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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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Posts: 38,097
20:44 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoke to Jamie about other times but this Sunday still suits both of us, just need to wait for Keith to decide on a time and date for the Killer.

nice try
Posts: 3,846
20:47 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Is your job to write letters of complaints? you go all out man :')

Chillax everyone if ya cant do a time, cool.. pick another, cant reach an agreement... the deadline set by the bossman it is... no ifs or buts about it really no need to moan and spit dummies out. Absolutely ridiculous. Cant deal with it stay out of clans maybe

_knightmare_ said:
Adam that's what we've been saying all along - I've offered 2 separate dates and both been declined so now we settle for the allocated feault time - which is 22nd Novemeber 9pm.

We'll see you guys there.
Nothing more to say - we tried, we filed to come to an agreed time and day - simples.

Thats sweet then mate, leave it at that no need for all the agro. save yourself a head ache

Thank you, we will.

Thank the Heaven's for im_crap_adam - someone from their team with 'voice of reason'. Cheers mate - glad that's now been sorted.

Edited at 18:46 Thu 12/11/15 (GMT)

that dunt mean they have agreed ye donut, hes not there captain, its just a polite way of saying , get off thread ur boring him
Posts: 2,588
21:10 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Now here is my voice of reason you absolute donut.

You agreed to this Sunday already (as evidenced by previous posts).
You have then, after seeing everyone's line ups, changed your mind and tried to mess everyone around. It's not on.

Stop being a complete tool on everyone's thread and putting words in everyone's mouth. Keith will decide what time the game will be played. In my mind, and in everyone's mind (that has at least part of a brain) the game should be played this Sunday at the agreed time before you decided to mess everyone around.

That's the end to all this crap. Wait for Keith.
Posts: 14,736
21:18 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
What list? This one? This is the only list I've seen from both teams:

ferretlady -
ric_flair -
mitch_bougi -
watchinawe -

Oh please don't select them...we're petrified.
Posts: 38,097
21:20 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't judge a book by its cover, you don't know who will show up
Posts: 14,736
21:21 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't judge a book by its cover, you don't know who will show up

I don't give a monkeys who turns up; we have plenty of top players here at our disposal just not Sunday - 15th - so deleted that day from the calendar.

So if anyone's trying to manipulate anyone it's Pros and FPD - IF you think you've a side each to be reckoned with then turn up with them on Sunday 22nd and bring it on!
Posts: 2,588
21:23 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be fair, every single one of those players could beat you with their eyes closed.

But of course, you daren't select yourself, you never do
Posts: 14,736
21:26 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL - that's funny klien - I suppose you could too LOL
Posts: 2,588
21:27 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
LOL - that's funny klien - I suppose you could too LOL

By all means, show up on Sunday, we'll see who lasts longer.

Of course, you won't.

I guess we might be able to play eachother in the SL or GSC or something though.. oh wait.
Posts: 1,029
21:28 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
To be fair none of those players could beat you without an aimbot.

But of course, you are a captain, and puts his players needs and wants before his own

On topic, there is zero fear from this side, literally acquiring 5 players at one time being the only issue.
Posts: 38,097
21:31 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

So if anyone's trying to manipulate anyone it's Pros and FPD - IF you think you've a side each to be reckoned with then turn up with them on Sunday 22nd and bring it on!

You see, we don't care who we play, i could play the five weakest players on the site to play, and i wouldn't mind losing.

No disrespect as i get on with your 'top' players but i don't need to play _fresh_, legend_pot, joeyy, miss_harriet and friendyboy to have a good time. For me its about taking part in the killer, if i lose, i lose, i mean its for a virtual championship. Would be like me playing wrestling on Xbox and Winning the WWE Title with Spike Dudley, does it mean anything? no its virtual.

If Keith chooses deadline day (which i don't want) then i won't be apart of it as i have an Angels event, 9:30 that evening that i actually care about and play with friends and have fun.

Killer won't be fun for sure.
Posts: 2,588
21:34 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
, there is zero fear from this side

Says the guy that subbed himself out of a game with me, earlier in the season
Posts: 14,736
21:35 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't get me started on fairness and FPD's lol - accepting the GSC remaining fixtures which have all been swapped speaks volumes.

The SL and GSC fixtures are all drawn randomly unless you're another Captain who feels it acceptable to swap the whole line-ups. I did a couple never the whole list but that's perfectly acceptable when it's by someone else.

James I couldn't care if you had to go and play tiddly-winks seriously stop telling me your life story ...jeez as your best mate's username clearly states ' WHO CARES!'
Posts: 2,327
21:37 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't judge a book by its cover, you don't know who will show up

I don't give a monkeys who turns up; we have plenty of top players here at our disposal just not Sunday - 15th - so deleted that day from the calendar.

So if anyone's trying to manipulate anyone it's Pros and FPD - IF you think you've a side each to be reckoned with then turn up with them on Sunday 22nd and bring it on!

How are Pros and FPD trying to manipulate people by wanting to stick to the original date and time that all three captains agreed on, after spending all day yesterday organising who will be playing. Only for you to decide last night it's not good enough for you.

"I've been thinking we should actually play on the 22nd November instead (our teams preference) - we have a great array of talented Killer players in this side, so why shouldn't we be able or even permitted to play what we have at our disposal?"

So it's not that you can't get 5 for Sunday, it's that you can't get the 5 that you would prefer. So much for the whole team being just as important as each other. You make a statement one day and then contradict it the next.
Posts: 14,736
21:42 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyways - let's leave it there - see ya on Sunday Nov 22nd!

* nothing will change that now - you're being too obtuse, obstructive and quite frankly a complete pain so I really cannot be bothered to waste any further time or effort on you both.

All further posts will be ignored!
Posts: 1,111
21:44 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can make this sunday tbf if thats helps haha i could always just one man it for the clan
Posts: 2,588
21:44 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
don't judge a book by its cover, you don't know who will show up

I don't give a monkeys who turns up; we have plenty of top players here at our disposal just not Sunday - 15th - so deleted that day from the calendar.

So if anyone's trying to manipulate anyone it's Pros and FPD - IF you think you've a side each to be reckoned with then turn up with them on Sunday 22nd and bring it on!

How are Pros and FPD trying to manipulate people by wanting to stick to the original date and time that all three captains agreed on, after spending all day yesterday organising who will be playing. Only for you to decide last night it's not good enough for you.

"I've been thinking we should actually play on the 22nd November instead (our teams preference) - we have a great array of talented Killer players in this side, so why shouldn't we be able or even permitted to play what we have at our disposal?"

So it's not that you can't get 5 for Sunday, it's that you can't get the 5 that you would prefer. So much for the whole team being just as important as each other. You make a statement one day and then contradict it the next.

Absolute Truth ^
Posts: 14,736
21:46 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
19:36 Thu 12/11/15 : Won the 8 Ball Tournament, winning 140 TournaPoints!

Well Done 2pac786 mate 3-0 vs _niall_ in the final too, very impressive.
Posts: 2,327
21:46 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
2pacs a great killer player, with a little notice I'm sure he could make the weekend or any time, have you even considered him or are you too busy focusing on harriet/ryan etc? There are plenty of players to pick from, the only thing making this difficult is your determination to play all 4 of your 'big guns' at the same time and considering nobody else.

Fair enough, I guess we'll have to see what Keith says.
Posts: 2,588
21:48 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can make this sunday tbf if thats helps haha i could always just one man it for the clan

I dont know, are you sure you can carry Ash?
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Firestorm Phoenix: Turning Up the Heat! :)

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