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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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Posts: 4,046
20:43 Thu 29 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

FPD (3) v (11) The Professionals

8US blackcabman7 (0) v (2) crazy_greg
8US ric_flair (1) vs (1) lateo1993
9US fr34k_pot (0) vs (2) vixen_xox
9US watchinawe v toluca_is_bk
8UK whocares8x8 (2) vs (0) triple_b
8UK bonfireheart (0) v (2) dgeneratio/_wales_lad_
STR klien (0) v (2) silent_hill
STR the__saint (0) v (2) dvz

Uprising (15) v (1) Funky Pool Devils
8US strange_daze (2) v (0)anoneeemouse
8USdv8 (1) v (1) scottyjr
9US zantetsukenz (2) v (0) bonfireheart
9US horse10000 (2) v (0) blackcabman7
8UK _niall_ (2) v (0) watchinawe
rubber_duck (2) v (0) _jesus_
Str erigert (2) v (0) king8ball
Str cclifton188 (2) v (0) buckjam

Pocket Dynamos (7) v (7) Funky Pool Devils

8 US re_rack_jack (0) v (2) klien
8 US jasonb (2) v (0) king8ball
9 US marksmith (2) v (0) anoneeemouse
9 US walktall (0) v (2) scottyjr
8 UK fastboysam (1) v (1) the__saint
8 UK the__priest (2) v (0) fr34k_p0t
STR punkpoet (0) vs (2) whocares8x8
STR w_hoolahan v ric_flair

The Revolution (8) v (6) Funky Pool Devils

8 US mikeybboy (0) v (2) scottyjr
8 US veyron v the__saint
9 US welshnow18 (2) v (0) _jesus_ ]
9 US kris (0) v (2) klien
8 UK poolbiird (2) v (0)ric_flair
8 UK lolumadbro (2) v (0) king8ball
STR tinie_v17 (2) v (0) fr34k_p0t
STR fasteddie_ (0) v (2) whocarese8x8
Posts: 38,097
00:19 Fri 30 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
toluca_is_bk vs watchinawe
_wales_lad_ vs watchinawe
Posts: 99
20:05 Fri 30 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
no great news
me v fresh
i got gubbed 6-0 easy n done for him
good player uinfact fantastic player y hes playing our Bteam im sure is tactics but cant take away from a pure gubbing gl m8 rest of season hope i dont meet u or ony other pros again lol its getting to the embaressment stage
Posts: 305
22:23 Fri 30 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

The most hated man in the game today got destroyed wooooooooo I got off the Jet I'm in New York and Hollahan messages me WOoooooooooooooooooooooooo2-0 hoooooooooolahan I chest chopped him and he laughed at me and choked slammed me through the ring Wooooooooooooo
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22:32 Fri 30 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
but ric flair is retired long since..can't you adopt a new name?
Posts: 38,097
16:17 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
andyw1 can also play in FBL guys, if you see him before Aled, you have my permission to sub him in.

EDIT: toluca is active also and can prod Aled anytime so pm me when someone is free.


Edited at 14:23 Sat 31/10/15 (GMT)
Posts: 4,046
16:44 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
andyw1 can also play in FBL guys, if you see him before Aled, you have my permission to sub him in.

EDIT: toluca is active also and can prod Aled anytime so pm me when someone is free.


Edited at 14:23 Sat 31/10/15 (GMT)

Will be home in a couple of hours so will sort out then
Posts: 399
20:07 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you need someone sub in for let FBL game with pros I can but only time I'll be available is tomorrow up till 2pm so all morning and couple hours on afternoon

Possibly tonight but I'm unsure what time I'll get back from the match
Posts: 1,363
22:58 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey guys quick sorry for bailing mid season wasnt my intention, new pc was needed. some great results by the team well done, ill be joing it again for the new season
Posts: 4,046
23:41 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup

buckjam (7) vs (5) _siber_man_

8bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
9bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
8buk buckjam (3) vs (1) _siber_man_

Posts: 399
23:52 Sat 31 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^^ legend in the making quality captain fantastic!!
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00:04 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup

buckjam (7) vs (5) _siber_man_

8bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
9bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
8buk buckjam (3) vs (1) _siber_man_


don't forget to do the sub m8
Posts: 4,046
00:19 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup

buckjam (7) vs (5) _siber_man_

8bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
9bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
8buk buckjam (3) vs (1) _siber_man_


don't forget to do the sub m8

I did. Thanks
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(IP Logged)
00:58 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Great result buckjam , very well done all
Posts: 2,588
02:18 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup

buckjam (7) vs (5) _siber_man_

8bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
9bus buckjam (2) vs (2) _siber_man_
8buk buckjam (3) vs (1) _siber_man_


You absolute beauty. I told you that you were massively underrated. Pulled it out the bag for us there mate!

Take no notice of siber's comments on his thread. Using the full 20 seconds is always smart, who cares if it took you longer to do your shots. At least you got your team into the next round of the cup!

Edited at 00:23 Sun 01/11/15 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
03:11 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to say buckjam, that playing defensive is no better or worse than playing attacking. Also, 20 seconds isn't a long time, and it's set at 20 seconds because that's the amount of time deemed reasonable to wait.

Given the context, it's a great win - and it's poor form that he's attempted to tarnish it. Well played mate, well played FPD's!
Posts: 4,046
03:13 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks to you all guys. I aint gonna lie. i didnt think i could do it tbh. I have been stressed since tuesday knowing what i had to do. Siber was rightly upset at the negative way i played although he was fairly cautious himself at the start. I know its only a game but blummin heck we played some tense games.

Your right, your in the next round and you had better not be looking to me at 7-7, cause my heart cant take it.

Now lets qualify for the SL knockouts. We need 2 wins to be safe. Its a tough ask so good luck.
Posts: 4,046
03:16 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to say buckjam, that playing defensive is no better or worse than playing attacking. Also, 20 seconds isn't a long time, and it's set at 20 seconds because that's the amount of time deemed reasonable to wait.

Given the context, it's a great win - and it's poor form that he's attempted to tarnish it. Well played mate, well played FPD's!

Thanks buddy. I was very negative and i dont like that myself when playing against it. I just see his side is all. That said im chuffed to nuts with how i stuck to the plan and ground out what i needed.
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03:20 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to say buckjam, that playing defensive is no better or worse than playing attacking. Also, 20 seconds isn't a long time, and it's set at 20 seconds because that's the amount of time deemed reasonable to wait.

Given the context, it's a great win - and it's poor form that he's attempted to tarnish it. Well played mate, well played FPD's!

woah i did not attempt nothing,,the shots well 99.9 were longer then 20secs due to his connection only to see it roll up i dont mind playing whoever its a rarity that i moan unlike the majority off ppl on here thats why i potted white in uk to get the games done as sick ot waiting so faust nah m8 your wrong i did not tarnish it as i say it wasnt ggs but wp to bucky he gave me his explanation so good on him no need for the bandwagon jumpers as per usual ie faust
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03:21 Sun 1 Nov 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry for posting bucky but i aint having ppl saying things if they want to say it to me message me thats what its there for instead of cloggin a thread up,,ive come online pm me with ya questions queries comments etc
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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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