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Posts: 14,736
18:38 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
IF we can make it The Saturday before so the 21/05/2016 then surely 9pm would suit all more due to not having to be up early the following morning?

Sounds like an idea joeyy, you haven't played in a Killer for a fair while due to them being on a Sunday so this would be a great opportunity for you to play in the Final.

vixen_xox, faust

Can we make it the Saturday before please?
Posts: 6,417
18:42 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,029
18:48 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It is a compromise, let's see how the other two pillars of the tripod play the compromise game.
Posts: 38,097
18:59 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It isn't the day for me, i don't care about the day, it is the TIME of why i said No and still going to say No.

Pick 8:30 pm or an earlier time and can have your choice of Day but the 2+ Hours Killer Time and 9 pm don't mix for me or Dee, its too late for a potential finish of 11 pm.

If Final was 3 of each then i would agree with 9 pm as would take an hour probably then 10 pm would be the logic time.

Just because it is changed from Sunday doesn't mean i will agree. Change the time from an earlier time than 9 pm and we can talk more, until then, unless Stu agrees and i'm outnumbered then i won't agree with 9 pm. Even if i said Yes, Stu would have to agree as well.
Posts: 1,029
19:04 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Just because it is changed from Sunday doesn't mean i will agree. Change the time from an earlier time than 9 pm and we can talk more, until then, unless Stu agrees and i'm outnumbered then i won't agree with 9 pm. Even if i said Yes, Stu would have to agree as well.

Fair point James, but as you said above, Stu would have to agree to it. Hence your suggested time and day are currently rendered as useless as the above. Glad that is cleared up at least.
Posts: 38,097
19:12 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep it is useless as the above but yesterday myself and Stu agreed to 8 pm. If Stu agreed with 9 pm then he would have done it yesterday.

Thing is, you're talking about compromises but Ash suggested 8:30 after i said 9 pm was too late. Then changed to 9 pm when his best couldn't make it so compromise failed. I'm not sure if Stu would have agreed with 8:30 but it was a start.

After me and Stu said 8 pm would be better then Ash is outnumbered but won't compromise. It HAS to be 9 pm, a time me and Stu didn't like to start with.

If its earlier than 9 pm (i don't mean 8:59) then i would agree even if your 5 best showed and only two of ours showed as its only the Killer potential time what is making me say No to 9 pm, the day doesn't matter, the time does.
Posts: 14,736
19:31 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Right can:


Post your available times please on this thread for the Killer Final.

Thanks guys.
Posts: 14,736
19:32 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Final
Phoenix Revenge (1) vs (1) Uprising

FCL: legend_pot vs dv8
FCL: _fresh_ vs cgibson92
SL: joeyy vs corsair
SL: _gerardddd_ vs r1p0m4n_v2 (Thurs/Sun)
8us (10 Racks): friendyboy vs miss_harriet
9us (12 Racks): 2pac786 vs fran_
8uk (10 Racks): andyw1 (1) vs (1) dark_chocco (5-5)
Str: (4 Racks) rapid_pot vs clifton188

Deadline: 22/05/2016

Note: SL fixtures are 4 x 8us, 9us & 8uk plus Bonuses

Good Luck Guys...C'mon Phoenix!!!

Mega quiet atm guys, hope these are being arranged
Posts: 14,736
19:33 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Bit of Fun: Scores Updated

Draw: Round 1 Remaining

h50 vs mich
2pac786 vs friendyboy
joeyy vs _fresh_
legend_pot vs dead_silence
mr_tumble vs rapid_pot

No Deadline's: they will be implemented should no fixtures get played but I'm sure they won't be necessary.

* Be awesome if this can be completed - depending on this competitions success I may have other ideas in the pipeline.
Posts: 120
19:35 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I have matches on both Saturday and Sunday, so a time that I can definitely make would be 9pm.. 8:30 would be touch and go, but I don't want to give a time where I'm not 100% sure.. So 9pm it is for me.
Posts: 10,109
19:36 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
People taking about compromise? I have said were willing to play any day at all at 7pm. DFE said 8 so I've said 7.30 or 8 latest if it's the weekend. That is an incredibly flexible offer already. We will not play at 9 as it's been too late a finish on every single occasion.
Posts: 14,736
19:59 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's obvious Alex mate they will only play when our best cannot. If that's how they want to win a title and compete in what has the potential to be an epic finale between 3 great sides then I'll just pull Phoenix Revenge out and tell them to shove the finale where the sun doesn't shine.

It's also obvious both Captains from the other teams are in cahoots with one another and are determined to play when our best aren't available. So your analogy of a tripod is very apt, shame we are once again the side who has to brunt all the weight and crap they have to offer together.

It's times like these where I really question why we even bother anymore? Is this really fun? Is this what clans have evolved in to? Teams placing politics before the actual game and fun factor?

IF it continues I won't bother entering next season, we deserve a lot better than this.
Posts: 3,846
20:00 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Simple soloution Ashley, sub sissy boy in for 2pac and get there lass to put there young en to bed
Posts: 38,097
20:06 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It has always been about the Killer Potential Time, If it was due to your best i would say so as i'm not afraid but i mentioned 9 pm is too late from the very beginning before you found out your best couldn't make it.

I haven't been in cahoots with Stu, i just said you suggested a time and i didn't agree, hold on i'll screenshot it.
Posts: 38,097
20:23 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Our Conversation:
Posted Image

My First post about 9 pm being late.

As a player i can play from 9 pm, providing i leave by around 11-11:30 but as a Captain, it is too late as i thought about the time killer would take which is why i suggested 8 pm to start with.

Your 8:30 suggestion

Your 9 pm Post after finding out your best couldn't play

Your availability post which was conveniently edited (saw it beforehand though)

And if i was worried about your best, Why did i have no regrets saying Yes to Stu for 8 pm in the preliminaries and i didn't talk to DFE much either then.

Keep saying 9 pm is too late BEFORE i found out your best isn't free, It isn't going to change because a few Phoenix players can't make it. If i say 9 pm is late, i mean 9 pm is late and if a time is agreed (it wasn't here so it is fine) then if one of our guys showed, i wouldn't be happy but i would accept the consequences.

9 pm is simply too late, said it all along, 8:30 (or less) then i'll accept your time.
Posts: 38,097
20:31 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
^ Made a copy so i can edit it if people want me to
Posts: 10,109
20:37 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's obvious Alex mate they will only play when our best cannot. If that's how they want to win a title and compete in what has the potential to be an epic finale between 3 great sides then I'll just pull Phoenix Revenge out and tell them to shove the finale where the sun doesn't shine.

It's also obvious both Captains from the other teams are in cahoots with one another and are determined to play when our best aren't available. So your analogy of a tripod is very apt, shame we are once again the side who has to brunt all the weight and crap they have to offer together.

It's times like these where I really question why we even bother anymore? Is this really fun? Is this what clans have evolved in to? Teams placing politics before the actual game and fun factor?

IF it continues I won't bother entering next season, we deserve a lot better than this.

Look here. No one is in cahoots with anyone. If you check back, you'll see that Uprising always want to start earlier than 9. We have said we will play any day of the week at 7 or 8. That is incredibly reasonable. By all means throw your toys out the pram and pull out, I won't care either way. Some of us aren't pretend carers and actually have genuine responsibilities that rule out late nights. Others have girlfriends, family or jobs that rule out a late finish. Don't assume there's a conspiracy!

Edited by forum moderator zantetsukenz, at 17:45 Fri 13/05/16 (BST)
Posts: 19,967
20:39 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Surely if we were in cahoots we would agree a time? Our players have complained about the lateness of a 9pm start for most if not almost all killer games played then. Moving the day forward by a single day changes very little because people still work Sunday mornings. Especially when it's still 9pm. That's still the time that suits only your team. So because we don't agree to that, you drag politics into it? If you stop kicking off everytime we reject a proposal that suits only you then we might get somewhere. 9pm on Saturday is not a compromise between either DFE or Uprisings times. It's Phoenix's time only.

Our players have struggled through 9pm default times despite tiredness, and then once they logout it's straight to bed. Surely it's not unreasonable for us to want an earlier time. Even 8 leaves it a late finish, 7 leaves a finish roughly around 9 which isn't too bad.

Like I said, there's a massive problem with a night time weekend match. Let's make it a completely different day and time.
Posts: 3,846
20:41 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If I were you stu ,id see what order were, when they start play, then gang up on phoenix , get them out then play final between yourselves you may aswell pal now you've been accused of cahooting
Posts: 2,062
20:43 Fri 13 May 16 (BST)  [Link]  
IDK why uprising and phoenix care. DFE is gonna win anyway. Noobs
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Phoenix Revenge: GSC Champions - "A great achievement by ALL, Past, Present & New".

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