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Posts: 19,819
20:39 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
kris vs hamburgerboy

Right just speaking to hamburgerboy and they actually started playing, so you cant sub really, unless you have removed kris out the clan?
So little help? :P

Was 4-1 kris btw (8bus played)
Posts: 399
20:54 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just looking at fixtures when did we sign dvz
Posts: 4,046
20:56 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just looking at fixtures when did we sign dvz

Shhhhhhhhh fo cryin out loud, he dont know yet
Posts: 83
21:17 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
kris vs hamburgerboy

Right just speaking to hamburgerboy and they actually started playing, so you cant sub really, unless you have removed kris out the clan?
So little help? :P

Was 4-1 kris btw (8bus played)

OK then hamburgerboy can ignore my msg to play
Posts: 4,046
21:47 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
kris vs hamburgerboy

Right just speaking to hamburgerboy and they actually started playing, so you cant sub really, unless you have removed kris out the clan?
So little help? :P

Was 4-1 kris btw (8bus played)

OK then hamburgerboy can ignore my msg to play

Ok all sorted so you can play when you can. Sry was waiting on an apology but didn't get one and didn't expect one either tbf. Sorry to mess you about.
Posts: 116
21:49 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL against cgibson92:

8us: cgibson92 2 - 0 ferretlady
9us: cgibson92 2 - 0 ferretlady
8uk: cgibson92 1 - 1 ferretlady

My apologies as ever, gibson played really well though, great player.
Posts: 4,046
21:52 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL against cgibson92:

8us: cgibson92 2 - 0 ferretlady
9us: cgibson92 2 - 0 ferretlady
8uk: cgibson92 1 - 1 ferretlady

My apologies as ever, gibson played really well though, great player.

He is a good player. Just keep persevering. Hoping you will win one this season but until you do we are just happy your getting the games done.
Posts: 399
21:59 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs red4eva

9us 5-3 me

good game unlucky pal thanks for playing best of luck for rest of season
Posts: 399
22:29 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs _siber_man_

straight 2-0

good games unlucky, he was suffering from connection issues, i played half decent for once at straight, still not my first choice of format
Posts: 4,046
22:32 Mon 8 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
me vs _siber_man_

straight 2-0

good games unlucky, he was suffering from connection issues, i played half decent for once at straight, still not my first choice of format

Well done buddy. Great results on those 2. Perfect! !
Posts: 274
00:36 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
count_raven 5 - 3 i_am_rubbish

both not playing at its best. could of been all results tbh
Posts: 1,617
01:03 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
good win there scotty and carsten

hard luck ferret and king

might have trouble with my match with slimeball , as he plays afternoons weekdays when im at work and doesnt really do weekends
Posts: 1,361
01:25 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

watchinawe 1 - 1 joeyy

1st frame he got a couple of good runs, which I couldn't catch up with. 2nd frame I managed a 21 run to leave me needing 7 to take the draw.

ggs wp
Posts: 4,046
01:27 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

watchinawe 1 - 1 joeyy

1st frame he got a couple of good runs, which I couldn't catch up with. 2nd frame I managed a 21 run to leave me needing 7 to take the draw.

ggs wp

Brilliant watch. Awsesome against joeyy. Made up for you bud
Posts: 2,588
01:31 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
As per some great results coming in.. Special gratz to Raven and scottyjr.. Well played watch and ul ferret.. Good point against a top player though.
Posts: 1,361
01:39 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks guys. I appreciate your faith in me putting me in for straight
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01:45 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks guys. I appreciate your faith in me putting me in for straight

Buck this sounds like someone that wants more straight games

Great point against joey m8 hes a class player.
Posts: 2,588
01:47 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks guys. I appreciate your faith in me putting me in for straight

Buck this sounds like someone that wants more straight games

Great point against joey m8 hes a class player.

To be fair Alan, you've been crying out for more 8uk games... Shame you two aren't in the same team.. Those types would be covered
Posts: 1,361
01:48 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks guys. I appreciate your faith in me putting me in for straight

Buck this sounds like someone that wants more straight games

Great point against joey m8 hes a class player.

Bring it on. I fear no one
Posts: 4,046
01:51 Tue 9 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks guys. I appreciate your faith in me putting me in for straight

Buck this sounds like someone that wants more straight games

Great point against joey m8 hes a class player.

To be fair Alan, you've been crying out for more 8uk games... Shame you two aren't in the same team.. Those types would be covered

Alan just pleads that he dont want to play it. Its a con, he loves it and beats most. Id take all that with a pinch of salt if i was you
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