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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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Posts: 647
05:01 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Should be for all without a doubt. Like a good example here in the 8ball state trials. 1 player was running 15 mins late. With that going by the rules would mean he was disqualified from the comp. A vote was then passed around to every player in the comp as to if they should be allowed to continue. Makes it the players choice as to being sportsman or not. We all decided he could play and we could all enjoy each others company with a bit of competitiveness involved.
With it being a fun game that should be enjoyed by every1 involved, I see how its harsh to leave some1 out. Playing this game for years now if seen how people are taking it too seriously or being pedantic about rules is getting worse and therefor sucking the enjoyment out of it. Should be trying to involve more ppl to play rather then leaving them out. Just my opinion.
Posts: 19,819
05:49 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well how long in general do we wait? I mean its 9pm start, 10 mins 30 mins? Im okay as wrestlings on so i stayed up lol. But rest have jobs and places to go tomorrow. It finished near 11 anyways.
I get the arguement and maybe we coukd of voted but we were all ready late by then.
Posts: 647
05:58 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
He said he recieved an invite at 9.12 but was then ommited. That's the bit I dont get. Especially if the game hadnt started. Would have done no harm at all to let him play.
Posts: 19,819
06:09 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
He said he recieved an invite at 9.12 but was then ommited. That's the bit I dont get. Especially if the game hadnt started. Would have done no harm at all to let him play.

Ive stated dv8 that i posted the rules, if i had gone against them wouldnt i have been bais?
Tbh im just repeating myself here and its sleep time.
I wont be running the killers anymore as i dont need the hassle. As i know if i let a pd in id have alot of crap. Im in a position that either choice id of gotten crap.
Posts: 2,588
14:22 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sorry but how can you argue against rules that are so clear. Whoever is in the room at 9.10pm gets to play. No arguments and no exceptions.

Pretty damn hard to get wrong
Posts: 19,967
17:41 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We were happy to accept it, but he could've been allowed. It was at the referee's discretion. It seemed more like the judgement of unhappy players though, which is why there was a fuss, because Zac initially seemed to allow it until a player or two moaned about being up early (which is silly because It just stresses the referee out, and makes a hostile environment when most people would be waiting to go off and there would be a couple up early anyway most likely - it doesn't need to be said).

It does raise an issue, why do we need to send a list in and make contact early if it all just goes down to who is in the room rather than who is online and on the list provided. This isn't a moan, Zac does a great job, but what is the point of all the fuss before? It would be much simpler if it was communicated from the very start that players should be in the Not At Computer room.
Posts: 19,819
18:37 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to explain, due to tipdoctor not coming in the room and people getting restless i thought well lets just invite to get it started, after i did it i knew it wasnt right and that id get crap for it. So went with the rules that were as klien said above black and white.
But ive gotten quite abit of crap for it anyways .... sighs.
Posts: 6,262
18:54 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
At 9.10pm whoever is in the room plays, no exceptions, no arguments.
Thanks, and gl

That was posted by Zac on this thread 11 days ago and after he made it clear people had to be in the 'Not at Computer' room..

Several reminders where posted in the days after to make sure everyone knew the arrangements..

So Zante I can't see how he could have better communicated these simple instructions any earlier ?

Zac also pmed and texted his players closer to the time to remind them of what was already plain for all to see..

Yes I see the annoyance felt by fran etc and I'd have felt the same, but the simple fact is that rules were made and adhered to, isn't that the purpose of rules ?
Posts: 19,967
18:55 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to explain, due to tipdoctor not coming in the room and people getting restless i thought well lets just invite to get it started, after i did it i knew it wasnt right and that id get crap for it. So went with the rules that were as klien said above black and white.
But ive gotten quite abit of crap for it anyways .... sighs.

It's not though, what you said before was not the rules but what you wanted ideally. Meaning there is flexibility at your discretion. You yourself just said you had no problem with it, but expectation of backlash caused you to change your mind. It shouldn't be individual players deciding. It should be the referee, or if there is an issue then captains/reps should be pm'd.

The official rules for killer is: "On the day of the game the League Runners will make contact with each Clan approximately 10 minutes before the start time to establish which players from each side will be taking part. From this information the appropriate game room size will set up and invites sent to the players advised as taking part."

Just to be clear, there is nothing in the rules that say Fran couldn't play.

(I want to reiterate that I don't blame the loss on Zac or hope to criticise him, just feedback is probably needed for this killer to get it nailed down without the kickoffs from individuals)
Posts: 19,967
19:16 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
At 9.10pm whoever is in the room plays, no exceptions, no arguments.
Thanks, and gl

That was posted by Zac on this thread 11 days ago and after he made it clear people had to be in the 'Not at Computer' room..

Several reminders where posted in the days after to make sure everyone knew the arrangements..

So Zante I can't see how he could have better communicated these simple instructions any earlier ?

Zac also pmed and texted his players closer to the time to remind them of what was already plain for all to see..

Yes I see the annoyance felt by fran etc and I'd have felt the same, but the simple fact is that rules were made and adhered to, isn't that the purpose of rules ?

If it's not posted in the official section it can be easy to over look on a busy thread, particularly when you're in and out of hospital in the built up when the reminders are posted.

It's also communicated to send a list in (which the actual rules say is used to open pm's with the players). If everyone needs to be in the room then a list would be moot, as it is not used. Fran was included obtuse list and it was communicate he was having PC issues which we hoped would be resolved before the start.

Also, Zac's rules that Fran could play since tip hadn't taken him off ignore so he couldn't have got an invite. He then changed his mind because of moaning.

A text and a pm wouldn't have made a difference to Fran since he was online well before the start time and just had to restart his PC since he was lagging.

Not posted in the official place, differing from the official rules, with extra information posted which isn't needed can all a use confusion and are something extra that could be rectified in future.
Posts: 19,819
19:35 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I changed my mind as i reread what i posted, and i said no excuses no complaints.
So id be going against what i said.
It wasnt people"moaning" im strong enough to stand uo to moaning, if you dont beleive that read this thread.
Was harsh but i was put in a tough spot, whatever i did would of been seen wrong by someone, i got flustered and had second thoughts, then realised my first thought was right, and that i had to stand my ground. Which i did.
Unsure whos running the playoff but it isnt me lmao.
Posts: 19,967
20:07 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
You said though that people would just kick off (you wouldn't do it for PD's because people would say you cheated, so you wouldn't do it for another team). That means what peoples said or would say influenced your decision. To flip it, If people would have no issue for your own clan being allowed it then you wouldn't have a problem allowing it.

It shouldn't be like that, if should be what you feel is right and fair. Our point was he was online beforehand like the arrangements said,it was made clear he was in our team selection but was having PC issues and he was online before the invites were handed out just in the wrong room and wasn't the last player to make it to the game room. If he'd just come online unexpectedly, wasn't on at 10 past, or we had to stop the game or wait longer to let him in then you could argue it isn't fair to allow him. The only reason he wasn't to play because he was in the wrong room, if the lists were used and all the pms open then he would've had an invite.

I don't want you to justify yourself, I want to know why we are doing things we don't have to so we can simplify the organisation and smooth any problems.
Posts: 19,819
21:01 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well killer has been done a few ways. But each way seems to have these errors. As i stated i overlooked the time from getting the invite to enterig the room.
I do feel geting 10-15 people in one room is always going to be hard.
One of the reasons i put rules with the idea to stick to them word by word simply was to avoid difficulties and possible calls of bais which on this site as horse will agree with. When you decide something some will claim bias.
If anyone has any suggestions? Though my feeling is to pass the organising on for now. Might do it again eventually but at this moment you couldnt pay me to do it lol.
Posts: 2,327
21:23 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not sure what the problem was with it ^. Anyone in the Not at Computer room at the time given will be sent an invite to play. It's not rocket science.

Only when you choose to compromise your own rules will there be issues. People were mentioning Sarah from our killer game, which was kind of irrelevant considering she was in the Not at Computer room, so was exactly where she should have been. The problem was she was confused as to whether it was lateo playing, or her. lateo was not in the Not at Computer room, so Sarah played.

It should just be stuck to who is in the room at the time organized, with no compromise. It shouldn't be a daunting task to get 5 players from each team into one room if those 5 players have agreed to come on and play!
Posts: 2,588
21:39 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
The reason we all gather in the not at computer room is because last year we had problems knowing how many players were actually online. I actually remember the killer runner making 4 different rooms because he wasn't sure how many players had actually turned up. During this another player appeared online and that started arguments about whether this player should have or shouldn't have played.

It really is quite simple. Fran wasn't in the room and therefore shouldn't play.

Lateo wasn't in the room for professionals in our semi final and therefore he didn't get an invite to the killer and Sarah played instead. Buckjam had computer problems and wasn't in the room and therefore wasn't allowed to play in our semi final even though he was online from 8.30 onwards.

The rules are there so that arguments like last year don't exist, yet somehow you guys have managed to create an argument when the rules were followed perfectly
Posts: 3,846
21:48 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just out of interest who won game
Posts: 38,097
21:50 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 3,846
21:54 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Every picture tells a story

You don't need Roy Walker to work this one out
Posts: 2,327
21:59 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Every picture tells a story

You don't need Roy Walker to work this one out

Right and that's exactly how it DOES look because Zac was willing to compromise to allow fran_ to play but then didn't. (I doubt he personally had an issue with it, but I think some people were objecting to waiting)

So no compromise at all would be better. Whoever is in the Not at computer room plays, and whoever isn't.. don't lol.
Posts: 3,846
22:06 Mon 23 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep correct, I've just walked round house and set all clocks to funkytime incase I should ever be two minutes wrong side of good timekeeping, our lass has just packed her bags and left
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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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