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Posts: 10,109
01:53 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Alan just pleads that he dont want to play it. Its a con, he loves it and beats most. Id take all that with a pinch of salt if i was you

Top class guy and player. I'd be begging him back every day if he wasn't at a clan we've not fallen out with......yet!
Posts: 2,588
01:55 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Alan just pleads that he dont want to play it. Its a con, he loves it and beats most. Id take all that with a pinch of salt if i was you

Top class guy and player. I'd be begging him back every day if he wasn't at a clan we've not fallen out with......yet!

Wait until next FCL fixture set when we come out guns blazing and pull off a massive shock victory... We'll see if we're still friendly
Posts: 10,109
01:56 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Alan just pleads that he dont want to play it. Its a con, he loves it and beats most. Id take all that with a pinch of salt if i was you

Top class guy and player. I'd be begging him back every day if he wasn't at a clan we've not fallen out with......yet!

Wait until next FCL fixture set when we come out guns blazing and pull off a massive shock victory... We'll see if we're still friendly

You saying I'm a bad loser? lol
Posts: 10,109
01:57 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

corsair v whocares8x8
is now
fran_ v buckjam
Posts: 2,588
01:58 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Alan just pleads that he dont want to play it. Its a con, he loves it and beats most. Id take all that with a pinch of salt if i was you

Top class guy and player. I'd be begging him back every day if he wasn't at a clan we've not fallen out with......yet!

Wait until next FCL fixture set when we come out guns blazing and pull off a massive shock victory... We'll see if we're still friendly

You saying I'm a bad loser? lol

Nah. I just reckon you've forgotten how to lose
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02:07 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha although I'm still yet to win a clan game of straight. If I wasn't consistently crap at it then that wouldn't be the case lol.

Lol klien, tbh I'd fancy my chances against anyone at uk even tho I hate the game and very rarely play it as It's that easy to pot on that table. I just don't appreciate been bored to death as that isn't why i come on here
Posts: 1,361
02:20 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Easy way to sort this. me v madbro best of 3 straight. winner plays most remaining straight games this season
Posts: 4,046
02:26 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Easy way to sort this. me v madbro best of 3 straight. winner plays most remaining straight games this season

Great idea. Although i reakon he'll throw it watch
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02:28 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Win or lose and you still get to play the remaining straight games, how does that sound?
Posts: 4,046
02:30 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Win or lose and you still get to play the remaining straight games, how does that sound?

Sounds crap to me. To be fair though you are in differnt teams so it wouldnt work. I would have let you play three games of tortuous straight before i told you though
Deleted User
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02:47 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
You should of thought of that before saying it was a great idea lol, makes sense for me and watch be in the same team then now doesn't it?
Posts: 305
02:54 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
woooooooooooooooooo fbl Slick Ric versus DVZ the strangler straight first game i had him and he had me either one could of won 2nd game he destroyed me in fact as im writing this he is still shooting woooooooooooooo 68 shots woooooooooo He won both i knew i was in for a battle when it said professional and me newbie woooooooooooooooooo ill get better and be back woooooooooooooooooooooo
Posts: 3,072
02:59 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
wooooooooooo ggs m8 :)
Posts: 4,046
03:18 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Updates done upto here
Posts: 4,046
05:58 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great day yesterday. Awesome results, none better than watchinawe's draw against joeyy. Well done bud. scottyjr won a couple and count_raven has made a great start. Shout out to king8ball who although narrowly pipped 8-7 took us to within another win in the Fcl. Keep it up guys and girls. Looking good so far
Posts: 305
15:37 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
woooooooooooooooooooo Slick Ric took on The United Sates Champ erigert the regurgitater woooooooooooooo let me start off by saying since the loss to dvz the funkypool strangler i have practiced straight non stop as guest woooooooooooooo and feel i have improved today Slick Ric got a run of 23 wooooooooo and got to 33 in both games woooooooooo and got there really early too woooooooooooo and i pulled every trick to get there Woooooo because im the dirtiest player in the game hit him with chairs brass knuckles i had the 4 horsemen come and destroy The regurgitater like no other wooooooooooooo but some how the kid hung on against all odds and won wooooooooo 2-0 him but i did improve and get 33 on both games woooooooooooo As the song my daughter had the limo driver play .. started at the bottom now we here wooooooooooooooooooo
Posts: 4,046
16:02 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
woooooooooooooooooooo Slick Ric took on The United Sates Champ erigert the regurgitater woooooooooooooo let me start off by saying since the loss to dvz the funkypool strangler i have practiced straight non stop as guest woooooooooooooo and feel i have improved today Slick Ric got a run of 23 wooooooooo and got to 33 in both games woooooooooo and got there really early too woooooooooooo and i pulled every trick to get there Woooooo because im the dirtiest player in the game hit him with chairs brass knuckles i had the 4 horsemen come and destroy The regurgitater like no other wooooooooooooo but some how the kid hung on against all odds and won wooooooooo 2-0 him but i did improve and get 33 on both games woooooooooooo As the song my daughter had the limo driver play .. started at the bottom now we here wooooooooooooooooooo

Well done bud. Ggs and keep practising. Did I leave my raybans in the jet? I can't find them anywhere
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(IP Logged)
16:40 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Very unlucky there ric, phoenix trying to poach our players lol, great to see you've got some sense m8
Posts: 14,736
16:46 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who are we trying to poach? I haven't asked anyone here!
Posts: 1,361
19:01 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

8 UK

watchinawe 0 - 5 _start_

Sorry guys. One of those days where opponent was playing well and any chances I got weren't working out for me
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The Funky Pool Devils - Dawn of the Underdogs: Home of the Fbl Golden Cue Winner & Players Champion.

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