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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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Posts: 73
01:26 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
us8 me v bulletzzz

3-5 to him

soz guys they were all pretty quick games, balls would spread and either bulletzzz or i would clear after a turn or 2. i made a couple mistakes, but overall they were good games and bulletzzz potted well. all the best for the rest bulletzzz
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01:36 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
us8 me v bulletzzz

3-5 to him

soz guys they were all pretty quick games, balls would spread and either bulletzzz or i would clear after a turn or 2. i made a couple mistakes, but overall they were good games and bulletzzz potted well. all the best for the rest bulletzzz

Thanks mate,some of the racks could of went either way,good luck for the rest
Posts: 2,327
02:00 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hiya guys, _niall_ has been offline 10 days, I know there's a fair amount of time left but since his profile says he has very little interest in the site anymore I was just checking if he's for sure going to get on at some point... Have no issue waiting at all, I'm usually on every other night or every couple of days depending, so really just making sure he's gonna come back!
Posts: 10,109
02:01 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hiya guys, _niall_ has been offline 10 days, I know there's a fair amount of time left but since his profile says he has very little interest in the site anymore I was just checking if he's for sure going to get on at some point... Have no issue waiting at all, I'm usually on every other night or every couple of days depending, so really just making sure he's gonna come back!

He went to Vegas for 10 days and said he'd play him games on his return Dee! :D
Posts: 2,327
02:02 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ohhh lucky him, if he doesn't come back, we'll know he won big!
Posts: 38,097
16:53 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Uprising Subs vs clifton188 @ Straight

triple_b (Night player)
silent_hill (Day player)
_wales_lad_ (Rich can phone him)

If you see Cliffy Online (shouldn't be a problem), please sub in guys, if it is before tomorrow then i will have to remove Sean from the team which you have permission to do in which case i would have to sub in all leagues.

Rather it be from Sunday so i don't have to remove Sean but if needed i will do so as been prompted to check Pool several times but not done so despite being active on Snooker.
Posts: 19,967
20:19 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we can wait a day buddy , it saves you losing a player for the fixture potentially so no problem.
Posts: 38,097
20:23 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think we can wait a day buddy , it saves you losing a player for the fixture potentially so no problem.

true, i need him to check pool first lol, destroyer has started checking but may leave him as a sub next set and see how it goes
Posts: 10,109
20:52 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

clifton188 vs _niall_
zantetsukenz vs _fresh_
erigert vs davybaumers
tinie_v17 vs cgibson92

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October 2015

Blimey! If 2 of us make it though I'll be impressed, and 1 is a certainty! lol
Posts: 10,109
20:53 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 2

The Professionals (48) v (72) Uprising

dgeneratio (3) v (12) corsair
dvz (6) v (9) dv8
crazy_greg (9) v (6) zantetsukenz
bigcjl2 (4) v (11) clifton188
triple_b (6) v (9) cgibson92
andyw1 (6) v (9) _niall_
silent_hill (7) v (8) nike
vixen_xox (7) v (8) turtle1560

Uprising (59) v (61) Phoenix Nights

clifton188 (7) v (8) miss_harriet
cgibson92 (7) v (8) _fresh_
corsair (12) v (3) davybaumers
turtle1560 (9) v (6) _payback_
rubber_duck (6) v (9) slimeball
dv8 (3) v (12) legend_pot
r1p0m4n_v2 (6) v (9) joeyy
erigert (9) v (6) ghost_chili

Pocket Dynamos (45) v (60) Uprising

letsgochamp (10) v (5) zantetsukenz
bulletzzzz (6) v (9) fran_
jasonb (4) v (11) r1p0m4n_v2
scarlets2k15 (3) v (12) strange_daze
_siber_man_ (9) v (6) horse10000
w_hoolahan v clifton188
the__priest (6) v (9) erigert
blueberry (7) v (8) _niall_

Deadline: 4th October 2015
Posts: 10,109
20:56 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 2

Uprising (11) v (1) The Professionals

cgibson92 (4) v (4) crazy_greg
_niall_ v bigcjl2

dv8 (6) v (2) johnythefox
horse10000 (6) v (2) vixen_xox

corsair (5) v (1) andyw1
nike (5) v (3) dgeneratio

clifton188 v sean_92
turtle1560 (2) v (0) dvz

Uprising (10) v (0) The Revolution

cgibson92 v mr_magoo
dv8 (5) v (3) veyron

fran_ (5) v (3) lolumadbro
strange_daze (5) v (3) mrmagic

corsair (7) v (1) poolbiird
r1p0m4n_v2 v mikeybboy

clifton188 v tinie_v17
turtle1560 (2) v (0) tip_doctor

Pocket Dynamos (6) v (6) Uprising

jasonb (4) v (4) horse10000
bulletzzzz (5) v (3) strange_daze

scarlets2k15 v ritcho
letsgochamp v zantetsukenz

w_hoolahan (5) v (0) _niall_
blueberry (3) v (5) r1p0m4n_v2

punkpoet (0) v (2) erigert
the__priest (1) v (1) nike

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October 2015
Posts: 10,109
20:57 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX - Fixture Set 2

Originals v Pocket Dynamos B

cgibson92 v the__priest
corsair v w_hoolahan
nike v re_rack_jack
dv8 v _siber_man_

Phoenix Nights A v Originals

_fresh_ v dv8
legend_pot v corsair
davybaumers v cgibson92
joeyy v nike

Originals v The Revolution B

nike v mad_matt
cgibson92 v quickshot
corsair v mikeybboy
dv8 v mrmagic

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 10,109
20:59 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX - Fixture Set 2

Unbeatables (8) v (6) The Professionals A

_niall_ v vixen_xox
fran_ (1) v (5) dvz
turtle1560 v silent_hill
horse10000 (7) v (1) triple_b

Unbeatables (5) v (1) The Revolution A

fran_ (5) v (1) poolbiird
_niall_ v veyron
turtle1560 v tinie_v17
horse10000 v lolumadbro

Unbeatables (7) v (7) Phoenix Nights B

fran_ (2) v (4) tension
strange_daze v friendyboy
turtle1560 (5) v (3) 2pac786
horse10000 v _payback_

Unbeatables (12) v (1) Pocket Dynamos A

fran_ v marksmith
strange_daze (6) v (0) punkpoet
turtle1560 v scarlets2k15
horse10000 (6) v (1) blueberry

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 10,109
21:02 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX - Fixture Set 2

Phoenix Nights B v Ultras

tension v ritcho
friendyboy v zantetsukenz
2pac786 v r1p0m4n_v2
_payback_ v erigert

Funky Pool Devils B (4) v (8) Ultras

watchinawe v ritcho
bonfireheart (2) v (4) erigert
king8ball (2) v (4) clifton188
_psmon_ v zantetsukenz

The Professionals B (3) v (10) Ultras

andyw1 v clifton188
lateo1993 (2) v (4) r1p0m4n_v2
bigcjl2 v ritcho
dgeneratio (1) v (6) erigert

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 9,926
01:51 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 26 - Fixture Set 3

Please can i get team lists by Sunday 4th October so i can release games.
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02:08 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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02:16 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]

Mobile phone kind!!
Posts: 38,097
11:27 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Uprising Subs vs clifton188 @ Straight

sean_92 (Original Player, s3an on Snooker, played a match last night)
triple_b (Night player)
silent_hill (Day player)
_wales_lad_ (Rich can phone him)

If you see Cliffy Online (shouldn't be a problem), please sub in guys
Posts: 647
13:57 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs _siber_man_

8us 1-1
9us 2-0
8uk 1-1

overall 4-2 to myself

only this that separated us here was me outing twice in 9us. I gave him chances in 8us and 8uk that he took well.

ggs mate all the best
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(IP Logged)
14:15 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Would you look at that

I am still king!
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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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