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Posts: 38,097
17:45 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
The idea of reducing clan sizes is to gain more clans right? We had no new clans for a the League since Cue Brothers was emergency formed.

Last Clan in the League to be formed was Dragons i think and that was November last year.

Eights was formed but folded quickly so didn't count them which was April.

April, May, June is 3 months without a clan forming and if we remove Eights then Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June which is 7 months.

Based on this information do you believe a reduced size will work? I don't, People will just leave as they come on for League Matches and if they can't then Why Stay?

Reduces Sizes can only work if more clans emerge from those who leave and i can't see people forming a clan for one season.

I also agree with Stu with his post. You may be able to easily cut 6 players but some of us can't.

People are also forgetting, You can have 12 if you want to, There is no obligation to have 16 players.

Also when DFE struggled with 12 players, we didn't ask for reduced clan sizes, we had to get on with it and i can't see FPD asking either.

This will hurt the League more.
Posts: 14,736
17:46 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If that's all you can resort too then I'm done trying to discuss anything with you. When you inherit or generate some maturity..let me know then I'll reassess my options.

Posts: 38,097
17:48 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

I'm just producing facts here, instead of insulting me, maybe provide some facts why clan sizes are a good idea
Posts: 10,109
17:53 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  

Way to go Stuey - you just cannot help yourself from getting personal...bravo!!

Are you a halfwit???

What was....

"the 5/6 players deemed surplus from each team are going to be selfish like those mentioned at Uprising. Players have their wits about them and aren't all as pathetic as some."

"and that's if they are easily influenced by others and have no backbone"
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(IP Logged)
18:10 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyteam has enough players Ash! I think instead of trying to change it, why dont you find a captain for FPD since shrinking clan sizes would mean way more captains! So surely you or someone can find 1 captain to captain FPD.. Everything is ready to go, just need one captain! FIND IT ! Klein i hope is the answer ! but if not Ash we need one of your captains that was going to captain a mini team!
Posts: 14,736
18:29 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

I'm just producing facts here, instead of insulting me, maybe provide some facts why clan sizes are a good idea

My post wasn't aimed at you...get over yourself! When I post I don't aim to speak directly with and solely towards you.

Edited at 15:33 Mon 27/06/16 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
18:31 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyteam has enough players Ash! I think instead of trying to change it, why dont you find a captain for FPD since shrinking clan sizes would mean way more captains! So surely you or someone can find 1 captain to captain FPD.. Everything is ready to go, just need one captain! FIND IT ! Klein i hope is the answer ! but if not Ash we need one of your captains that was going to captain a mini team!

You could do it couldn't ya mate? You and Matt (noob). You have contacts and are online daily. I think you'd be perfect.

DFE have vixen_xox and dgeneratio.
Posts: 38,097
18:33 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Everyteam has enough players Ash! I think instead of trying to change it, why dont you find a captain for FPD since shrinking clan sizes would mean way more captains! So surely you or someone can find 1 captain to captain FPD.. Everything is ready to go, just need one captain! FIND IT ! Klein i hope is the answer ! but if not Ash we need one of your captains that was going to captain a mini team!

You could do it couldn't ya mate? You and Matt (noob). You have contacts and are online daily. I think you'd be perfect.

Why not legend_pot?, he is on daily as well and fit in nicely. I don't think Jack and Noob would leave DFE and Ryan wouldn't leave Phoenix. Just requires someone from FPD like Klien or Sarah to take over
Posts: 14,736
18:36 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Legend_pot is at University and hasn't the time to run a team, he's happy being one of my Vices.
Posts: 38,097
18:36 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

I'm just producing facts here, instead of insulting me, maybe provide some facts why clan sizes are a good idea

My post wasn't aimed at you...get over yourself! When I post I don't aim to speak directly with and solely towards you.

Edited at 15:33 Mon 27/06/16 (BST)

I read the god of funkypool (atheist) before the edit, have to be quicker than that. If you post an insult at least keep it in the original post.

It was after my post so assumed it was directed at me, i should apologise but after the post before the edit, i'm not sure as it is another insult so my post has balance so i'll repost.

I'm just producing facts here, instead of insulting me, maybe provide some facts why clan sizes are a good idea
Posts: 4,228
18:36 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its sad , that we wouldnt have any problems if only Nick would sort the site out.

im not pro nor against reduced teams, was just a thought. Id say Stu is probably right, for more clans u need more captains and i dont really see it either, where from would they come from. blackcabman has done it, takeiteasy knows the stuff, maybe few more... each clan currently has 2-4 players who knows how to run a clan. i dont think many would want to tho, including myself.

i really wont loose any sleep if the clans dissapear as im happy to play just tourneys anyway.

Klien would easilly manage to run FPD-s, not sure does he wants to tho.
Posts: 38,097
18:37 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Legend_pot is at University and hasn't the time to run a team, he's happy being one of my Vices.

How about Fresh who is always active or Alex? See two can play the game of get FPD to get another teams staff to run the other team.
Posts: 38,097
18:44 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
its sad , that we wouldnt have any problems if only Nick would sort the site out.

i really wont loose any sleep if the clans disappear as im happy to play just tourneys anyway.

Same mate minus tournaments, From a personal standpoint for me, i haven't had interest in Pool in a while and loving Snooker again and i have a League to run over there so FPD fold, Uprising fold, League Dies, I'll just quit one season early, If FPD stays then i'll stay for one more season then quit. From a clan standpoint, it would be a shame for Leagues to fold and if one season early, my excel work could be ruined but was worth it. I'll be sad to leave the League with the History of it but Happy too so i can focus on Snooker.
Posts: 14,736
18:49 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Legend_pot is at University and hasn't the time to run a team, he's happy being one of my Vices.

How about Fresh who is always active or Alex? See two can play the game of get FPD to get another teams staff to run the other team.

Are you for real?
DFE have yourself, vixen_xox, re_rack, I_am_noob etc all perfectly capable of running a team. Add w_hoolahan on top there's another. (Just examples). It's got nothing to do with them being associated with DFE they are just people who are online daily.

As for fresh I think you need to pay more attention to your own posts. You even posted fresh offline 5/6/7 days for the Clan World Cup event. fresh is very busy and in the process of sorting out a lot of personal things. The last thing he needs is to take over a team. I agree klien is perfectly capable so is triple_b and some of the others. FPD's will be fine I'm sure.

There's no talking with you sometimes James...just a waste of my time. You completely twist and misinterpret everything I say to try and use for your own advantage. I have No time for it.
Posts: 38,097
18:59 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Fresh meant as sarcasm as hes been inactive lately.

Yes their capable of running a team but if they want to join FPD then they would have joined FPD already.

Fact is we have 3 Vices (Me on paper but i'm not a Vice, Noob and Jack) and you have 3 Vices but i don't see you offering players either weakening your team.
Posts: 2,062
19:35 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I would have considered it but since I'm Co capt this season it's just not happening. I would encourage anyone who is capable and wants to do it to do it no matter which team they're on. Since if they dont, we won't have teams at all.
Posts: 14,736
20:16 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair enough mate - I didn't suggest any of mine as they know from next week my own time will be reduced so they are needed to help keep Phoenix Reapers ticking over. From 6th July I won't be around as much - i'll forever be up the hospital and looking after my dad.

Not that i ever have to justify myself to anyone on here.
Posts: 10,109
20:46 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
In 3 years I've not seen anyone from Dim Reapers act as a vice other than shadows. There's no point going through Ash's teamlist looking for a captain. Eri nor Zante probably have enough time right now to run a team alone, nor do I tbh - but the 3 of us together are fine.

IMO Phil's been a bit of a scumbag. You don't accept vice, post about how much you're looking forward to the season and then quit on submission day. That move alone could be the end of the leagues.

I implore Bucky to return. He's never been success orientated and he's one of the only suitable captains left. Only other suitable captains I can think of are in Ups or DFE.
Posts: 14,736
21:10 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Usual crap from you Stu...why am I not surprised. I know it was too much of a challenge for you to post and refrain from personal digs.

I'm a very capable and suitable Captain just unlike others I keep my interests in my own team and affairs than try to orchestrate how other teams function and interfere with how they are run along with the leagues and it's Rules.

Each to their own, just cut out the digs and immature/unnecessary attacks. Cheers.
Posts: 38,097
21:17 Mon 27 Jun 16 (BST)  [Link]  
I keep my interests in my own team and affairs than try to orchestrate how other teams function and interfere with how they are run along with the leagues and it's Rules.

How about asking DFE players to join FPD? that is interfering in how a team is run.

If one of them went to join FPD and Captained them then i wish them luck but not because you told them to.
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