Phoenix Revenge: GSC Champions - "A great achievement by ALL, Past, Present & New".
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14:55 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
I asked for 7pm. They have set the time at 8pm, an HOUR away from when I wanted it. It just so happens it is also exactly an HOUR away from the time you wanted it. And yet somehow, this is a conspiracy against Phoenix and I've got my own way? Have a long look at yourselves because Phoenix are beyond a joke at the moment, and are a real embarrassment!
Who addressed you, as always being egotistical . You and dfe have agreed to the 8pm so my statement remains true.
You are the joke, as I said, enjoy your four team season next season.
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:25 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:31 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
Ever seen "Making a murderer"? Publicly announcing details, the jury, or in this case rfc is influenced. So convenient its the time the other teams want. Again, with the b.s. we have had against us season in season out, I am in no way shocked. Predictable b.s.. I think guys, we should put out a team in the killer (if we even can, the whole point of the discussions!) finish the finals and leave the league next season. A four way league, that will be a blast. Enjoy that......
I asked for 7pm. They have set the time at 8pm, an HOUR away from when I wanted it. It just so happens it is also exactly an HOUR away from the time you wanted it. And yet somehow, this is a conspiracy against Phoenix and I've got my own way? Have a long look at yourselves because Phoenix are beyond a joke at the moment, and are a real embarrassment!
Who addressed you, as always being egotistical . You and dfe have agreed to the 8pm so my statement remains true.
You are the joke, as I said, enjoy your four team season next season.
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:25 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:31 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
15:15 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Keith chose 8 pm at random, Yes Alan picked Numbers but he had no idea of date and times so they aren't trying to screw Phoenix, If it was 9 pm chosen you would be praising Keith and we would accept Keith's decision as an unbiased and fair Runner and would be no talk of screwing Phoenix at all so these biased posts are an objective view and ironically biased themselves.
Yes we agreed to 8 pm, i would have agreed with 8:30 but Ash's Best can't make it so took back his suggestion.
I would have even agreed with 7 pm (even though its too early) as i'd rather have an early finish than a late one.
From the start i disagreed with 9 pm and i have posted the sources to back up my claims, Just because Ash wants to manipulate 9 pm so Joey, Fresh, 2pac and Legend can play doesn't mean i'm going to instantly change to suit Phoenix and screw Uprising, 9 pm is too late to start for an 11 pm finish so i posted when Ash suggested 9 pm without talking to his players that 9 pm isn't good for us and it wasn't ever going to change regardless of circumstances.
Phoenix can't play before 9 pm, Uprising can't play after 8 pm so Keith was always destined to choose the time.
Threatening to Quit again are you? then just do it, i'm not going to beg Phoenix to stay for the sake of the league. Would be as bad as William Regal kissing Vince's Butt to keep his job (even though its scripted). I won't do that, I'd rather have a 4 team league and play three times than beg Phoenix to stay.
Yes we agreed to 8 pm, i would have agreed with 8:30 but Ash's Best can't make it so took back his suggestion.
I would have even agreed with 7 pm (even though its too early) as i'd rather have an early finish than a late one.
From the start i disagreed with 9 pm and i have posted the sources to back up my claims, Just because Ash wants to manipulate 9 pm so Joey, Fresh, 2pac and Legend can play doesn't mean i'm going to instantly change to suit Phoenix and screw Uprising, 9 pm is too late to start for an 11 pm finish so i posted when Ash suggested 9 pm without talking to his players that 9 pm isn't good for us and it wasn't ever going to change regardless of circumstances.
Phoenix can't play before 9 pm, Uprising can't play after 8 pm so Keith was always destined to choose the time.
Threatening to Quit again are you? then just do it, i'm not going to beg Phoenix to stay for the sake of the league. Would be as bad as William Regal kissing Vince's Butt to keep his job (even though its scripted). I won't do that, I'd rather have a 4 team league and play three times than beg Phoenix to stay.
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15:28 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
4 clans doesn't sound good, but clans without Ash sounds great, there will never be any issues if this does happen, and if it does then I'm sure just you and Ash leaving won't be any loss, could still easily be 5 clans if someone else is willing to step up and captain.
This won't happen anyway, It's just another weekly tantrum cause you can't get your own way. Ash will still be here running the clan next season guaranteed.
This won't happen anyway, It's just another weekly tantrum cause you can't get your own way. Ash will still be here running the clan next season guaranteed.
15:34 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
So, it is ok to ask if I have learning difficulties, because I have a different opinion to you? Almost certainly in a higher percentile of the IQ scale, this makes that clear.
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:48 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 12:48 Sat 14/05/16 (BST)
15:38 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Wasn't me, it was Stu who said that, I have learning difficulties myself so i would never say it to anyone else. I wouldn't use anything in personal lives in an argument either as i don't stoop that low.
I like to keep business and personal separate.
I like to keep business and personal separate.
16:00 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Lol - whatever James. You may not beg Phoenix to stay but will almost definitely ask my players to join your team. So cut the crap!
As it stands and is since we have No one available before 9pm but that's fine for the other teams, they get what they set out to achieve so we won't be taking part in the Final.
Unless I hear differently then we will have no choice but to pull out of it. Once again all we asked was for someone to make a proper and decent decision based on reading players actual availability. Instead they opt for someone else to take the responsibility and does a random draw. Absolute nonsense. What was the point in me asking my players???
Alex I'm leaning towards following what you've said, I don't need this crap, the team doesn't deserve this crap and the other teams well they can go and play happy families with one another. I mean they are that close to one another even surgeons will struggle with the separation process.
Clans have been great fun...well running this great team has been. Majority of the time we've enjoyed it and tried our best in every fixture. Being shafted and screwed over time and time again (IMO) does take its toll and a time inevitably will happen when we decide enough is enough.
As it stands and is since we have No one available before 9pm but that's fine for the other teams, they get what they set out to achieve so we won't be taking part in the Final.
Unless I hear differently then we will have no choice but to pull out of it. Once again all we asked was for someone to make a proper and decent decision based on reading players actual availability. Instead they opt for someone else to take the responsibility and does a random draw. Absolute nonsense. What was the point in me asking my players???
Alex I'm leaning towards following what you've said, I don't need this crap, the team doesn't deserve this crap and the other teams well they can go and play happy families with one another. I mean they are that close to one another even surgeons will struggle with the separation process.
Clans have been great fun...well running this great team has been. Majority of the time we've enjoyed it and tried our best in every fixture. Being shafted and screwed over time and time again (IMO) does take its toll and a time inevitably will happen when we decide enough is enough.
16:03 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
We have no players who can play before 9pm, they even posted that themselves. Of course we are going to feel we aren't being listened too or being taken seriously.
If that's how it's going to be then unless I can magically conjure up a team who can be available and we are already depleted then we have no choice but to drop out of the final.
As for next season, I personally am questioning whether I can be bothered. I mean what's the sodding point when:
1. We are in ignored time and time again
2. I'm abused daily, team ridiculed etc
3. Arguments every day even when I'm offline over unnecessary things.
4. Other teams all in cahoots with one another.
5. Any decisions or actions I take are just either ignored, swaps rejected, subs questioned, etc..
What's the point?!
IF I don't Captain next season then I hope the team carries on, the team & great group of players I've had and still have here have been awesome and always been brilliant with and to me even if I am caught up with much mither and crap on their thread. I like to think as much as it can be seen as annoying they'd rather have a Captain who showed he cares about getting the best for and out of them than many others who just go with the flow and have no backbone of their own. I will make my decision after the Killer Final unfortunately the one we cannot make as it stands
If that's how it's going to be then unless I can magically conjure up a team who can be available and we are already depleted then we have no choice but to drop out of the final.
As for next season, I personally am questioning whether I can be bothered. I mean what's the sodding point when:
1. We are in ignored time and time again
2. I'm abused daily, team ridiculed etc
3. Arguments every day even when I'm offline over unnecessary things.
4. Other teams all in cahoots with one another.
5. Any decisions or actions I take are just either ignored, swaps rejected, subs questioned, etc..
What's the point?!
IF I don't Captain next season then I hope the team carries on, the team & great group of players I've had and still have here have been awesome and always been brilliant with and to me even if I am caught up with much mither and crap on their thread. I like to think as much as it can be seen as annoying they'd rather have a Captain who showed he cares about getting the best for and out of them than many others who just go with the flow and have no backbone of their own. I will make my decision after the Killer Final unfortunately the one we cannot make as it stands
16:07 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
I won't ask (haven't asked someone in a while actually) but know Dee and Jack will, There are some decent people in Phoenix, Just the Captain and his First Vice who i don't like.
I get on with Legend, Fresh, 2pac, Gerard, Adam (and others but not going to go through your entire list). Just because i don't like Phoenix doesn't mean i hate everyone, It is just a couple i don't like.
Keith always said it was a Random Draw when the Fixtures were made, It isn't a set time anymore but stand by every word i said about if it was 9 pm chosen, then you would be praising Keith and Alan instead of questioning them.
I get on with Legend, Fresh, 2pac, Gerard, Adam (and others but not going to go through your entire list). Just because i don't like Phoenix doesn't mean i hate everyone, It is just a couple i don't like.
Keith always said it was a Random Draw when the Fixtures were made, It isn't a set time anymore but stand by every word i said about if it was 9 pm chosen, then you would be praising Keith and Alan instead of questioning them.
16:14 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
4. Other teams all in cahoots with one another.
5. Any decisions or actions I take are just either ignored, swaps rejected, subs questioned, etc..
4. I've proven already that in not in cahoots with Stu.
5. That is your own fault for being manipulative captain (could have gone one further but chose not to), You always choose what is best for you and not think of other teams.
In our matches you made so many silly swaps and subs but every game got played i believe when reversed proving we was right to reverse to start.
When you started subbing for tactical gain then we lost trust in whatever future subs or plans you had so even if you believe it was genuine, how do we know you're telling the truth? It could be another tactical manipulation tactic.
I lost my trust before then but still believed in your ability to make the right decisions but it was lost and now we all struggle to believe any word you say.
Manipulation is a part of clans now and it is your fault. Phoenix goes, so does Manipulation over time.
5. Any decisions or actions I take are just either ignored, swaps rejected, subs questioned, etc..
4. I've proven already that in not in cahoots with Stu.
5. That is your own fault for being manipulative captain (could have gone one further but chose not to), You always choose what is best for you and not think of other teams.
In our matches you made so many silly swaps and subs but every game got played i believe when reversed proving we was right to reverse to start.
When you started subbing for tactical gain then we lost trust in whatever future subs or plans you had so even if you believe it was genuine, how do we know you're telling the truth? It could be another tactical manipulation tactic.
I lost my trust before then but still believed in your ability to make the right decisions but it was lost and now we all struggle to believe any word you say.
Manipulation is a part of clans now and it is your fault. Phoenix goes, so does Manipulation over time.
16:15 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
We asked for a 7pm start for killer and are being forced to play at 8. I hereby threaten to pull our team from the final and the leagues. Oh wait...... no I don't, because I'm an adult!!
16:19 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
All clans that get along fine and don't try to manipulate the rules are all in cahoots together!! lol Think this season I've had arguments with FPD and Scorps, but we're all clearly in bed together! lol
Look up "persecution complex"
Look up "persecution complex"
16:23 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
I've had arguments with every captain this season, Stu's wasn't really an argument but a disagreement.
Myself and Stu has the ability to compromise, 8 pm isn't good for Uprising but was willing to play at 8 and we wasn't keen on 7 pm as felt it was too early but was willing to play at 7. I even agreed with 8:30 even when i knew Stu wouldn't like it to suit Phoenix. But one thing we agreed on is that 9 pm is too late and out of the question.
Myself and Stu has the ability to compromise, 8 pm isn't good for Uprising but was willing to play at 8 and we wasn't keen on 7 pm as felt it was too early but was willing to play at 7. I even agreed with 8:30 even when i knew Stu wouldn't like it to suit Phoenix. But one thing we agreed on is that 9 pm is too late and out of the question.
16:34 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Here is DFE's List for Next Season, *'s are new, I haven't asked any to join. Aled i admit i hinted i want him in a clan conversation but never asked if he wanted to join. Hippes and Jay asked me of their own back and Dee accepted. Fuunky and Mark i had nothing to do with.
Backed up my claims again and can go back and take screenshots if Facebook will allow me to go back to 1-2 months.
Yes i would love them to join DFE but we're almost full and i wouldn't ask them as i want clans to have an equal chance of winning. If i was approached then it is different but Seb joined FPD as wanted clans to be equals and i do as well.
Only time i couldn't is if i brought back Snooker Squad then its all about reputation rather than fun.
hippesville *
immortal *
lolumadbro *
marksmith *
_wales_lad_ *
Backed up my claims again and can go back and take screenshots if Facebook will allow me to go back to 1-2 months.
Yes i would love them to join DFE but we're almost full and i wouldn't ask them as i want clans to have an equal chance of winning. If i was approached then it is different but Seb joined FPD as wanted clans to be equals and i do as well.
Only time i couldn't is if i brought back Snooker Squad then its all about reputation rather than fun.
hippesville *
immortal *
lolumadbro *
marksmith *
_wales_lad_ *
16:39 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
When did we we have an argument and did i win?
All clans that get along fine and don't try to manipulate the rules are all in cahoots together!! lol Think this season I've had arguments with FPD and Scorps, but we're all clearly in bed together! lol
Look up "persecution complex"
Look up "persecution complex"
When did we we have an argument and did i win?
16:47 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
When did we we have an argument and did i win?
I was arguing with Spoonie mainly, just before he deactivated. I can't even remember what it was about now. I don't usually hold a grudge unless it's against a really unpleasant character. Hell, I even made up with Sam!
All clans that get along fine and don't try to manipulate the rules are all in cahoots together!! lol Think this season I've had arguments with FPD and Scorps, but we're all clearly in bed together! lol
Look up "persecution complex"
Look up "persecution complex"
When did we we have an argument and did i win?
I was arguing with Spoonie mainly, just before he deactivated. I can't even remember what it was about now. I don't usually hold a grudge unless it's against a really unpleasant character. Hell, I even made up with Sam!
17:00 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
"Willing to fight until the bitter end" - unless we don't get our own way. Then we'll just roll over!!
17:06 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Last post unless i get accused of something else but got one better than that Stu.
Phoenix Revenge: 'Our Way or The Highway'!
Phoenix Revenge: 'Our Way or The Highway'!
17:29 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
If nobody is willing to put themselves out and play for phoenix then it's your team who has let you down, not the default decision.
Sure we wanted 8pm but not on a Friday. And uprising wanted 7! Why is it always a conspiracy? I know you have some great players but if we truly wanted to avoid the competition we'd have agreed with 9pm to screw uprising over, who I think have the better killer players.
You are available ash, and im sure a few of your team will be actually. I'll be playing if my team can't fill all 5 places, you could too, you just choose not to.
Sure we wanted 8pm but not on a Friday. And uprising wanted 7! Why is it always a conspiracy? I know you have some great players but if we truly wanted to avoid the competition we'd have agreed with 9pm to screw uprising over, who I think have the better killer players.
You are available ash, and im sure a few of your team will be actually. I'll be playing if my team can't fill all 5 places, you could too, you just choose not to.
17:37 Sat 14 May 16 (BST)
Don't tell me when I'm available! You know sweet fa about me and my life. I don't get home until after 9pm at the earliest every evening. So come on Einstein even you're clever enough to know 8pm is before 9pm.
Why do you think me and shadows don't usually play till late at night...oh that'll be because I'm unavailable. So kindly keep your nose out of my business and don't ever discuss anything about me when you know naff all!
Why do you think me and shadows don't usually play till late at night...oh that'll be because I'm unavailable. So kindly keep your nose out of my business and don't ever discuss anything about me when you know naff all!
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Phoenix Revenge: GSC Champions - "A great achievement by ALL, Past, Present & New".
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