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Posts: 19,819
16:02 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Buckjam messaged me last night about this and id like to say i and i think most dont take this seriously.
I mean when picking a team you think whats best for my clan bit i doubt fpd would try and support uprising. I mean uprising dont need it lol.
Ash mate youre getting out of control reign it in please.
Posts: 2,588
16:04 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
nice to see yeah, no justification needed though as i posted on Phoenix, guys play their best, is that cheating? no, tactical subs? some may say it is but nope, but fielding weaker is classed as cheating? its the same as playing your best but reversed.

would have been funny to see it though if that was the intention.

No... Not that we should have to say our intentions behind the weaker team. But even with our strongest 8 Uprisings would probably still win. At this point its all tactical. Its clear buckjam made the choice to give all players a game in the 4 fixtures and chose which fixtures to put the stronger players in.

Its a chance for some players who are being called "weak" right now to prove themselves too. So its all good.

I still believe there should be action against Ash for the accusations though, something along the lines of being banned from being captain for the rest of the season etc. A captain should not be making those kind of accusations without fundamental proof. It only hinders the league and causes more arguments.
Posts: 9,456
00:11 Wed 7 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]

Once again staff are being landed with lots of complaints and wasting time dealing with clan-related arguments and bickering.

So that it is clear to all - unless a funkypool site rule is broken, no action will be taken.

HOWEVER if the small number of users who persist in this behaviour do not stop, we shall consider it wasting staff time and move to taking preventative action.

So, to whom it may concern - grow up, be polite, and enjoy the site like everyone else.

We are going to post a reminder on this previous message because in recent weeks we have had to deal with clan issues and staff have had to remove a silly amount of comments on team threads. We will post this here as a reminder for all players:

1. Action will be taken by staff if this continues, posting rights revoked/mutes or worse if behaviour continues on the forums.

2. Posting rules as a reminder are linked here in this message.

If you have any questions please feel free to talk to a member of staff.

Now back to enjoying the competitive games!
Posts: 9,926
00:36 Thu 8 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture set 2 defaults have been completed and the current table is below:-

Posted Image

If any captain has any queries regarding any of the default decisions please feel free to message me offline to discuss.

Posts: 10,109
02:35 Thu 8 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]

Once again staff are being landed with lots of complaints and wasting time dealing with clan-related arguments and bickering.

So that it is clear to all - unless a funkypool site rule is broken, no action will be taken.

HOWEVER if the small number of users who persist in this behaviour do not stop, we shall consider it wasting staff time and move to taking preventative action.

So, to whom it may concern - grow up, be polite, and enjoy the site like everyone else.

We are going to post a reminder on this previous message because in recent weeks we have had to deal with clan issues and staff have had to remove a silly amount of comments on team threads. We will post this here as a reminder for all players:

1. Action will be taken by staff if this continues, posting rights revoked/mutes or worse if behaviour continues on the forums.

2. Posting rules as a reminder are linked here in this message.

If you have any questions please feel free to talk to a member of staff.

Now back to enjoying the competitive games!

If people are complaining on the clan league discussion thread, or complaining to the league runner regarding clan league related business - is this anything to do with "staff"?

Could you please be more specific?
Posts: 4,046
02:13 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This situation, was to get a game done, end of. In regards to the common denominator, I think it is truly pathetic to blame ash, when he is muted especially. People make swaps against us, I am yet to see any of them rejected so I don't get your point. Feel free to elaborate.

As it goes i never said or felt myself that it was a tactical sub. You normally make them on Sundays at 9pm. As for blaming your captain. He has been off for a week and in that time we have seen games getting played and no arguments of note. People treating the site as intended and enjoying themselves. Other than yourself , still blaming ME for cheating and fixing matches which i have said i did not.If you are trying to live up to his way of dealing with captaincy then you are doing a first rate job and well done. Hes still there on FB pulling the strings though so now we have a muppet and a puppet.
Posts: 2,588
02:23 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hes still there on FB pulling the strings though so now we have a muppet and a puppet.

This quote is too perfect.
Posts: 1,029
02:34 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
This situation, was to get a game done, end of. In regards to the common denominator, I think it is truly pathetic to blame ash, when he is muted especially. People make swaps against us, I am yet to see any of them rejected so I don't get your point. Feel free to elaborate.

As it goes i never said or felt myself that it was a tactical sub. You normally make them on Sundays at 9pm. As for blaming your captain. He has been off for a week and in that time we have seen games getting played and no arguments of note. People treating the site as intended and enjoying themselves. Other than yourself , still blaming ME for cheating and fixing matches which i have said i did not.If you are trying to live up to his way of dealing with captaincy then you are doing a first rate job and well done. Hes still there on FB pulling the strings though so now we have a muppet and a puppet.

See the Pros thread, your name was mentioned as being in discussions with James. Blame him......
Tactical subs on Sundays? Brilliant. If we didn't mention it, the match would have defaulted without anyone knowing as your player had made no effort to arrange the match. Well done for causing a default though, your aim was achieved.
I always enjoy the clan pool scene, the bs I see flying about is comical. I have been nothing but helpful getting subs posted and requested. More than you did, all you did was be obstructive and unhelpful. Well done captain starbuck.
Posts: 5,821
04:21 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
your all adults not kids at school at end of day the game is done and dusted so grow up and get rid off your nappies and acted like adults
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:52 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll post this here so it doesn't get missed...


As you can see we are struggling big time at the moment due to that many people going inactive, so is there any chance of the new guys playing in the SL games to save at least 4 games going to default? Would anyone else have any issues if this was allowed? I'm not really that fussed either way tbh but it seems better than so many games going to default.
Posts: 10,109
15:27 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd certainly have no problem with it lolumadbro!
Posts: 4,046
16:12 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Me neither
Posts: 2,588
16:48 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll post this here so it doesn't get missed...


As you can see we are struggling big time at the moment due to that many people going inactive, so is there any chance of the new guys playing in the SL games to save at least 4 games going to default? Would anyone else have any issues if this was allowed? I'm not really that fussed either way tbh but it seems better than so many games going to default.

If toluca is allowed to play this fixture set for professionals despite not passing the one month rule, I cant see no reason why your new players shouldnt be able to play too..

Rules are made to be broken
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:57 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Your one of the people I expected to kick up a fuss about it lol, not the end of the world tho either way anyway is it.
Posts: 2,588
17:21 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Your one of the people I expected to kick up a fuss about it lol, not the end of the world tho either way anyway is it.

Nah, I dont mind it. Dgeneratio didn't even ask and still snuck toluca into the game, which was then approved by horse afterwards.

If that was fine, then it would be unfair if this wasn't approved also.
Posts: 38,097
18:02 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

See the Pros thread, your name was mentioned as being in discussions with James. Blame him......

don't bring me into this, Jamie had nothing to do with fixture fixing as i told klien when he asked. just because i said jamie's name doesn't mean he is involved so blame gone.
Posts: 38,097
18:08 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Your one of the people I expected to kick up a fuss about it lol, not the end of the world tho either way anyway is it.

Nah, I dont mind it. Dgeneratio didn't even ask and still snuck toluca into the game, which was then approved by horse afterwards.

If that was fine, then it would be unfair if this wasn't approved also.

Lol anyone can make a mistake, let me guess your so perfect you can't make one

I should have checked tolucas account age but i needed players and would approach anyone with potential, toluca was in chat room so it was too good of an opportunity to sign him. I then gave Toluca a game thinking it was fine and dandy but as Sarah rightfully pointed out, he was ineligible. I then asked Keith who said he can play from the 19th so because Keith said he can play then i don't need to lose a valuable player and make a sub.

Yes i should have checked before putting him in fixtures but humans make mistakes and without them you can't learn how to deal with it next time
Posts: 2,588
20:06 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My bad, perhaps "snuck" wasnt the most appropriate of word chocies
Posts: 9,926
03:15 Mon 26 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Final FCL table for season 26:-

Posted Image

Congratulations to Uprising
Posts: 14,736
03:17 Mon 26 Oct 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah congratz to Uprising but a shout out to Firestorm Phoenix too for pushing them to win on Frame Difference alone.

Well Done Uprising.
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