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Posts: 2,062
20:14 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not dgens decision. It's trats decision. He's been playing long enough to know what to do and he is within his rights to choose whichever he wants.
Posts: 2,062
20:14 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
And he has chosen lol
Posts: 859
20:14 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not dgens decision. It's trats decision. He's been playing long enough to know what to do and he is within his rights to choose whichever he wants.

Posts: 38,097
20:18 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its up to trats not me, sense tells me 1-0 but trats decision
Posts: 1,111
20:19 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
you have it down as im 1-0 up tbc ash?

Are you starting again or is it 1-0 to you?
You won the first frame and fresh disconnected in the 2nd.

nothing at all what so ever TO DO WITH YOU. is it? it says ive won first 2 games... which ME.......AND ONLY ME WILL HAVE A WORD WITH MY MATE FRESH ABOUT.

not you... so don't jump to conclusions on what I shall do again.

ngl here i never get involved in stuff like this but i think you're in the wrong here mate, ash was only going off what dgen said on dragon flames thread so there wasn't any need for the arguement
Posts: 14,736
20:20 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not fussed about if it's 1-0 or 20-0 I don't appreciate being spoken to like start did with me on this thread.

Maybe I shouldn't have reacted as I did but seriously never speak to me like crap.

Edited at 17:42 Mon 18/04/16 (BST)
Posts: 859
20:20 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its up to trats not me, sense tells me 1-0 but trats decision

course its 1-0 pal.. id never do that to fresh... just seeing what ashlina would say... and I got the reply I wanted
Posts: 859
20:21 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
5 th time in 2 weeks he has said sorry to people isn't it???? for an out burst? tipical baby
Posts: 2,062
20:23 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 643
20:25 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people never change...

I seriously hope what Admins stated comes into affect soon as these forums get worse and worse daily and some players are taking full advantage and talking a bunch of nonsense just too get rises out of people. If that was happening on the forums too some 14/15 year old kid you would name it as bullying straight away... so in my eyes all your doing is bullying and getting a reaction that you actually deserve.

By the way pal, i am not interested in what you have too say or what kind of drivel comes out of you next. You have been the same for years and your supposed too be an adult, your quick too jump down everyone else's throats on something so childish because he put it at a 1 - 0 TBC just like your team did. That makes you the child now.
Posts: 859
20:28 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its 1-0 in mine and freshs game... im glad that's all cleared up
Posts: 2,062
20:31 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol @ accusing trats of bullying then bullying him in the same post.

On that note, supposedly there were no petty arguments on the snooker forums and look over there, completely dead. Maybe it is the arguments that are keeping pool alive!!!
Posts: 859
20:32 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people never change...

I seriously hope what Admins stated comes into affect soon as these forums get worse and worse daily and some players are taking full advantage and talking a bunch of nonsense just too get rises out of people. If that was happening on the forums too some 14/15 year old kid you would name it as bullying straight away... so in my eyes all your doing is bullying and getting a reaction that you actually deserve.

By the way pal, i am not interested in what you have too say or what kind of drivel comes out of you next. You have been the same for years and your supposed too be an adult, your quick too jump down everyone else's throats on something so childish because he put it at a 1 - 0 TBC just like your team did. That makes you the child now.

simply saying it was my decision.. no 1 elses. and ive put down the score now
Posts: 859
20:33 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol @ accusing trats of bullying then bullying him in the same post.

On that note, supposedly there were no petty arguments on the snooker forums and look over there, completely dead. Maybe it is the arguments that are keeping pool alive!!!

very true pal
Posts: 1,111
20:35 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its 1-0 in mine and freshs game... im glad that's all cleared up

Fair enough mate, we appreciate the sportsmanship
Posts: 643
20:36 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
In what part of the post did i bully? or was it calling him a child? Because that is what it honestly looks like. If that is bullying then i am guilty

Heres the facts -

Game was 1 - 0 TBC unless Tratter wanted too take the second frame . Both teams put it in as a 1 - 0 TBC as neither was sure until he made his intentions clear when he was next online. Instead he decides too start an argument over something so petty when actually both teams done the same thing then states he was looking for a reaction, which he got and rightly so to be fair.

Again i hope Admin do what they said they would do not too not long and start putting a stop too this rubbish, if they mute me from my apparent bullying of a post then so be it but there is far more worse culprits out there and about.

Done posting about this, nothing in my post even resembled bullying and if you think it did then go an report me. I have no issues with you Noob and really none with Tratter either but we are all welcomed too an opinion and in my eyes that was mine (and many others who are too nice too say it maybe)
Posts: 14,736
20:38 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyone let's all just relax, it's been said, issues dealt with. Thanks trats like legend_pot has said.

Let's just all move on.

I wanna post the fixtures... Again
Posts: 859
20:40 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its 1-0 in mine and freshs game... im glad that's all cleared up

Fair enough mate, we appreciate the sportsmanship

cheers pal... fresh is a class guy.. we both would of done the same..
Posts: 2,327
20:41 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I wish people would learn the difference between to and too, it would make things much easier to follow.

But that's none of my business *sips tea*
Posts: 14,736
20:43 Mon 18 Apr 16 (BST)  [Link]  
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Phoenix Revenge: GSC Champions - "A great achievement by ALL, Past, Present & New".

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