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JAVA is Nick going to sort it

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Posts: 7,974
04:27 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
any chance of an answer

3 people have contacted me and asked how they can log into the game

this is Funky Admins Job
what is happening to this long term problem

a constructive answer please
or this site In the death throws

can we all have an update please
Posts: 14,736
04:48 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 8,882 (2 days ago)
Just a shout out to those offering advice and help to keep people playing.

Admin are very aware as is Nick but unfortunately its out of our control just now.

Obviously the site can't "officially" offer advice that affects security, and the various workarounds have been very well covered here.

As always the community is looking after its own


There's your answer and the JAVA is actually working - IF you follow the other threads advice.

There is a browser issue but there is also a workaround to continue using Google Chrome. Most have switched over to Firefox of IE and seem to be able to play.

So what is the actual issue? JAVA covers a wide spectrum. The issue isn't Java itself as that's the programming language.

Posts: 6,262
05:08 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I use IE now with no issues 11.0.9600.17937 version of IE and java version 8 update 25, latest update is version 8 update 60..

I learnt don't change what's not broke, unless its a women
Posts: 14,736
05:16 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Kool, that's an OLD version:

I use Google with IE TAB
Java Version 8 Update 51 - but download Java Version 8 Update 60 too to combat the Security Warning box.
Posts: 7,974
13:49 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
as I said Ash if you read correctly, it clearly states its admins job

not yours any others, its for them to put a full explanation on how to log in

as in: follow this step by step
a full explanation on how to log onto this site
after all its their site and their responsibility to look after new members and make it easy for them to log in and play
this wonderful game
Posts: 38,097
13:51 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yes but as spinner has stated due to security the admin can't give out any advice but we can as a community come together and figure out new ways.

in my opinion though Old Java FTW
Posts: 6,417
21:00 Thu 17 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
What do admins do in this site apart from banning people?
Posts: 13,570
00:22 Fri 18 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
What do admins do in this site apart from banning people?

Nothing apparently as you're able to post!
Posts: 13,570
00:24 Fri 18 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As for Follow the Advice, I really cba with it and I enjoy this site.
What the hell must it be like for New Users?

Would you really be bothered if you'd never played it and were taking someone else's word that it's a good site??? I think not!
Posts: 1,363
01:08 Fri 18 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
it goes beyond nick and java, its oracle them selfs thats the problem. they dont support java no more.
Posts: 1,074
02:36 Sat 19 Sep 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 491
03:44 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I try to play for the first time in months and the latest version of java isn't supported, not gonna sit here for hours trying to find one that works, it's a shame how this site's gone to crap
Posts: 136
09:43 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I try to play for the first time in months and the latest version of java isn't supported, not gonna sit here for hours trying to find one that works, it's a shame how this site's gone to crap

Are you not aware there is a deactivate account option? Do it! Considering this site has "gone to crap" as you so kindly put it.

I'm seriously sick of the haters now abusing this site, when there still are new players joining and older players playing and enjoying the site for what it is.

Sure over the years the numbers in people playing has massively decreased, why that has happened is unknown. How can this site bring new players to it? Advertisement... That's been said. We can all advertise the site, it doesn't take one person specifically the owner to make changes.

I expect the new players to join up to funkypool, realise they can't get onto the server an then disrespect the site. However people who have been on here for years. Why am I the only person not moaning an complaining about how the site has changed? Because not all great things last forever. The sooner you realise that, the better!

Until then, button it!
Posts: 136
09:51 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
nick if you read this, please shut down the site. Let these haters see the sun for once in there miserable lives!
Posts: 491
18:28 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol you're really going to make comments about letting people see the sun? It's a shame you're so bad and have to reset so often because I would love to see how many games you've played with no where near the amount of achievements as majority of the top players.

Nice relative post about java issues by the way
Posts: 136
22:08 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol you're really going to make comments about letting people see the sun? It's a shame you're so bad and have to reset so often because I would love to see how many games you've played with no where near the amount of achievements as majority of the top players.

Nice relative post about java issues by the way

Why are you like still here? Your leaving a bad smell on the forums. I reset for my own reasons. I don't have to reset. It's like your assuming I reset for reasons that ain't even true. What are they? Bad loser? Erm no. Hate losing? Well I do. But if im outclassed in a game, i'll have the decency to say gg.

I reset because theres nothing I love more then beating a top class player, those defeats go onto their account. Are you still upset that I beat you in an 9us tournament all those months ago?

Go back to your first statement, you said this site was "crap". So what's stopping you deactivate? Oh yes that's it. All those amazing incredible stats you've built up over the years. You really need to start seeing the sun. I would pay to see the look on your face when you wake up one morning, to see funkypool no longer exists.

Take this to pm? Sad boy.
Posts: 491
23:12 Sat 28 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol point proven... you actually have to point out a single tournament you beat me in? In the flukiest game type on the site? It's a pool game, anyone can beat anyone on any given day.

"I reset because theres nothing I love more then beating a top class player, those defeats go onto their account. Are you still upset that I beat you in an 9us tournament all those months ago?"

You do realize that if you don't reset, you would lose your newbie tag and make them lose even more points right? Or am I giving you too much credit? Take to pm? Obviously this site isn't working which is why i'm on the forum looking for a solution, not sure what you're doing here.

gg ul
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JAVA is Nick going to sort it

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