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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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22:19 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Takes the mick, last season jack was kept in fixtures for weeks with the premise that he would be on for all of an hour slot over two weeks, and if we didn't give him a midnight sub on deadline day, we would be defaulted.
Now new season, the complete flip reversal and we get no reward for it?

Love to know how your brain works. Tbh I think on this basis you should swap roles with punk, at least he talks sense and is not biased, and you stick to pumping numbers into excel spreadsheets.

Absolute disgrace, and completely mugging joeyy off. Words cannot describe how pathetic that decision is.

Wait til we use underhanded tactics (exactly what it was by bs) and the rules are then swiftly changed to suit.

Could you be so kind as to provide a reference please? My memory does fail me from time to time but I am 99% sure you are talking utter crap
Posts: 38,097
22:20 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ang: He said he had already posted saying he couldn't get on til Sunday, then hes going away Monday and back the following Monday

^ sorry Ash but Ang did post this but you hoped that he would be back when she said he wouldn't be around so potentially you could have removed him sooner. without that then you should trust your players.
Posts: 38,097
22:24 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

Could you be so kind as to provide a reference please? My memory does fail me from time to time but I am 99% sure you are talking utter crap

that the season they waiting for you to log out to play zante lol?
Posts: 4,046
22:32 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just interested. Is d-gen now a keeper of the secret scrolls and our new cheif counsel for all things Funky?

This would never have happened on snooker......................
Posts: 38,097
22:33 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
snooker is a peaceful community
Posts: 13,570
22:36 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
snooker is a peaceful community

Is that community or communisty?
Posts: 274
22:36 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
dead and peaceful
Posts: 14,736
22:42 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Last post from me on this:

You have rewarded a team 8 points though for doing nothing? The first two weeks correct player was inactive but your no subs rule/policy restricts any team from not only wanting to act but being able too.

IF a relaxation on the subs for inactive players can be implemented it will encourage and I'm positive ensure all fixtures are met and completed. A player can become inactive for a multitude of reasons and that can occur any time during a fixture. Just heaven forbid it be within the 1st two weeks as the only action available is to release a player.

We released players in the past this season and within 24 hours they were added to another teams roster. Where's the fairness in that also?

I'm happy to try anything to try and get all my teams fixtures played but this subs rule needs to be relaxed when dealing with inactive (through no fault of their own) players in the first two weeks.


* my bone of contention isn't what we got awarded but the opponents for being not helpful in the slightest.

I wasn't even going to contest the default, I even posted that on this thread.
Posts: 9,926
22:48 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Last post from me on this:

You have rewarded a team 8 points though for doing nothing? The first two weeks correct player was inactive but your no subs rule/policy restricts any team from not only wanting to act but being able too.

IF a relaxation on the subs for inactive players can be implemented it will encourage and I'm positive ensure all fixtures are met and completed. A player can become inactive for a multitude of reasons and that can occur any time during a fixture. Just heaven forbid it be within the 1st two weeks as the only action available is to release a player.

We released players in the past this season and within 24 hours they were added to another teams roster. Where's the fairness in that also?

I'm happy to try anything to try and get all my teams fixtures played but this subs rule needs to be relaxed when dealing with inactive (through no fault of their own) players in the first two weeks.


* my bone of contention isn't what we got awarded but the opponents for being not helpful in the slightest.

I wasn't even going to contest the default, I even posted that on this thread.

You keep changing your stance every post, yet you have chosen to not reply to the actual facts as per my post on discussion thread.

How do you know what effort your opponents have made in the first 2 weeks, you are ignoring the actual effort your own clan made in week 3 as well as that does not suit your posts.
Posts: 14,736
22:50 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't had the opportunity to speak with joeyy about it tbh, I have read your post over on the FCL thread and I won't be replying nor commenting until I have.
Posts: 13,570
22:53 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Might back that last statement up ACTUALLY!

Ya know players can take a bit of time to get a game played even when both active, where a 2 Week Ruling I think is FAIR, as there can be Time Issues or work/family commitments etc......

A match not being played due to an inactive player deals up a different scenario. I know The Rules are universal at the minute, but 1 suggestion I would say is that if a player has been inactive, just for example, 10 Days which is nearly half the fixture time, then that may be a good enough sign for a more urgent need to make a substitution.

This is in no way a criticism of current rules, more something that can be discussed........and thrown by the wayside lol
Posts: 9,926
22:53 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
What a joke! Default score is pathetic!
Correct we put in a player in the 1st fixture set - unfortunately they were unavailable for the 1st 2 weeks. (How were we supposed to know he'd be inactive???) Your cruddy rule about not being able to sub for two weeks only left 1 option and that was to go against our communication and information they'd be available shortly.

Is that really a reason to just remove a player - NO! is the answer.

This default score only goes to encourage others to do sweet nothing in week 3, don't worry if your opponents active it's'll still win regardless. Put your feet up and watch the fixture go to default when we're ALL meant to do what we can to get matches played.

League Runners are meant to be there to help 'RUN' and keep things RUNNING/Functioning smoothly - encouraging the lack of effort for week 3 goes completely against that premise.

No questions for you offline - Just Bravo!

As usual you want to post online as you think everyone is against you. If you want the facts regarding the default, phoenix were lucky to get 3 points. If anyone wants to see why games don't get played they should look at the default information for this game.

Facts are you had an inactive player for 2 weeks, which you could have removed if you wanted to sub earlier.

You subbed on the Monday yet the player you subbed in did not send any messages to his opponent until the Friday at the earliest which meant over half of the week when the game could have been played had passed, _egotistical was active when the sub was made he only went inactive later in the week so effort when sub was made could have still meant game was completed. So after 18 days out of a 21 day fixture the only effort that Phoenix have made is doing a sub for an inactive player. So you got a point per day of effort. You actually got a far greater point award for effort per day than Black Scorpions.

Now Black Scorpions may complain but that is a different argument.

Now as the league runner, please advise where i have not acknowledged your effort or lack of it? I look forward to your response as to why you have been so badly treated
Posts: 9,926
22:54 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Taken from discussion thread as you don't want to recognise any facts when you are posting your points or opinions in the outcome of default and for friendyboy who thinks I am biased, he might be right as you could argue the final score was biased to Phoenix.
Posts: 14,736
22:57 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't had the opportunity to speak with joeyy about it tbh, I have read your post over on the FCL thread and I won't be replying nor commenting until I have.

Same applies
Posts: 9,926
23:02 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I haven't had the opportunity to speak with joeyy about it tbh, I have read your post over on the FCL thread and I won't be replying nor commenting until I have.

Same applies

So what applied when you posted your response to the default which I then replied to. Did you just rant and post with no back up or justification to your post, yet you were quiet happy to slate me anyway.
Posts: 7,297
23:06 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash you cant complain at all in my view , 2 big errors came from you and inactive andyw1. Two weeks inactive from 3 is nearly all the fixture so your just making yourself look silly , you should respect the result and learn from it which starts with not keeping inactive players in fixtures !
Posts: 14,736
23:12 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't slate you: I slated the outcome (with the thought all effort throughout the third week was applied) hence I've asked to not comment until spoken with our player on that issue.

I have questioned the fairness in awarding the opposition 8 points and also made it clear I disagree with any future encouragement with not trying to get matches played for the entire duration of a fixture.

I have not played the biased card just questioned the inconsistencies. I do internally question how many decisions go against my teams even when on this occasion unlike others we have done nothing wrong and got penalised for not having any cooperation.

I fear this incident could now be used as the catalyst for others to apply zero effort in the third weeks when we all realistically should try and apply maximum effort to complete all our fixtures. League Runner, Captains. Vice Captains and players all inclusive.

Edited at 21:26 Fri 05/02/16 (GMT)
Posts: 274
23:28 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe I got a quite objective opinion as I just see the discussion itself:

1. I double hippesville opinion about relaxing rules to sub out inactive players as usually the clan is not responsible for that.

2. If Ash had not known about his players absence (for whatever reason) he should have removed the player in respect to his clan to make a sub possible and get the game played. If I was in his place and suffered from players inactivity I would have removed him anyway just because he is unreliable (no matter if he is a top player or a weak one).
As he did not do that, sorry Ash, you are responsible for losing at default!

3. If Ash had known about absence and been just ignorant he deserves the full punishment.

Furthermore I dont wanna judge any other decision as I am still quite new to pool and dont really know the members involved!
Posts: 19,967
23:31 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
The opposition couldn't really do anything other than ask for a sub and have an active player. The fact the opposition also had a player in the match who needed removing which they did swiftly would work in their favour (positive sub) whereas you waited the two weeks to keep Andy in incase of a return, even when he failed to be back like he said and said he was going away for the second week anyway, which has to be viewed negatively.

The only inconsistency is your own. You get punished when it's your fault. 5 days offline, your first effort to play came on Friday (according to the information YOUR side sent in. They acted, you didn't. When they have an opponent who is unavailable and they are just waiting for a sub then they can't do too much.
Posts: 19,967
23:42 Fri 5 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
"I fear this incident could now be used as the catalyst for others to apply zero effort in the third weeks when we all realistically should try and apply maximum effort to complete all our fixtures. League Runner, Captains. Vice Captains and players all inclusive."

This would only be possible if a clan put/kept in an inactive player an didn't remove them until the third week of the fixture. Other clans posted support for BS for having an active player in for most of the fixture, but they all said they'd have subbed (as they all have in the past). Scorpions had issues themselves with players, so it's not as underhanded to not sub out a player as you make out since they've already given you a sub when you wouldn't give them the same courtesy.

In reality, it means make sure you have active players in the fixture or you will suffer and also send in you info because I'm pretty sure they would've had a lower score had you bothered to show their negative side.
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Phoenix Revenge - Resilient till the END!

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