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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
Woooooooooooooo Flair is looking for friendygirl tired of her running from klien time to take her to space mountain wooooooooooo

lol yeah he did a swap vs uprising too, claims he forgot format but i would trust my players to play
Posts: 2,327
9 years ago  [Link]  
Have to say I agree with klien here. Are the rules that lax that captains/co captains can just decide for no good reason "I don't want to play this person, he beat me last time, I'll make a swap"?

Keith should make that game void IMO.
Posts: 38,097
9 years ago  [Link]  
unfortunately he can't, i would reverse both swaps if it was me but if played before it can be reversed then it would stand.
Posts: 1,029
9 years ago  [Link]  
The way you all chat, you think klien is bloody corsair. Clearly the fact I drew with him last week in FBL means I'd shiver in my boots......makes sense! It's sl ffs I can't guarantee being on much this week as I have stuff to do so when communicated with John, I slipped on for agreed time and logged off. Dw though, this doesn't affect the frame difference in fcl so you can go to bed smiling.

And to those saying they would refuse swaps, one you ain't involved, two it's bloody sl. Anyone can play who they want, ask your very own ferretlady......
Posts: 1,029
9 years ago  [Link]  
Woooooooooooooo Flair is looking for friendygirl tired of her running from klien time to take her to space mountain wooooooooooo

klien Let me know when friendygirl and Daydream (knightmare) decide to quit hiding Wooooooooooo

Go play with your ring. Ain't scared of klien, and sure as hell ain't scared of you either. Lacking pool and communication skills boiii
Posts: 305
9 years ago  [Link]  
Wooooooooooo then play him and play me Just don't run friendygirl Woooooooooooo All you do is talk and walk no walk Woooooooooooo
Posts: 1,986
9 years ago  [Link]  
Ric,the saying goes (you talk the talk but can walk the walk)
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
Woooooooooooooo Flair is looking for friendygirl tired of her running from klien time to take her to space mountain wooooooooooo

klien Let me know when friendygirl and Daydream (knightmare) decide to quit hiding Wooooooooooo

Go play with your ring. Ain't scared of klien, and sure as hell ain't scared of you either. Lacking pool and communication skills boiii

Yet you swapped me out of the game to play Freak.. even though I was online and was down to play at any point you wanted to. In fact it was your decision to leave it till this week because you didnt want to play last week. Remember?
Posts: 2,588
9 years ago  [Link]  
Have to say I agree with klien here. Are the rules that lax that captains/co captains can just decide for no good reason "I don't want to play this person, he beat me last time, I'll make a swap"?

Keith should make that game void IMO.

Me and Vixen are not the biggest fans of eachother, the fact we agree on this shows everything.

One rule for Firestorm, another for everyone else it seems. Why can't we all choose who we want to play?
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9 years ago  [Link]  
the games done even your captain said"good" to the swap to get a game completed as it was arranged the day before i think i read..its the same everytime a certain clan makes a swap..sub etc,,its an online game supposed to be fun yet all we see everyday not just from ash.s clan but from others also and ppl moan the site is dying,,dont ppl no why take a look at the forums since the season has started ,,funky pool was fun,, not anymore for alot of ppl as they have to read ppl complaining ,,moaning,,having a go i aint having a pop at anyone just saying why cant ppl play there games with or without swaps subs etc and get on with it ,,its not county or world cup pool its a game supposed to be fun competitive not life or death jeez man
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
the games done even your captain said"good" to the swap to get a game completed as it was arranged the day before i think i read..its the same everytime a certain clan makes a swap..sub etc,,its an online game supposed to be fun yet all we see everyday not just from ash.s clan but from others also and ppl moan the site is dying,,dont ppl no why take a look at the forums since the season has started ,,funky pool was fun,, not anymore for alot of ppl as they have to read ppl complaining ,,moaning,,having a go i aint having a pop at anyone just saying why cant ppl play there games with or without swaps subs etc and get on with it ,,its not county or world cup pool its a game supposed to be fun competitive not life or death jeez man

Well said and i agree with you. Having said that you can bend so far b4 you start to get the feeling you are having the mickey taken. No body likes that, even with something as simple as an online game. Then with accusations of cheating and the like it becomes more personal.Nobody likes to see the arguments and hassle on here. There is tbf one common denominator and until he goes it will not change im afraid.
Posts: 1,029
9 years ago  [Link]  
the games done even your captain said"good" to the swap to get a game completed as it was arranged the day before i think i read..its the same everytime a certain clan makes a swap..sub etc,,its an online game supposed to be fun yet all we see everyday not just from ash.s clan but from others also and ppl moan the site is dying,,dont ppl no why take a look at the forums since the season has started ,,funky pool was fun,, not anymore for alot of ppl as they have to read ppl complaining ,,moaning,,having a go i aint having a pop at anyone just saying why cant ppl play there games with or without swaps subs etc and get on with it ,,its not county or world cup pool its a game supposed to be fun competitive not life or death jeez man

Well said and i agree with you. Having said that you can bend so far b4 you start to get the feeling you are having the mickey taken. No body likes that, even with something as simple as an online game. Then with accusations of cheating and the like it becomes more personal.Nobody likes to see the arguments and hassle on here. There is tbf one common denominator and until he goes it will not change im afraid.

This situation, was to get a game done, end of. In regards to the common denominator, I think it is truly pathetic to blame ash, when he is muted especially. People make swaps against us, I am yet to see any of them rejected so I don't get your point. Feel free to elaborate.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
I have moved this to discussion thread.
Posts: 1,986
9 years ago  [Link]  
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Posts: 1,361
9 years ago  [Link]  
mr_magoo offline 10 days
Posts: 5,821
9 years ago  [Link]  
your all adults not kids at school at end of day the game is done and dusted so grow up and get rid off your nappies and acted like adults its only a online game
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
SL Fixture 2 Deadline 27/09/15 to 18/10/15

Firestorm Pheonix (20) Vs (4) FPD B

_fresh_ (5) vs (1) watchinawe
legend_pot (5) vs (1) bonfireheart
davybaumers (4) vs (2) king8ball
joeyy (6) vs (0) ferretlady

FPD A (4) VS (2) Firestorm Pheonix B

whocares8x8 vs alex_lewis
fr34k_p0t (2) vs (4) friendyboy
scottyjr (4) vs (2) 2pac786
klien vs _payback_

FPD A (9) vs (9) Revs A

the__saint (2) vs (4) poolbiird
whocares8x8 vs veyron
scottyjr (4) vs (2)tinie_v17
fr34k_p0t (3) vs (3) lolumadbro

FPD B (1) vs (5) Revs B

watchinawe vs mr_magoo
bonfireheart vs quickshot
king8ball (1) vs (5) mikeybboy
_psmon_ /ferretlady vs mrmagic

Pros B (15) vs (3) FPD C

andyw1 vs _jesus_
crazy_greg (5) vs (1) buckjam
dgeneratio (4) vs (2) ric_flair
latteo1993 (6) vs (0) blackcabman7

Pros A (12) vs (6) FPD C

vixen_xox (4) vs (2) fasteddie_
triple_b vs _jesus_
silent_hill (3) vs (3) ric_flair
dvz (5) vs (1) blackcabman7

Uprising B (13) vs (5) FPD B

ritcho (5) vs (1) watchinawe
erigert (4) vs (2) bonfireheart
clifton188 (4) vs (2) king8ball
zantetsukenz vs _psmon_/ ferretlady

Message your opponents (please keep messages) and arrange your games as soon as possible. Keep us informed if you have any issues.

Good luck everyone
Posts: 399
9 years ago  [Link]  
Did arrange play walk tall this evening but doing a double shift at work so won't be able to. Hopefully get it arranged for tomorrow instead just to keep you updated.
Posts: 4,046
9 years ago  [Link]  
Did arrange play walk tall this evening but doing a double shift at work so won't be able to. Hopefully get it arranged for tomorrow instead just to keep you updated.

Thanks buddy.
Posts: 5,702
9 years ago  [Link]  
Yes welcome adam played u a couple of days ago your a good player and will be a strong player in our happy clan

Thank you man, appreciate that!

Thank you Klien means a lot!

Feel i'm being held in higher regard than i should be haha

James i didnt exactly plan on joining a clan, blame scottyjr lol! i also forgot teams which previously asked anyhow lol. I'm sure I will enjoy it here mate thank you

Welcome back to clans mate, good to know your still knocking about!! Lol

Thank you fella! always knocking about somewhere haha ;)

agree even if hes crap

Oiiit cheeky
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The Funky Pool Devils "The New Beginning"

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