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***The Revolution***

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Posts: 14,736
13:18 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haven't you heard or realised yet? I'm building another fantastic team, keeping the core group of players (except one who unfortunately is joining another team) but I've decided to stay as despite all the negativity, abuse etc I'm feeling very positive about my team and next season.

Thanks for your concern kris, anyone would think reading your past posts you've given up on your own team and players? Slating veyron for an unplayed match, posting about a default chart, etc (too much to drink again was it???)

So instead of focusing your attention on me and my affairs I suggest you look a little closer to home. (Revolution)

Or have you already washed your hands of them and already joined DFE

Edited at 11:21 Mon 02/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
13:24 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Kris. Can you cancel that fasteddie sub please. scotty has already played. Sorry and thanks.
Posts: 4,231
13:40 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haven't you heard or realised yet? I'm building another fantastic team, keeping the core group of players (except one who unfortunately is joining another team) but I've decided to stay as despite all the negativity, abuse etc I'm feeling very positive about my team and next season.

Thanks for your concern kris, anyone would think reading your past posts you've given up on your own team and players? Slating veyron for an unplayed match, posting about a default chart, etc (too much to drink again was it???)

So instead of focusing your attention on me and my affairs I suggest you look a little closer to home. (Revolution)

Or have you already washed your hands of them and already joined DFE

Edited at 11:21 Mon 02/11/15 (GMT)

dont worry, we r trying to finish this season. you should well know, that giving up on anything on this site, will end badly. also, my attentionis almost NEVER focused on you lol, ur trying to compliment urself there a bit i feel

about defaults chart and stuff, might as well joke about it, if thats the way it goes. no point to cry into the pillow is there?
veyron and tinie are busy with their private lives, unfortunately. sad thing about it is, that it creates problems to other clans also, not just me.
Posts: 4,231
13:44 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

one HUGE difference between you and me- i stand by what i say. you mess about. i said i will quit, so i do so. you just feed the rumor mill, and u seem to love it. Somebody here, few posts above called you Ashlene. and with all ur silly excuses and stuff u blow out from ur backside, i suggest u seriously should consider a name change, young lady.
Posts: 38,097
13:50 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

I've decided to stay as despite all the negativity, abuse etc I'm feeling very positive about my team and next season.

One thing we agree on
Posts: 4,231
14:03 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Posts: 4,231
14:04 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
you are a joke, _knightmare_
Posts: 14,736
14:05 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlike you kris I have the respect from my team, ambition to succeed and a great group of players who I can call and rely upon at any time during the season. Why should I walk away from the awesome team which I've assembled from scratch due to some mindless, spineless, negative, abusive folk on here?

I won't, I have a great relation with everyone on the team, people only see what they want to see with their own clouded judgment and just go with the flow of others.

I've never ever claimed to be perfect, never will and want to be as that would leave zero room for improvement. However, I will continue to remain as positive, confident and competitive as I possibly can for the foreseeable future.

Last post from me I've got my own team to focus on.

Also if referring to me as a Female is your only retort then wow...You're so intelligent...not.
Posts: 6,417
14:12 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

"My mums having radiotherapy and that is also a huge factor in my decision. Her life expectancy is decreased than what it was (no actual figure given) but the treatment will begin to take its toll and that is why I need to be free. Free from being committed to a fantastic group of players, free to be as flexible as I can, free from abuse from other users and players, free from stress and pretty much free to be and enjoy my time with my mum."

He says he needs to have free time to stay with his mum and now he wants to stay again lol. Who knows, maybe funkypool comes first for him kris so we shouldnt judge him lol
Posts: 4,231
14:19 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

"My mums having radiotherapy and that is also a huge factor in my decision. Her life expectancy is decreased than what it was (no actual figure given) but the treatment will begin to take its toll and that is why I need to be free. Free from being committed to a fantastic group of players, free to be as flexible as I can, free from abuse from other users and players, free from stress and pretty much free to be and enjoy my time with my mum."

He says he needs to have free time to stay with his mum and now he wants to stay again lol. Who knows, maybe funkypool comes first for him kris so we shouldnt judge him lol

id say its clear to see, that funkypool is the center of his miserable life, allright
Posts: 4,231
14:27 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlike you kris I have the respect from my team, ambition to succeed and a great group of players who I can call and rely upon at any time during the season. Why should I walk away from the awesome team which I've assembled from scratch due to some mindless, spineless, negative, abusive folk on here?

I won't, I have a great relation with everyone on the team, people only see what they want to see with their own clouded judgment and just go with the flow of others.

I've never ever claimed to be perfect, never will and want to be as that would leave zero room for improvement. However, I will continue to remain as positive, confident and competitive as I possibly can for the foreseeable future.

Last post from me I've got my own team to focus on.

Also if referring to me as a Female is your only retort then wow...You're so intelligent...not.

we all know, tht ur miles from perfect, no need to tell me this lol

also, for the love of god, just please dont say again tht ur team is outstanding, too. we have had enough of laughs about that at the beginning of this season already

and by calling u ashleen im only agreeing with Jamie and base it on ur actions. very fitting, like it or not.
Posts: 38,097
14:30 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
One thing i don't get is, he could have left it out and said "going to take a break next season for personal reasons, if you guys want me to return then i will do straight away and help this fantastic team" but uses a family members illness which is wrong as when you change your mind, people judge you more and then get negative responses. My version i'm not sure if you would get the same strong feedback.
Posts: 19,819
14:33 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vs revs a
bulletzzzz v tip_doctor
Is now
blueberryv tip_doctor

Vs firestorm
bulletzzzz v _fresh_
Is now
blueberry v _fresh_
Posts: 4,231
14:46 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
One thing i don't get is, he could have left it out and said "going to take a break next season for personal reasons, if you guys want me to return then i will do straight away and help this fantastic team" but uses a family members illness which is wrong as when you change your mind, people judge you more and then get negative responses. My version i'm not sure if you would get the same strong feedback.

tht excuse of his has been played for so many times , that i almost feel like a part of the family already
Posts: 4,231
14:47 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vs revs a
bulletzzzz v tip_doctor
Is now
blueberryv tip_doctor

Vs firestorm
bulletzzzz v _fresh_
Is now
blueberry v _fresh_
i dnt need to know about ur sub vs ashleen, bud
Posts: 7,297
15:05 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

"My mums having radiotherapy and that is also a huge factor in my decision. Her life expectancy is decreased than what it was (no actual figure given) but the treatment will begin to take its toll and that is why I need to be free. Free from being committed to a fantastic group of players, free to be as flexible as I can, free from abuse from other users and players, free from stress and pretty much free to be and enjoy my time with my mum."

He says he needs to have free time to stay with his mum and now he wants to stay again lol. Who knows, maybe funkypool comes first for him kris so we shouldnt judge him lol

id say its clear to see, that funkypool is the center of his miserable life, allright

Agree with kris, Real life is way better than being on here 24/7 like ash does , its not normal and the term get a life fits him . Im suprised he wants and needs all this hassel as he brings it all on himself most times , i for one feel hes lost the plot . He speaks of his outstanding team but won sod all every season , achievements none , being annoying he wins that award. He talks about taking a back seat but then he doesnt , he subs into games then waits for others to play it .
Being his captain once i kinda wanted him to go through the ranks learn more , he listened i feel and was VC of a clan that folded due to his own captain having enough of him as he tried to run it .
Posts: 14,736
15:31 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
1. Huts I'm not on here 24/7
2. I have a life admittedly it's not the one I wanted but that's life.
3. I agree I do bring some of it upon myself but not all.
4. So you think you can only have an outstanding team if you win something? That's so shallow minded it sums you up completely. To achieve something you have to make progression first. I happen to think us coming 2nd in the FCL was a very good achievement and 2nd in the FBL which with a couple of results the other way we may have been even closer to 1st. Firestorm has also taken Uprising who are the unanimous favourites to a Playoff in the Cups first round and that's a great feat on its own.

IF you are as successful next season as we are this season then and only then can you even be taken seriously about defining what being successful really entails.
5. Taking a back seat: that's next season or have you lost the plot already and forgotten your team isn't even active yet.
6. Black Magic was folded as Jem at the time decided she didn't have as much time to keep it going with her other commitments. I actually requested to keep it going and keep the name but that was declined. So I created Phoenix Storm. I was one of your players huts and I quit after you clearly had favourites and I didn't feel I were being treated equally and fairly. Something I have always tried to never emulate, so thanks for opening my eyes to what not to do. I just hope your previous traits are in the past.

Only time will tell!
Posts: 14,736
15:31 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry Revs last post from me on this thread.
Posts: 4,231
16:01 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry Revs last post from me on this thread.

so u keep saying lol

try to stick to it this time eh

also, second or third in any league, is a failure. no1 remembers it nor mentions it, apart from you.

they dont give out silver medals here, if u havnt noticed yet
Posts: 1,111
16:07 Mon 2 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry Revs last post from me on this thread.

so u keep saying lol

try to stick to it this time eh

also, second or third in any league, is a failure. no1 remembers it nor mentions it, apart from you.

they dont give out silver medals here, if u havnt noticed yet

i dont see the logic here, im sure if revs came second you would be pretty happy about it

im pretty sure ash isn't going to lose sleep over some digital image of a trophy either
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***The Revolution***

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