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Posts: 10,109
15:55 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I remember uprising having a different reaction when 2 of their players were poached at the start of the season.. But hypocritical tbh.

The clan is folded and should not continue this season.. Same name or different name. The whole approach Connor has took is smash and grab.. If it was better handled, and earlier in the season, I would support it.

The cues brothers should wait until next season, now.

Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.
Posts: 368
15:57 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I remember uprising having a different reaction when 2 of their players were poached at the start of the season.. But hypocritical tbh.

The clan is folded and should not continue this season.. Same name or different name. The whole approach Connor has took is smash and grab.. If it was better handled, and earlier in the season, I would support it.

The cues brothers should wait until next season, now.

Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.

No i didnt! lmao
Posts: 10,109
16:00 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I remember uprising having a different reaction when 2 of their players were poached at the start of the season.. But hypocritical tbh.

The clan is folded and should not continue this season.. Same name or different name. The whole approach Connor has took is smash and grab.. If it was better handled, and earlier in the season, I would support it.

The cues brothers should wait until next season, now.

Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.

No i didnt! lmao asked me for 3 and approached one! lol
Posts: 4,046
16:01 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.

Well there you are then. Thats ridiculous. Connor is not captain material if that was the route he took. To screw over all existing teams to help one. He had no thought for anyone but himself. I would re-rack-jack did it. At least we know he wouldnt stich up the rest for him self. I will do what ever i can for a new captain. Just not Connor
Posts: 368
16:02 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.

Well there you are then. Thats ridiculous. Connor is not captain material if that was the route he took. To screw over all existing teams to help one. He had no thought for anyone but himself. I would re-rack-jack did it. At least we know he wouldnt stich up the rest for him self. I will do what ever i can for a new captain. Just not Connor

thats your opinion pal
Posts: 10,109
16:03 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyways. It is not my intention to carry on post after post of pettiness.

I agree the Alan situation was handled entirely wrongly, but I believe the best thing for the leagues is for them to continue. I won't post anything else on the matter on the FPD's thread as it's not fair on the team.

I apologise for anything I said that may have offended Bucky - who isn't a bad guy, and I even apologise to Klien - who is!

All I'm saying is a 5 team GSC will be pants.
Posts: 10,109
16:05 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Uprising? Have you not noticed Eri has a different opinion to me?

For your information, Connor approached a few Uprising players. In my last post I also inferred that approaching Alan was a mistake.

Well there you are then. Thats ridiculous. Connor is not captain material if that was the route he took. To screw over all existing teams to help one. He had no thought for anyone but himself. I would re-rack-jack did it. At least we know he wouldnt stich up the rest for him self. I will do what ever i can for a new captain. Just not Connor

It appears I misinterpreted his mail. He was asking me if he could have a few players, I assumed the players he mentioned was players he'd asked. One more apology - this time for Connor.
Posts: 14,736
16:05 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry but this thought just made me laugh: The new picture looks very similar to the Police, was that on purpose to cover up anyone being nicked from another team.

I thought that was funny.
Posts: 2,327
16:08 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours
Posts: 4,046
16:17 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Would hope not Vix . I would imagine he has messaged dvz all ready though tbf
Posts: 4,046
16:20 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyways. It is not my intention to carry on post after post of pettiness.

I agree the Alan situation was handled entirely wrongly, but I believe the best thing for the leagues is for them to continue. I won't post anything else on the matter on the FPD's thread as it's not fair on the team.

I apologise for anything I said that may have offended Bucky - who isn't a bad guy, and I even apologise to Klien - who is!

All I'm saying is a 5 team GSC will be pants.

I too will shut up but will regard my posts as defending what's best for my team at this stage regardless of how petty they might seem.
Posts: 4,046
17:44 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
sidenote from me:

played sam regardless of the situation and won with a nice 37 run in 1st frame and a couple smaller ones in 2nd. as always he was quite distracted

count_raven 2 - 0 fastboysam

ggs mate. all the best wherever it may lead you!

Awesome result. Well played buddy.
Posts: 368
18:36 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Don't worry lol
Posts: 4,046
18:45 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Don't worry lol

She has every right to IMO. Didn't think I did either
Posts: 368
18:47 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Don't worry lol

She has every right to IMO. Didn't think I did either

You starting again jamie?
Posts: 4,046
19:00 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Don't worry lol

She has every right to IMO. Didn't think I did either

You starting again jamie?

Who said I had finished with you sunshine?
Posts: 368
19:14 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry guys wasn't expecting another kick off lol, soon as klien replied saying he'd prefer me not 2 then that was the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

Alan, this is not about you and your offer to help out. You are one of our strongest players and if we were going to help out another team it would not have been with with you would it? When i got up and started reading i really really did think about loaning out my services as it wouldnt have an effect on our team and im not a bad player. I forgot that as soon as i saw what was happening. And where does it end. The guy has shown no scruples in trying to poach you. How many from huts's team and DFE before hes got enough? Nah stinks from where im sitting

He's not having any of ours

Don't worry lol

She has every right to IMO. Didn't think I did either

You starting again jamie?

Who said I had finished with you sunshine?

Me adios continue if you must through pm
Posts: 305
20:13 Fri 4 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
wooooooooooooooo stylin and profilin wooooooooooo
Posts: 2,588
02:54 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right guys, I know it's not what we agreed Bucky and I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch like this but circumstances have changed since our agreement. In the past 24 hours I've been called 'worse than a terrorist' and now I am being accused of single-handedly destroying this website by Faust.. All I did was to prevent players of this clan being messed around as happened last season when teams were making tactical subs and we did absolutely nothing to counter them.. We nearly lost the gsc semi finals because of it.

The time has come for me to go, it has been great being in this clan. I really hope that the players here because of me, most notably triple_b who only returned to the clan scene because of my request, help bucky to the end of the season, at least.

See you on the other side.
Posts: 10,109
02:57 Sat 5 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right guys, I know it's not what we agreed Bucky and I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch like this but circumstances have changed since our agreement. In the past 24 hours I've been called 'worse than a terrorist' and now I am being accused of single-handedly destroying this website by Faust.. All I did was to prevent players of this clan being messed around as happened last season when teams were making tactical subs and we did absolutely nothing to counter them.. We nearly lost the gsc semi finals because of it.

The time has come for me to go, it has been great being in this clan. I really hope that the players here because of me, most notably triple_b who only returned to the clan scene because of my request, help bucky to the end of the season, at least.

See you on the other side.


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The Funky Pool Devils - Dawn of the Underdogs: Home of the Fbl Golden Cue Winner & Players Champion.

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