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Crazy Eights

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Posts: 1,986
03:14 Sun 10 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,986
03:31 Sun 10 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Try immortal lol
Posts: 38,097
12:53 Sun 10 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
immortal is correct
Posts: 643
20:04 Mon 11 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Finally got posting rights!

Hopefully have a few new signings later today/tonight.
Posts: 14,736
20:14 Mon 11 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Welcome Back Jay
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:52 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
is this still happening Jay ?

not been on much last couple days should be on more next few
Posts: 643
17:17 Wed 13 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes mate
Posts: 643
21:45 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
After some behind the scenes work and messaging countless players ( mostly players not within clans right now) i am afraid too say that Crazy Eights will not be making a return right now based on the fact that there is only limited players within clans already and understandably they have loyalty elsewhere, which i understand despite the interest a lot had. As well as i have messaged over 40 players who regularly play around the site too my knowledge and have received no message back from over a week or so ago or they just quite frankly can not be bothered with the hassle that can come with playing in a clan. Hope all the guys who were going too play here can find another clan too play for and good luck with that. I will be sticking around in clans like planned and playing where and when i can myself.

I will be revisiting this soon as we all know what the future really holds for the site and if active players grow in numbers. I would rather fail right now than half way into a season (it was a long shot too say the least but i had too try and personally do not see it as a fail.

Feel free too cap the thread.

Posts: 1,753
21:59 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry to hear mate
Posts: 4,046
22:28 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
You dont see this as a fail? You started a clan in the middle of a season and fold it before the end.When a season ends players leave current clans looking for a change. Any players that have been on the fringe and not playing now are waiting for the new season to start and need a clan to join. Im not saying there is an abundance of players but with the other 5 almost full we need a clan to fill. So yes, in my opinion you have'nt given it a chance and it is a huge fail.

If it was 1 week before the new season and you had 5 players then ok, but you have at least 6 weeks. All the other captains want 6 teams so will help you out where we can. I for one though will not waste my time if every time things dont go for you in the short term you pack your bags.
Posts: 38,097
22:54 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't blame him here, If he messaged 40 people and can't form a team then i don't blame him for folding. He put more effort than i did as i would need Stu to draw up a list on Pool. Snooks i had a good idea but fairly new to running Pool clans and would struggle unless it is possibly Snooker Squad and poach. I probably would try harder but who else could you message as inactivity is low except deadline week.

Better now than putting a struggling clan into league then folding to make more work for runners

My only flaw is that he tried too early but with Cues falling apart, it was kinda rushed into it
Posts: 643
22:57 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I was not looking for your opinion or anyone else's for that matter and the ones opinions i have looked for i have already had. I could care less about things going my way. What are we children in the play ground? No

I have asked a lot of current clan players if they would be interested, some where and then others where not based on many reasons like loyalty and the fact that some of them are not even sure if they will be doing clans next season. If you could see my inbox then you would see behind the scenes and the amount of non answered messages or messages from non clan players who purely dont want too be in the clan scene, and in some situations that arise here who could blame them. This decision was not taken lightly by any means and has been thought about. That could change in the future who knows.

Yes captains want more teams but it is not as easy as that... you want me too continue then sign up twelve or so players with 90% of them being in active. I thought not. That would then lead too more arguments which are not needed. Simple truth of the matter is there is not enough players too make a some what healthy clan run throughout a season, look into it before posting so ridiculous man. Teams are filling up and weeding out in actives, which is a good thing but that leaves nothing around for the other teams or a newer team.

Again not looking for an opinion, i stated what was going on accept it and move on. Nor am i looking for a mindless argument over nothing.
Posts: 14,736
23:01 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
OMG - How difficult is it to draw up a list yourself? Stuff asking Stu - he runs the best team all because he has the best players. I guarantee if he set up a team from scratch it would struggle just like we do or have done.

Getting through the tough times is what builds and enhances resolve, I agree with buckjam here. I think it's too early to throw in the towel, the only thing you have had against you is the ....timing.

Next season doesn't even come close to being thought about just yet, over the past few days we've had old players log on and return along with some new accounts created. They obviously want to learn their craft (if they are new or returning) and then when settled might explore the possibility into playing for a team.

Give it a little while longer and IF i can help direct some players this direction...I will.
Posts: 643
23:01 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I even had Stu with me as well and he gave names i could try, all those players either turned it down or did not respond. Nothing i can do too change players minds and im certainly not going too sit here and barrage them with messages over and over too join. Not my style and it can sometimes tend too rub off in a bad way.

Yes James it is better now than half way into the season and that is one major thought i had when coming too the decision that i made. If that happened then i would have people on my back about it and blah blah blah, clearly there is no right way anymore.
Posts: 38,097
23:06 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
OMG - How difficult is it to draw up a list yourself? Stuff asking Stu - he runs the best team all because he has the best players. I guarantee if he set up a team from scratch it would struggle just like we do or have done.

It is more tough than you know when you're not a pool player, i couldn't come up with a list unless was a complete A-Z members list and recent signups.

On Snooks, i may have an idea as i played for years, On Pool i came of age about 6-12 months ago so no idea who is half decent or not in clans. All i knew was familiar names in clans and good players.
Posts: 643
23:13 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Just too put it out there, Stu runs the best team in the league now as he has stuck it out for years with Uprising, was not so long ago Uprising where maybe a top three/two team. In my eyes he deserves the players he has. Think giving someone stick for signing a few players too make there team a bit better and maybe more enjoyable is a little stupid.

I agree though, i don't think anyone in this day and age can build a clan right now which will actually last a half season let alone a full one. The numbers on the site just aren't there... oh yeah old players coming back... a log in now and then is no come back and it won't help in a clan so that statement just ain't right mate.

I could give it all the time i want but you have too face facts, the site is dying... and so is the clan league. Ask an admin and i bet you more people are deactivating rather than joining, the site says we have 4000 odd active members..... yeah over 3800 i would say log in maybe once or week or have not been around in months up too a year.
Posts: 14,736
23:14 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Not really,

An account is an account - if they are active then there's zero harm in asking. The major issue and nuisance nowadays is the lack of common decency to reply a simple yes or's just met with much ignorance unfortunately instead.

I didn't know half of my team when first started, you get to see who has ability in certain game types though them being played. A team full of unknowns would be an exciting challenge tbh - a chance to nurture a proper team IMO
Posts: 643
23:18 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
That is what i am saying though mate, the unknowns (ones i have found) don't want too do it or as you say simply won't respond too a simple private message.
Posts: 4,046
23:22 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Stu helped us here at FPD before last season and he gave me names. Some were not interested, some were. We need captains. That has been an issue for 3 seasons now. You have been a captain before and want to start a clan. The problem is you dont want just a clan, you want a clan with great players right from the start.Ridiculous!! Yes pack up now cause you are wasting your time.

And i was not offering an opinion. It was a fact. Starting a clan midway through the season and closing before the end of the current one is an epic fail.
Posts: 1,753
23:23 Sun 24 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Would be easier if the number of players needed for a team was reduced, unfortunately that's not the case. If it was the case then there would be much more teams in the leagues and in my opinion would make the leagues more competitive.

Make a transfer loan window lol
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Crazy Eights

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