, you can lose Pro Status
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:46 Wed 6 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The ranking system has always favoured players that dont play regular. If you are on here daily your rank will fluctuate alot more than 0.5pt loss a day. Doesnt seem right.
Posts: 7,940
03:18 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]

This link explains ranking points and the daily reduction.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:50 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Legit question for mods .. Can we get rid of friendlies? I feel that is why more people do not play tournaments. They play friendlies to protect their rank. And then play in private game. If we got rid of friendlies it would cause more interaction between players.

I know sounds weird friendlies turns out to be not friendly to a site with few people.. can we mix things up and just see how it does ?

Please refrain from commenting on this unless you are a mod then please comment.

Posts: 38,097
12:04 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry Jack mate but as a master of friendlies feel i need to post, i enjoy friendlies as you can have fun. Prestige is reason i don't enter them as if you're in and you're straight into the final, no prestige or challenge involved.

Hate Ranked as have to take it as serious as a League game and i come on for fun with friends generally.
Posts: 14,736
14:38 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people don't play tournaments as it's usually the same old crowd, more than likely suffer a crashed screen due to the Premium Membership (Java) issue and some just can't be bothered or have the time.

I like to play Friendlies Vs friendyboy (my Co Captain) as it gives us the opportunity to discuss team issues over a friendly atmospheric few frames of pool.

If you want to justify why not many enter tournaments then the structure needs to be assessed, players being able to sit in the chat room or not even play any games whilst being logged on to a pool site needs to be addressed instead. At least those who play Friendlies are actually playing some pool.

Also Jack (Eric): You play Friendlies Vs friendyboy, myself, vixen_xox, etc just as much maybe even more than anyone else so how about just restrict yourself from entertaining such a game environment. You cannot tar everyone with the same brush when you are doing the exact same thing you have requested to be outlawed and stopped.

Comes over as two faced and extremely hypocritical IMO.
Posts: 7,940
15:58 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
So we have one person that wants to stop friendly games and one that wants to stop people sitting in the chat rooms, basically wants to stop members that hardly play from logging in.

I was going to comment on these but was laughing so much I found it hard to type lol
Right got myself together now and all I have to say is "not happening"
Deleted User
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16:01 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol the chat room exists for a reason haha.
Posts: 14,736
16:05 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No all I meant was instead of addressing players who only play friendlies yet are still actually playing pool on a pool site focus more attention on those who just sit in the chat room and don't play any pool.

It's a pool it not?
Posts: 38,097
16:06 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
you forgot daviking on snooker, he wants to force people to enter tournaments.

trump that
Posts: 38,097
16:11 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
No all I meant was instead of addressing players who only play friendlies yet are still actually playing pool on a pool site focus more attention on those who just sit in the chat room and don't play any pool.

It's a pool it not?

It is but as i told daviking on Snooker

"forcing someone to do something against their will is illegal." as i told him, can't force people to do something unless you are in the Army or something.

If people can't enjoy then will just leave altogether and find another game. Forcing people to play isn't the way to go.

I haven't got a solution except nick returning, fixing bugs and bring out new features but not around
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:16 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people don't play tournaments as it's usually the same old crowd, more than likely suffer a crashed screen due to the Premium Membership (Java) issue and some just can't be bothered or have the time.

I like to play Friendlies Vs friendyboy (my Co Captain) as it gives us the opportunity to discuss team issues over a friendly atmospheric few frames of pool.

If you want to justify why not many enter tournaments then the structure needs to be assessed, players being able to sit in the chat room or not even play any games whilst being logged on to a pool site needs to be addressed instead. At least those who play Friendlies are actually playing some pool.

Also Jack (Eric): You play Friendlies Vs friendyboy, myself, vixen_xox, etc just as much maybe even more than anyone else so how about just restrict yourself from entertaining such a game environment. You cannot tar everyone with the same brush when you are doing the exact same thing you have requested to be outlawesay and stopped.

Comes over as two faced and extremely hypocritical IMO.

Your last 9 words are very funny coming from you. In fact, so funny I'm not even upset. And any friendly games I play usually is what the other person prefers. As several could and would back up that ... Have a nice day Ash
Posts: 2,327
18:29 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people don't play tournaments as it's usually the same old crowd, more than likely suffer a crashed screen due to the Premium Membership (Java) issue and some just can't be bothered or have the time.

I like to play Friendlies Vs friendyboy (my Co Captain) as it gives us the opportunity to discuss team issues over a friendly atmospheric few frames of pool.

If you want to justify why not many enter tournaments then the structure needs to be assessed, players being able to sit in the chat room or not even play any games whilst being logged on to a pool site needs to be addressed instead. At least those who play Friendlies are actually playing some pool.

Also Jack (Eric): You play Friendlies Vs friendyboy, myself, vixen_xox, etc just as much maybe even more than anyone else so how about just restrict yourself from entertaining such a game environment. You cannot tar everyone with the same brush when you are doing the exact same thing you have requested to be outlawesay and stopped.

Comes over as two faced and extremely hypocritical IMO.

Your last 9 words are very funny coming from you. In fact, so funny I'm not even upset. And any friendly games I play usually is what the other person prefers. As several could and would back up that ... Have a nice day Ash

^ Will back this up. Jack and I play a lot and they are always ranked. It doesn't bother me either way ranked or not.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:40 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that a removal of friendlies would also hurt the clan side of the site (which is the majority of the reason most players are still around, except a certain few). I am not entirely sure many players would want to have too play an FCL game and it be ranked. Which i could understand when i had some high ranks as well, i now reset for fun all the time and that would hurt the clan games if they had too be ranked.

The issue on the site is the lack of members not the type of game you play or whether it is ranked or friendly. You go back maybe say 3/4 years ago when the site still had a decent amount of users playing you could find a ranked game easily depending on the time you play at.
Posts: 7,940
19:27 Thu 7 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sure someone will join if ranked games are created

When playing mates I prefer friendlies so I can try different shots or novelty games where you have to double the black or no spin etc, its more fun and the score doesn't matter.
Posts: 385
02:34 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Rank shouldnt matter at all;

You play rank just shows the level your at & overall (everyone loves to aim to be number 1 until someone beats them, then it starts all over again).

Friendlies is just to become better when you play rank, to learn etc...

As someone once told me, to become better you have to play the best & beat them.

Friendlies are good to play guests, Rank is good to play members.

It really does need this site sorting to bring members back
Posts: 2,062
09:10 Fri 8 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I like ranked games. Only time I play friendlies is in clan situation or vs guest players.
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question for the mods?

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