Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'
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22:56 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
*** ACTIVE ***
*** NEW SL ***
SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)
Phoenix Revenge A (matches)
Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Dragon Flame B - Complete
rapid_pot (2) vs (5) dvz
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) __start__
rewill (5) vs (1) i_am_noob
2pac786 (3) vs (3) dgeneratio
Phoenix Revenge A (14) vs (10) FPD's C - Complete
im_crap_alot (2) vs (4)mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ (3) vs (3) watchinawe
2pac786 (4) vs (2) ric_flair
(swp) rapid_pot (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (5) Cues Brothers B
(swp) versatile (3) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) _fresh_ vs _wales_lad_ (s)
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot (4) vs (2) b0nfireheart (s)
Phoenix Revenge A (7) vs (11) Black Scorpions B
shadows (3) vs (3) sinkemall
versatile (1) vs (5) callaway40
_fresh_ vs askingfan (sub req'd 21/03 - denied)
rewill (3) vs (3) celticbhoy
Edited at 21:35 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
*** NEW SL ***
SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)
Phoenix Revenge A (matches)
Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (12) Dragon Flame B - Complete
rapid_pot (2) vs (5) dvz
_fresh_ (3) vs (3) __start__
rewill (5) vs (1) i_am_noob
2pac786 (3) vs (3) dgeneratio
Phoenix Revenge A (14) vs (10) FPD's C - Complete
im_crap_alot (2) vs (4)mitch_bougi
_knightmare_ (3) vs (3) watchinawe
2pac786 (4) vs (2) ric_flair
(swp) rapid_pot (5) vs (1) blackcabman7
Phoenix Revenge A (13) vs (5) Cues Brothers B
(swp) versatile (3) vs (3) i_am_rubbish
(swp) _fresh_ vs _wales_lad_ (s)
shadows (6) vs (0) beemerken
im_crap_alot (4) vs (2) b0nfireheart (s)
Phoenix Revenge A (7) vs (11) Black Scorpions B
shadows (3) vs (3) sinkemall
versatile (1) vs (5) callaway40
_fresh_ vs askingfan (sub req'd 21/03 - denied)
rewill (3) vs (3) celticbhoy
Edited at 21:35 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
22:58 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
*** ACTIVE ***
*** SL ***
SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)
Phoenix Revenge B (matches)
Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (14) Black Scorpions A - Complete
andyw1 (3) vs (3) bigcjl2
joeyy (3) vs (3) kingdadcool
jmx (2) vs (4) _huts24_
the__priest (2) vs (4) slimeball
Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (8) Dragon Flame A
legend_pot vs allypunk
andyw1 (3) vs (4) poolbiird
(swp) _gerardddd_ vs red4eva (Tuesday Afternoon)
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) asdfghjk
Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (7) Cues Brothers A
the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx (3) vs (3) _egley_
friendyboy vs horse10000 (s)
Phoenix Revenge B (7) vs (7) FPD's B
(s) jmx vs lolumadbro
legend_pot (2)vs (5) silent_phil
friendyboy vs _psmon_ (s)
(s) andyw1 (5) vs (2) buckjam
* The BEST of Luck and message your opponent(s) ASAP - Thanks.
Edited at 22:12 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
*** SL ***
SL Fixture Set 3: 06/03/2016 >>> 27/03/2016
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us & 8uk (Bonuses awarded for GB event or Runout event ONLY)
Phoenix Revenge B (matches)
Phoenix Revenge B (10) vs (14) Black Scorpions A - Complete
andyw1 (3) vs (3) bigcjl2
joeyy (3) vs (3) kingdadcool
jmx (2) vs (4) _huts24_
the__priest (2) vs (4) slimeball
Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (8) Dragon Flame A
legend_pot vs allypunk
andyw1 (3) vs (4) poolbiird
(swp) _gerardddd_ vs red4eva (Tuesday Afternoon)
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) asdfghjk
Phoenix Revenge B (5) vs (7) Cues Brothers A
the__priest (2) vs (4) letsgochamp
legend_pot vs hippesville
jmx (3) vs (3) _egley_
friendyboy vs horse10000 (s)
Phoenix Revenge B (7) vs (7) FPD's B
(s) jmx vs lolumadbro
legend_pot (2)vs (5) silent_phil
friendyboy vs _psmon_ (s)
(s) andyw1 (5) vs (2) buckjam
* The BEST of Luck and message your opponent(s) ASAP - Thanks.
Edited at 22:12 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
23:12 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
joeyy 3 vs 3 kingdadcool
was a tough task and needed things to run nicely for me and it didn't this time sorry
was a tough task and needed things to run nicely for me and it didn't this time sorry
23:14 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
No worries mate - Paul is a very good player so that's a very good draw.
Well played mate.
Well played mate.
23:18 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Remains the above - IF it's arranged...I won't interfere.
Good Luck jmx mate
Edited at 22:11 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
SL Sub: Phoenix Revenge B vs FPD's B
Was: the__priest vs lolumadbro
Now: jmx vs lolumadbro
Was: the__priest vs lolumadbro
Now: jmx vs lolumadbro
Remains the above - IF it's arranged...I won't interfere.
Good Luck jmx mate
Edited at 22:11 Mon 21/03/16 (GMT)
23:32 Mon 21 Mar 16 (GMT)
Phoenix Revenge B v Cues Brothers A
friendyboy vs _takeiteasy_
horse10000 vs friendyboy
Cues Brothers A v Uprising Strawberry Goats
_takeiteasy_ vs erigert
letsgochamp vs erigert
Black Scorpions A v Cues Brothers A
bigcjl2 vs _egley_
bigcjl2 vs mr_tumble
Phoenix Revenge A v Cues Brothers B
_fresh_ vs sarahh
_fresh_ vs _wales_lad_
Funky Pool Devils C v Cues Brothers B
watchinawe vs hamburgerboy
watchinawe vs _wales_lad_
friendyboy vs _takeiteasy_
horse10000 vs friendyboy
Cues Brothers A v Uprising Strawberry Goats
_takeiteasy_ vs erigert
letsgochamp vs erigert
Black Scorpions A v Cues Brothers A
bigcjl2 vs _egley_
bigcjl2 vs mr_tumble
Phoenix Revenge A v Cues Brothers B
_fresh_ vs sarahh
_fresh_ vs _wales_lad_
Funky Pool Devils C v Cues Brothers B
watchinawe vs hamburgerboy
watchinawe vs _wales_lad_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
05:34 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
I think Fresh should just keep showing his intent too get the game played even messaging the guy once every day or so even though he is offline? If the game did go to a default (i dont think it will) then the default panel or what ever it is these days would be looking too see a good amount of intent too get the game played. No offence to you Ash but saying let it go too default hurts in the default as it could look like you are just playing for the deault which in return would make the said panel or whatever give less too the player than what they could have got if they kept on showing a willingness too get the fixture completed.
Then again i agree with what you did say before, if your going too sub out a guy easily against another team but then leave him in another game when that game has more grounds for the sub... our example being he is offline five days and failed too show on two agreed days/times. If the player in question has been spoken too by their captain and he himself is sure the game will be played then why make the sub for the other team and leave the other one without one. It makes no sense too me really but that is clans for you sometimes but as said i think the game will get played regardless.
Then again i agree with what you did say before, if your going too sub out a guy easily against another team but then leave him in another game when that game has more grounds for the sub... our example being he is offline five days and failed too show on two agreed days/times. If the player in question has been spoken too by their captain and he himself is sure the game will be played then why make the sub for the other team and leave the other one without one. It makes no sense too me really but that is clans for you sometimes but as said i think the game will get played regardless.
06:10 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Thanks Jay for that - I appreciate your input and opinion.
I will ask and ensure we do as much as we possibly can to get this fixture played. All messages will be saved and used in a default as supportive information if we unfortunately have to go down that route. I shouldn't have stated we'll play for default as that's not the case, default is the last resort.
We can only control our own side but what we do not require is a blatant disregard to our requests and had I not re-posted my original post from 4 hours previously we probably would have met the same ignorance we endured in the FCL Fix set 1 with another match.
Edited at 04:16 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
I will ask and ensure we do as much as we possibly can to get this fixture played. All messages will be saved and used in a default as supportive information if we unfortunately have to go down that route. I shouldn't have stated we'll play for default as that's not the case, default is the last resort.
We can only control our own side but what we do not require is a blatant disregard to our requests and had I not re-posted my original post from 4 hours previously we probably would have met the same ignorance we endured in the FCL Fix set 1 with another match.
Edited at 04:16 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
10:21 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Well your the only one going on about default which looks bad as a captain default shouldn't come up with 1 week left as it shows your intent to play for it which I will use against you if it ever comes to it which I don't see that being , also mentioning that your player should not play the game and let it go to default will go against you.
Not only is your intent to play for default as your 4 points behind but suggesting your player Does NOT play the game will go against you badly , shows no intent to play the game just shows lack of intent.
Reason I subbed my player out of 1 fixture was to allow him to focus on this match which shows my intent of trying to get this match played. I will also introduce a sub if needed but when I feel its suitable.
Thanks Jay for that - I appreciate your input and opinion.
I will ask and ensure we do as much as we possibly can to get this fixture played. All messages will be saved and used in a default as supportive information if we unfortunately have to go down that route. I shouldn't have stated we'll play for default as that's not the case, default is the last resort.
We can only control our own side but what we do not require is a blatant disregard to our requests and had I not re-posted my original post from 4 hours previously we probably would have met the same ignorance we endured in the FCL Fix set 1 with another match.
Edited at 04:16 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
I will ask and ensure we do as much as we possibly can to get this fixture played. All messages will be saved and used in a default as supportive information if we unfortunately have to go down that route. I shouldn't have stated we'll play for default as that's not the case, default is the last resort.
We can only control our own side but what we do not require is a blatant disregard to our requests and had I not re-posted my original post from 4 hours previously we probably would have met the same ignorance we endured in the FCL Fix set 1 with another match.
Edited at 04:16 Tue 22/03/16 (GMT)
Well your the only one going on about default which looks bad as a captain default shouldn't come up with 1 week left as it shows your intent to play for it which I will use against you if it ever comes to it which I don't see that being , also mentioning that your player should not play the game and let it go to default will go against you.
Not only is your intent to play for default as your 4 points behind but suggesting your player Does NOT play the game will go against you badly , shows no intent to play the game just shows lack of intent.
Reason I subbed my player out of 1 fixture was to allow him to focus on this match which shows my intent of trying to get this match played. I will also introduce a sub if needed but when I feel its suitable.
14:15 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Its not often i agree with Ash but if what he says is true then Huts should try and sub as early as possible as each day that passes looks better for Phoenix but as Keith said you can't predict a default without looking at messages from both parties.
While taking it to default would be a bad idea under Old Pool and Snooker Rules as the clan would lose points, Keith has protection for those which the fixture is one sided for two weeks then effort only made in week 3 then ask for subs etc, Without looking at info it would go to the clan who made effort in first two weeks (would change when info is sent to the runners as that is a protection base).
Only thing i would disagree about is talking about a default this early because when Huts makes a sub then the game is then playable. Most Captains can do it, as DFE A has struggled, i have tried to sort things out at start of week 3 but some games are rushed on deadline evening. Any Captain could default the game and from base without info seen, win the default in this situation but most Captains want to prevent defaults (Not saying this is Ash's fault) so try until the last day to play the game.
While taking it to default would be a bad idea under Old Pool and Snooker Rules as the clan would lose points, Keith has protection for those which the fixture is one sided for two weeks then effort only made in week 3 then ask for subs etc, Without looking at info it would go to the clan who made effort in first two weeks (would change when info is sent to the runners as that is a protection base).
Only thing i would disagree about is talking about a default this early because when Huts makes a sub then the game is then playable. Most Captains can do it, as DFE A has struggled, i have tried to sort things out at start of week 3 but some games are rushed on deadline evening. Any Captain could default the game and from base without info seen, win the default in this situation but most Captains want to prevent defaults (Not saying this is Ash's fault) so try until the last day to play the game.
14:23 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
SL games vs red4eva
4-2 to red, sorry guys didnt play the way i would have liked but take nothing away for red he deserved to win, ggs mate and gl to you and your team for the rest.
4-2 to red, sorry guys didnt play the way i would have liked but take nothing away for red he deserved to win, ggs mate and gl to you and your team for the rest.
16:08 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
The only league which is left remaining this season is the SL. I'm not in favour of the new 'everyone qualifies' regardless of final league positions and feel it makes a mockery out of the season itself.
I/We all season have played to win as many matches as possible with the sole hope and aspiration to better last season's disappointment with failing to qualify for the Playoffs. I'm not totally sure on the league placings at this present time but I believe 1 of our 2 sides has achieved our goal.
Now to find out all teams qualify and there's no teams eliminated is just a huge kick in the teeth!!! What was the point in us all trying all season to be the best we can be if ALL can now qualify???
I find it all a bit ridiculous tbh. IF we don't win the Playoffs at least we had the satisfaction in losing to a team who deserves to be there and also knowing we reached the target we set ourselves.
I/We all season have played to win as many matches as possible with the sole hope and aspiration to better last season's disappointment with failing to qualify for the Playoffs. I'm not totally sure on the league placings at this present time but I believe 1 of our 2 sides has achieved our goal.
Now to find out all teams qualify and there's no teams eliminated is just a huge kick in the teeth!!! What was the point in us all trying all season to be the best we can be if ALL can now qualify???
I find it all a bit ridiculous tbh. IF we don't win the Playoffs at least we had the satisfaction in losing to a team who deserves to be there and also knowing we reached the target we set ourselves.
16:10 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
When super league season finishes this Sunday the play offs will start.
These are going to be slightly different from previous seasons, i am going to include all clans in the knock outs and it will be seeded by the teams league position.
1st = Bye
2nd = Bye
3rd = Bye
Then the draw would be as follows:-
4 v 13
5 v 12
6 v 11
7 v 10
8 v 9
Then in quarters it would be the team who finished first v the highest seed left etc
This will continue to the final.
In the knock outs the games will have a one week deadline so will take no longer to complete.
This will give all clans a chance to win the knock out part as well.
Any questions regarding any of the above please let me know
1st = Bye
2nd = Bye
3rd = Bye
Then the draw would be as follows:-
4 v 13
5 v 12
6 v 11
7 v 10
8 v 9
Then in quarters it would be the team who finished first v the highest seed left etc
This will continue to the final.
In the knock outs the games will have a one week deadline so will take no longer to complete.
This will give all clans a chance to win the knock out part as well.
Any questions regarding any of the above please let me know
16:14 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
Meaningless either way. 4 v 4 players at 6 frames each is almost entirely random between players of similar ability. I for one won't be upset if we lose it, or particularly excited if we win it. I will however be pleased if a smaller team wins it, and I won't begrudge them their time in the spotlight. With that in mind, you can see why the format exists in this way. It's not designed for Uprising or Phoenix to enjoy it.
The only league which is left remaining this season is the SL. I'm not in favour of the new 'everyone qualifies' regardless of final league positions and feel it makes a mockery out of the season itself.
I/We all season have played to win as many matches as possible with the sole hope and aspiration to better last season's disappointment with failing to qualify for the Playoffs. I'm not totally sure on the league placings at this present time but I believe 1 of our 2 sides has achieved our goal.
Now to find out all teams qualify and there's no teams eliminated is just a huge kick in the teeth!!! What was the point in us all trying all season to be the best we can be if ALL can now qualify???
I find it all a bit ridiculous tbh. IF we don't win the Playoffs at least we had the satisfaction in losing to a team who deserves to be there and also knowing we reached the target we set ourselves.
I/We all season have played to win as many matches as possible with the sole hope and aspiration to better last season's disappointment with failing to qualify for the Playoffs. I'm not totally sure on the league placings at this present time but I believe 1 of our 2 sides has achieved our goal.
Now to find out all teams qualify and there's no teams eliminated is just a huge kick in the teeth!!! What was the point in us all trying all season to be the best we can be if ALL can now qualify???
I find it all a bit ridiculous tbh. IF we don't win the Playoffs at least we had the satisfaction in losing to a team who deserves to be there and also knowing we reached the target we set ourselves.
Meaningless either way. 4 v 4 players at 6 frames each is almost entirely random between players of similar ability. I for one won't be upset if we lose it, or particularly excited if we win it. I will however be pleased if a smaller team wins it, and I won't begrudge them their time in the spotlight. With that in mind, you can see why the format exists in this way. It's not designed for Uprising or Phoenix to enjoy it.
16:22 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
These changes or proposals should have been mentioned or bought to the forefront at the beginning of the season. Where's the fairness??? Last season ALL three sides for Uprising and FPD's A were the only ones in the Playoffs. Why wasn't this applied then, its just garbage!!
16:26 Tue 22 Mar 16 (GMT)
To be honest, having such short formats have so far been justified by saying it gives the smaller teams a chance to win something. With Uprising smashing the SL last season, and winning the shortened FBL this season - the short format theory has clearly not worked - so something has to be implemented or the entire reasoning for having short formats is null and void.
These changes or proposals should have been mentioned or bought to the forefront at the beginning of the season. Where's the fairness??? Last season ALL three sides for Uprising and FPD's A were the only ones in the Playoffs. Why wasn't this applied then, its just garbage!!
To be honest, having such short formats have so far been justified by saying it gives the smaller teams a chance to win something. With Uprising smashing the SL last season, and winning the shortened FBL this season - the short format theory has clearly not worked - so something has to be implemented or the entire reasoning for having short formats is null and void.
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Phoenix Revenge - 'The Cluster of Greatness!'
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