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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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Posts: 6,417
17:22 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Originals v Pocket Dynamos B

cgibson92 v the__priest
corsair v w_hoolahan
nike v re_rack_jack
dv8 v _siber_man_

Phoenix Nights A v Originals

_fresh_ v dv8
legend_pot v corsair
davybaumers v cgibson92
joeyy v nike

Originals v The Revolution B

nike v mad_matt
cgibson92 v quickshot
corsair v mikeybboy
dv8 v mrmagic

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 6,417
17:23 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX - Fixture Set 2

Unbeatables (8) v (6) The Professionals A

_niall_ v vixen_xox
fran_ (1) v (5) dvz
turtle1560 v silent_hill
horse10000 (7) v (1) triple_b

Unbeatables (5) v (1) The Revolution A

fran_ (5) v (1) poolbiird
_niall_ v veyron
turtle1560 v tinie_v17
horse10000 v lolumadbro

Unbeatables (5) v (3) Phoenix Nights B

fran_ v tension
strange_daze v friendyboy
turtle1560 (5) v (3) 2pac786
horse10000 v _payback_

Unbeatables (6) v (1) Pocket Dynamos A

fran_ v marksmith
strange_daze v punkpoet
turtle1560 v scarlets2k15
horse10000 (6) v (1) blueberry

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015
Posts: 6,417
17:23 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Phoenix Nights B v Ultras

tension v ritcho
friendyboy v zantetsukenz
2pac786 v r1p0m4n_v2
_payback_ v erigert

Funky Pool Devils B v Ultras

watchinawe v ritcho
bonfireheart v erigert
king8ball v clifton188
_psmon_ v zantetsukenz

The Professionals B (3) v (10) Ultras

andyw1 v clifton188
lateo1993 (2) v (4) r1p0m4n_v2
bigcjl2 v ritcho
dgeneratio (1) v (6) erigert

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 18th October 2015

Edited at 15:16 Tue 29/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
17:23 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 2

The Professionals (48) v (72) Uprising

dgeneratio (3) v (12) corsair
dvz (6) v (9) dv8
crazy_greg (9) v (6) zantetsukenz
bigcjl2 (4) v (11) clifton188
triple_b (6) v (9) cgibson92
andyw1 (6) v (9) _niall_
silent_hill (7) v (8) nike
vixen_xox (7) v (8) turtle1560

Uprising (59) v (61) Phoenix Nights

clifton188 (7) v (8) miss_harriet
cgibson92 (7) v (8) _fresh_
corsair (12) v (3) davybaumers
turtle1560 (9) v (6) _payback_
rubber_duck (6) v (9) slimeball
dv8 (3) v (12) legend_pot
r1p0m4n_v2 (6) v (9) joeyy
erigert (9) v (6) ghost_chili

Pocket Dynamos (45) v (60) Uprising

letsgochamp (10) v (5) zantetsukenz
bulletzzzz (6) v (9) fran_
jasonb (4) v (11) r1p0m4n_v2
scarlets2k15 (3) v (12) strange_daze
_siber_man_ (9) v (6) horse10000
w_hoolahan v nike
the__priest (6) v (9) erigert
blueberry (7) v (8) _niall_

Deadline: 4th October 2015

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 21:44 Wed 30/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
17:24 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixture Set 2

Uprising (11) v (1) The Professionals

cgibson92 (4) v (4) crazy_greg
_niall_ v bigcjl2

dv8 (6) v (2) johnythefox
horse10000 (6) v (2) vixen_xox

corsair (5) v (1) andyw1
nike (5) v (3) dgeneratio

clifton188 v sean_92
turtle1560 (2) v (0) dvz

Uprising (8) v (0) The Revolution

cgibson92 v mad_matt
dv8 v veyron

fran_ (5) v (3) lolumadbro
strange_daze (5) v (3) mrmagic

corsair (7) v (1) poolbiird
r1p0m4n_v2 v mikeybboy

clifton188 v tinie_v17
turtle1560 (2) v (0) tip_doctor

Pocket Dynamos (4) v (6) Uprising

jasonb (4) v (4) horse10000
bulletzzzz v strange_daze

scarlets2k15 v ritcho
letsgochamp v zantetsukenz

w_hoolahan (5) v (0) _niall_
blueberry (3) v (5) r1p0m4n_v2

punkpoet (0) v (2) erigert
the__priest (1) v (1) nike

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October 2015

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 21:45 Wed 30/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
17:24 Tue 29 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

clifton188 vs _niall_
zantetsukenz vs _fresh_
erigert vs davybaumers
tinie_v17 vs cgibson92

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 11th October 2015

Blimey! If 2 of us make it though I'll be impressed, and 1 is a certainty! lol
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(IP Logged)
01:55 Wed 30 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fran v tension

0-2 us8 i totally gave him these hear by underhitting an easy pot for it to stop in the pocket

1-1 9ball usual 9 bal stuff, bit cagey but fair outcome

1-18uk he cleared very well off my break to 7 ball me, i then cleared after he failed after his break.

good games pal well done..should of been a draw at least but il take 2 racks
Posts: 6,417
12:09 Wed 30 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
erigert (4) - (2) bonfireheart

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23:24 Wed 30 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
9 ball FBL

fran v lolumadbro

em we played 7 frames and was 5-2 me, we were unsure of the amount we play but we did another which her
5-3 fran

if that's right..good games against a good man and always easy to arrange with no bother at all.
Posts: 573
23:59 Wed 30 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys i just played Harriet and they have sneaked the win im sorry to say.I had only been logged on 5 mins and she wanted to play tonight as shes away for the rest of the fixture and being the true sportsman i am i obliged

8us 1-4 I couldnt keep up with her tactics here and she knew it thats why she persistantly did them

9us 5-0 different board game here though as i was able to clear the balls quite well although she did make a few errors

8uk 1-4 Again she was tapping a lot and i just couldnt out play her

sorry guys wp ggs Harriet
Posts: 73
00:02 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL match - me v punkpoet

6-0 to me

poet lost twice in us8 potting the 8 accidentally, was vul as they were both completely out of the blue. the rest of the games were good. i narrowly missed out on a runout in the first uk8 game, a mm or 2 out from a long shot to the corner on my last ball - doh! ggs, and good luck for the rest.
Posts: 73
00:05 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys i just played Harriet and they have sneaked the win im sorry to say.I had only been logged on 5 mins and she wanted to play tonight as shes away for the rest of the fixture and being the true sportsman i am i obliged

8us 1-4 I couldnt keep up with her tactics here and she knew it thats why she persistantly did them

9us 5-0 different board game here though as i was able to clear the balls quite well although she did make a few errors

8uk 1-4 Again she was tapping a lot and i just couldnt out play her

sorry guys wp ggs Harriet

decent result still clifton!
Posts: 6,417
00:06 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ul cliffy, u still made a decent fight

And wd daze and fran!
Posts: 73
00:07 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers mate!
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00:07 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah unlucky Cliffy mate, we may have lost that one but i think we still in a better position than them in the league.

well done daze too!
Posts: 38,097
00:12 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ul cliffy, knew harriet was the favourite but you took her all the way, was watching with great interest as wanted you guys to win (or even draw) but pipped in decider. when harriet was 4-0 up i thought it was over then came 9 ball and thought you had a chance and to only lose by a point or two is good stuff fixture wise as harriet is a really good player both potting and tactically, perhaps in the top 5 site wise.

unlucky pal but good result
Posts: 19,967
00:31 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys i just played Harriet and they have sneaked the win im sorry to say.I had only been logged on 5 mins and she wanted to play tonight as shes away for the rest of the fixture and being the true sportsman i am i obliged

8us 1-4 I couldnt keep up with her tactics here and she knew it thats why she persistantly did them

9us 5-0 different board game here though as i was able to clear the balls quite well although she did make a few errors

8uk 1-4 Again she was tapping a lot and i just couldnt out play her

sorry guys wp ggs Harriet

No harm mate, you were a frame away from sealing the title. They are still some 56 points behind on frame difference, they need to average above 11-4 to make it a title race. It's still a one horse race
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:32 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey guys i just played Harriet and they have sneaked the win im sorry to say.I had only been logged on 5 mins and she wanted to play tonight as shes away for the rest of the fixture and being the true sportsman i am i obliged

8us 1-4 I couldnt keep up with her tactics here and she knew it thats why she persistantly did them

9us 5-0 different board game here though as i was able to clear the balls quite well although she did make a few errors

8uk 1-4 Again she was tapping a lot and i just couldnt out play her

sorry guys wp ggs Harriet

No harm mate, you were a frame away from sealing the title. They are still some 56 points behind on frame difference, they need to average above 11-4 to make it a title race. It's still a one horse race

like +1
Posts: 9,926
00:43 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great effort cliffy, it will make for an interesting finish and will likely be won on frame difference so every frame will deffo count now
Posts: 19,967
00:44 Thu 1 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just checked out the FBL table and current fixtures too, absolutely flying there! Looking set for 2 very strong positions going into the last set of those leagues.

SL I can't decide if it's fantastic or a lottery , very interesting to see who can come out on top from there.

Just leaves killer and GSC to come (Though I've not seen any info about those yet )
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Uprising XIV - Title Blitzkrieg (FCL, FBL, SL, Killer, GSC and SL Shield Champions)

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