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Posts: 1,617
00:25 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
yep just for u I will do

it has to be for everyone in the clan cabby , were a team
Posts: 11,063
01:41 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Games are back! I have visitors right now but should have enough time once we're finished spanking the French on Thursday!!!
Posts: 1,617
01:53 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
great see you back seb
Posts: 2,327
02:06 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off
Posts: 1,617
02:11 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off

hi dee dee , how are you on this tiring morning night ?
Posts: 2,327
02:17 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off

hi dee dee , how are you on this tiring morning night ?

I'm pretty good thanks, you?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:19 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 2,588
02:24 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off

I'd just like to point out you haven't seen the entire conversation... he had previously pointed out that I wasn't a good captain and he expected the clan to be "run in to the ground" in the next few weeks... I was being as nice as possible up until that point.. and then he made it worse by putting it all on here, something that I haven't done yet..
Posts: 5,821
03:17 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off

I'd just like to point out you haven't seen the entire conversation... he had previously pointed out that I wasn't a good captain and he expected the clan to be "run in to the ground" in the next few weeks... I was being as nice as possible up until that point.. and then he made it worse by putting it all on here, something that I haven't done yet..
still not need to say that even in a privarte message never heard or seen any captian say that to any off there players now leave it over and done with if i not be the only player on here to get beat by that score
Posts: 2,588
03:50 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
still not need to say that even in a privarte message never heard or seen any captian say that to any off there players now leave it over and done with if i not be the only player on here to get beat by that score

tellu something else come end off season u be at bottom of leu cup u no get past first round loeague that how much of a captian i think u make
Sent about 10 hours ago
Yet has there ever been a player who has said this about his own team before games have even started.
I addressed your problem which was over how fixtures are posted, I offered a compromise and you still go on a mad rant.

Seriously done with you.
Posts: 2,327
04:04 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
still not need to say that even in a privarte message never heard or seen any captian say that to any off there players now leave it over and done with if i not be the only player on here to get beat by that score

tellu something else come end off season u be at bottom of leu cup u no get past first round loeague that how much of a captian i think u make
Sent about 10 hours ago
Yet has there ever been a player who has said this about his own team before games have even started.
I addressed your problem which was over how fixtures are posted, I offered a compromise and you still go on a mad rant.

Seriously done with you.

In fairness, for a team to do well, it doesn't matter how good or bad the Captain is, look at Faust..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:10 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see what klien has done wrong tbh. It's up to him how he runs his team, cabby doesn't seem to take it very well when someone disagrees with him, which is why he also had a run in with buck if I remember right.
Posts: 4,046
04:12 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Klien is now the captain of FPD. He has picked his Vice captains and that is that. I was gratefull to him taking the reigns and leading FPD this season.

Cabbie, i sent you a private message this morning and suggested you except that posting the fixtures the way you did was not what klien wanted and that you just get on with it the way your captain wants it done. You havent done that. You have kept it going and even used private messages to undermine the new captain and his decisions. You are not a good player (neither am i tbf) so to have had a spot here at FPD for three or four seasons is a blessing. Now is the time to either shut up or move on. I hope this is clear enough for you as my message earlier in private didnt do the trick.
Posts: 5,821
04:41 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
tjhis matter has now close end off chapter and book end off story dont want to read any more about it
Posts: 1,617
11:03 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
good news i just got beat by a great player 12-- 3 that make u happy
Sent 24 minutes ago
Online klien I'm not surprised, lets put it that way..

I'd be real interested to see what Klien would say on our thread had I ever said that to any of our players since I'm supposed to be the league ruiner who puts players off

hi dee dee , how are you on this tiring morning night ?

I'm pretty good thanks, you?

i was tired but feeling good this morning

morning all
Posts: 1,617
16:11 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Messaged both opponents. No replies yet . Joeyy been offline 7 days now
Posts: 7,297
22:12 Tue 5 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL sub :

callaway40 vs scottyjr
is now:
_huts24_ vs scottyjr
Posts: 2,588
01:36 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Please Welcome naaaaaaaaath as our new signing... A clan newbie so once again, if he needs any help etc, help him out

For anybody wondering.. it's 9 x a's..
Posts: 1,617
01:37 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
welcome naaaaaaaath
Posts: 38,097
01:54 Wed 6 Jul 16 (BST)  [Link]  
i'm sure he was in Poolers or NA on Snooks can't remember but nice to see you back naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath mate
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