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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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Posts: 2,588
22:09 Wed 11 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
This many changes after their first loss.. Tactical swaps are always nice.

Wouldn't mind if you looked into reversing these swaps buckjam
Posts: 11,063
00:01 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah actually.
Could they make it any more blatant a few days into the fixture?

Edited at 22:06 Wed 11/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 2,588
00:13 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah actually.
Could they make it any more blatant a few days into the fixture?

Edited at 22:06 Wed 11/11/15 (GMT)

If they still get beat now, would be hillarious.
Posts: 4,046
04:22 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have had a word with Kris. The team selection was done quite quickly so the fixtures could come out sunday. He had a few sherbets and did the list in haste. He even missed veyron out altogether. I dont want to penalize him or his team as they have been fair and square with us all season with no issues at all. His best team against ours is what the cups all about so i aint going to make a thing of it. Hope we are all ok with this and play the games in the spirit we have all season. Cheers all and gl
Posts: 11,063
09:02 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sure. In the end they matched up opponents to give them much more favourable fixtures than before. Big advantage for them. Youll see.

Ive done a few lineups myself. 10 mins and a teamlist is all you need ;)
Posts: 14,736
13:52 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

James you can continue to dictate and I assure you Sunday will not be happening, numerous times I have posted we aren't available maybe this last time you'll begin to fathom and comprehend it.

*** Sunday 15th November - No Killer as we are Unavailable.***

I reiterate my message to horse10000 please give us a time and date next week and we will endeavour to have players available. There simply is no agreeing with two dictatorial and self centred Captains to 1. get it out of their minds this weekend isn't suitable and 2. We will be content to play any evening next week and preferably before the default time you have allocated.

For the fear of repetition I won't be discussing this matter any further on this thread, we are just going around in circles and my players deserve better. So horse10000 please message me offline and I'll follow it up now from Monday (16/11/2015) onwards.

I have better things to do than to be told when my team are playing by another Captain when has a player who is actually trying to negotiate and be more willing to compromise, so thanks lateo1993.

Cheers Keith.

(no more posts on this issue)
Posts: 399
16:27 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sunday is good for me guys if I'm needed Friday not so though hopefully we won't bow to them so that they get there a star players. Makes me laugh that 1 person can dictate to all others.
Posts: 2,327
16:30 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sunday is good for me guys if I'm needed Friday not so though hopefully we won't bow to them so that they get there a star players. Makes me laugh that 1 person can dictate to all others.

We were all good with Sunday, including ash, until he changed his mind last night.
Posts: 4,046
16:39 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Its important to remember. We are not holding out for Sunday so he has less choice. We are holdig out for Sunday as that was what was arranged by all 3 of us before he saw a reason why it didnt suit him. Now we have to scurry around re-organizing. Nah. Its there in black and white. He was ok with Sunday so thats when it should happen.
Posts: 14,736
17:33 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
James posted on our thread RULING out every day next week bar Sunday - Sorted.

dgeneratio said:
As i keep saying, we won't be changing the arranged time of Sunday at 9 pm and won't listen to any time you set.

Keith will decide between one of the two Sundays.

It is that simple, No Monday, No Tuesday, No Wednesday, No Thursday, No Friday, No Saturday, It HAS to be a Sunday, read that carefully then decide.

My reply:
Eh? You moaned your butts off when we initially went and suggested the default time now you have completely ruled out any other time apart from a Sunday - well that goes against everything you've been solely whining about, also hampers thegame26 so that's not good.

However, we will take the ONLY option available after your concise list and happily book 9pm 22nd November (default time)

No Monday, No Tuesday, No Wednesday, No Thursday, No Friday & No Saturday.
HAS TO BE A SUNDAY - well rule out the 15th, 22nd is perfect.

Done, thanks.

We are not changing it at all now - the 22nd November 9pm is what we WILL play. - See you then.
Posts: 38,097
17:35 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

As i keep saying, we won't be changing the arranged time of Sunday at 9 pm and won't listen to any time you set.

Keith will decide between one of the two Sundays.

Read what i put, I have said ALL day that i won't be changing the time of THIS Sunday at 9 pm. Do you REALLY want to win this badly, i'll answer that, Yes you do.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:19 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome to funkypool the friendly site lol
Posts: 13,570
18:31 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Welcome to funkypool the friendly site lol

Posts: 13,570
18:31 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Good luck in the Killer peeps
Posts: 4,046
19:31 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC Semi Final

Fcl klien vs mrmagic (5 of each)
Fcl scottyjr vs poolbiird (5 of each)
SL king8ball (2) vs (0) lolumadbro (4 of each plus bonuses)
SL im_crap_adam vs tip_doctor (4 of each plus bonuses)
8BUS fr34k_p0t vs mikeyyboy (best of 10)
9BUS the_saint vs kris (best of 12)
8BUK buckjam vs welshnow18 (best of 10)
STR whocares8x8 vs veyron (4 games total)
Posts: 5,702
20:27 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
James posted on our thread RULING out every day next week bar Sunday - Sorted.

dgeneratio said:
As i keep saying, we won't be changing the arranged time of Sunday at 9 pm and won't listen to any time you set.

Keith will decide between one of the two Sundays.

It is that simple, No Monday, No Tuesday, No Wednesday, No Thursday, No Friday, No Saturday, It HAS to be a Sunday, read that carefully then decide.

My reply:
Eh? You moaned your butts off when we initially went and suggested the default time now you have completely ruled out any other time apart from a Sunday - well that goes against everything you've been solely whining about, also hampers thegame26 so that's not good.

However, we will take the ONLY option available after your concise list and happily book 9pm 22nd November (default time)

No Monday, No Tuesday, No Wednesday, No Thursday, No Friday & No Saturday.
HAS TO BE A SUNDAY - well rule out the 15th, 22nd is perfect.

Done, thanks.

We are not changing it at all now - the 22nd November 9pm is what we WILL play. - See you then.

Is your job to write letters of complaints? you go all out man :')

Chillax everyone if ya cant do a time, cool.. pick another, cant reach an agreement... the deadline set by the bossman it is... no ifs or buts about it really no need to moan and spit dummies out. Absolutely ridiculous. Cant deal with it stay out of clans maybe
Posts: 5,702
20:30 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GSC Semi Final

Fcl klien vs mrmagic (5 of each)
Fcl scottyjr vs poolbiird (5 of each)
SL king8ball (2) vs (0) lolumadbro (4 of each plus bonuses)
SL im_crap_adam vs tip_doctor (4 of each plus bonuses)
8BUS fr34k_p0t vs mikeyyboy (best of 10)
9BUS the_saint vs kris (best of 12)
8BUK buckjam vs welshnow18 (best of 10)
STR whocares8x8 vs veyron (4 games total)

Should be playing tip tonight mate, hopefully can keep the beers to a minimum before then
Posts: 14,736
20:34 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Adam that's what we've been saying all along - I've offered 2 separate dates and both been declined so now we settle for the allocated default time - which is 22nd November 9pm.

We'll see you guys there.
Nothing more to say - we tried, we failed to come to an agreed time and day - simples.
Posts: 5,702
20:35 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Adam that's what we've been saying all along - I've offered 2 separate dates and both been declined so now we settle for the allocated feault time - which is 22nd Novemeber 9pm.

We'll see you guys there.
Nothing more to say - we tried, we filed to come to an agreed time and day - simples.

Thats sweet then mate, leave it at that no need for all the agro. save yourself a head ache
Posts: 14,736
20:36 Thu 12 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you, we will.
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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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