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Posts: 9,926
23:19 Sun 4 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Season 26

Fixture Set 3 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK time on 25th October 2015
Posts: 2,588
02:14 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We have a captain messaging around players accusing their clans of cheating and trying to help a clan win the league. Is this what clans has come to, being harassed because of a captains team list - which the captain has full right to pick in whichever way he wants. Some sour accusations being tossed around by a person that, quite frankly, isn't fit to be a captain. Surely there needs to be action for this, I know im not the only one who has been offline messaged.

All evidence of the above has been privately messaged to Keith.
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02:24 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
What the what the what u sprouting

Posts: 4,046
03:13 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Free world I'll message you when i like - I'll even post this one on you thread in a minute.

FCL Fixture 3

Firestorm vs FPDs

miss_harriet vs klien
legend_pot vs scottyjr
tension vs whocares8x8
alex_lewis vs the__saint
_knightmare_ vs _jesus_
nzym_visual vs king8ball
_payback_ vs fr34k_p0t
_fresh_ vs bonfireheart


FCL Fixtures Set 3

FPD VS Uprising

anoneeemouse vs corsair
blackcabman7 vs clifton188
ric_flair vs _niall_
ferretlady vs turtle1560
watchinawe vs nike
_psmon_ vs zantesukenz
the__saint vs strange_daze
bonfireheart vs erigert

* What you're actually trying to win some points this season, that's a first. IF i was a betting person, I'd bet you're trying to assist/help Uprising to win by frame difference and show no belief in your own team.

I'd even go as far and categorise it as 'cheating', why not instill some belief in your players and play your best ones vs
the 2 sides at the top of the league instead of knowing full well at least 6/8 of them will get cremated.

Oh hang on...that's what you want so uprising get to win the league by a huge margin (frame difference)

You aren't fit to be a Captain, a Captain believes in his side and tries to get the best out of them.

Call yourself a me a favour - learn what one is first.

This was sent to me this morning by Lord Ashley.
Posts: 4,046
03:35 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Within the above post he has openly called me a cheat. Now im fairly thick skinned and can swallow a name here and there, but a cheat i aint. I am the captain and will select what players play aginst who and in what format. Thats my job. Or is it? Should i have asked Ash who i should play and in which fixture. And i am questioned as to why i call him Lord Ashley! He falsely believes this site and the players within it are here for his own self gratification. To be swapped and subbed at his whim to ensure maximum victories and dis harmony with-in teams. And when the players dont do as requested then its sent to default and results in him whinging that it just aint fair.
All of us captains have a crossed word with each other now and again. I'm terrible at backing down and i apologise for that and do after a bust up. Life is stressfull. Ash lives for it. Not just the game and the bending or flat out breaking of the rules, hes here for the hassle. Make no mistake.He thrives on it and when it all gets too much and everyone has had enough , he turns over the same leaf and starts again.
Quite a few people on Funky Pool are worried about the future of this game. I am too as i enjoy playing and talking to some of the characters on here. I enjoy the banter and the mickey taking. Why year after year, season after season do we permit this person to spoil it. I believe that he will be the end of the leagues.He will destroy it and as the lights go out he will be there smiling.
Posts: 2,588
04:10 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow that really is a shocking way to break the rules, nearly as bad as fielding a weak team in a fixture, shouldn't happen.

Another joke of a post. I didn't realise the FCL was only for the elite players and clans with the quality of phoenix nights.

Being called cheats because some players arent as good as others. Action needs to be, and should be, taken.
Posts: 871
04:27 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How many joke posts do you make? Don't be so quick to point the finger... Your as bad as anyone, I make one post about a situation I feel may be a bit unsporting.. (But not out of the rules) and you blow up? Lol.
All my point is I think it's a coincidence the stronger members of your clan are all in the fixture vs us and all left out of another fixture.
I actually don't care to be honest, but I'd rather people own up to it then not admit how bent it is.
Anyway like I said, uprising will win the FCL and deservedly so, they have the best team and have been the most consistent so far, good luck to them.
Posts: 2,588
04:30 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How many joke posts do you make? Don't be so quick to point the finger... Your as bad as anyone, I make one post about a situation I feel may be a bit unsporting.. (But not out of the rules) and you blow up? Lol.
All my point is I think it's a coincidence the stronger members of your clan are all in the fixture vs us and all left out of another fixture.
I actually don't care to be honest, but I'd rather people own up to it then not admit how bent it is.
Anyway like I said, uprising will win the FCL and deservedly so, they have the best team and have been the most consistent so far, good luck to them.

I dont see PDS or Revolutions complaining about our squad picks vs them. You are a bunch of sore losers and you haven't even lost yet! ... Do you expect us to field the same 8 in every game. The way you guys go about it, anybody thats not above average shouldnt be played because its "cheating" .. FPD has, and always will be, been built around it being fun. Buckjam won't leave players out of a fixture set just because we might lose, something I have only recently gotten along with myself. To be accused of cheating for giving everyone a game in the fixture set is just outrageous.

Go and suck your thumb elsewhere, clan leagues is no place for people like you.
Posts: 871
04:31 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
By the way mate I never called anyone a cheat, don't put words in people's mouths. I might start telling others you making up lies about me..
Posts: 871
04:33 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Again the word cheating put in twice when I've never said that. Tut.
Like I said before, I'm really not bothered. You give enough crap out gotta take some aswell without losing your head
Posts: 9,926
04:33 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I also received a message from ash and I replied advising that it is always up to the captain who he picks and I will never get involved, been like this for all 26 seasons of clans and never going to change. This is where it should have ended offline. It is quite clear from subsequent posts and messages that is not the case.

I will not stand for any other players accusing other clans or captains of cheating or anything else as they have done no different from any other team in any other fixture this season by picking 8 players to play a game.

The clan league is for all players and every player has the same right to play in any game as anyone else, if anyone has a problem with this I suggest they stop playing in the clan leagues as you are not wanted, these leagues are meant to be fun for all and no player should receive messages or clans should have posts accusing them of nonsense like above.
Posts: 2,588
04:33 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
By the way mate I never called anyone a cheat, don't put words in people's mouths. I might start telling others you making up lies about me..

You didn't.. but your captain did. Messages have been sent to Keith and others to prove this.

You incited it was rule breaking, however.
Posts: 871
04:36 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair enough,
One of my posts above stated in brackets it's not out of the rules mate. Didn't say it's not allowed.

Anyway I'm not usually one to speak about all this rubbish so I'm gonna say no more. Let's hope the last few FCL fixtures are fun and competitive.

Sorry for making a scene
Posts: 6,417
12:03 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol Ash is simply getting out of control lately. Does he want to control all the other clans in this game in order to win something in this online game? Sad person
Posts: 38,097
12:12 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol Ash is simply getting out of control lately. Does he want to control all the other clans in this game in order to win something in this online game? Sad person

yeah, one thing the other captains have is we all don't like ash because of his attitude and dictation mannerism.

he knows if he messaged me then i wouldn't back down so picks on someone who possibly won't.

if a captain fields a weaker team so what is all i will say
Posts: 6,417
12:16 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol Ash is simply getting out of control lately. Does he want to control all the other clans in this game in order to win something in this online game? Sad person

yeah, one thing the other captains have is we all don't like ash because of his attitude and dictation mannerism.

he knows if he messaged me then i wouldn't back down so picks on someone who possibly won't.

if a captain fields a weaker team so what is all i will say

The fact that Ash is out of control i think that is noticed by everyone.
But how he manages to brainwash some of his team mates is something i cant explain lol
Posts: 38,097
12:22 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's his teamlist, its really good so people are drawn to winners, i'm friends with some of them (perhaps most of them), just Ash i despise from that team.
Posts: 19,967
14:11 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Firestorm Phoenix v Funky Pool Devils (set 2)

Funky Pool Devils v Uprising (set 3)

Funnily enough, Uprising just got on with things when Phoenix got an easier team list when Uprising had the likes of whocares8x8, _huts24_ and klien.

Sorry Phoenix, but the accusations you've thrown about just show a lack of class. We were given a stronger line up to face in the frat match against FPDs than you so you have no right to complain when the show is on the other foot. 5 players in the list we have were in your list last set, the other 3 are about even in skill.
Posts: 4,046
15:22 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Firestorm Phoenix v Funky Pool Devils (set 2)

Funky Pool Devils v Uprising (set 3)

Funnily enough, Uprising just got on with things when Phoenix got an easier team list when Uprising had the likes of whocares8x8, _huts24_ and klien.

Sorry Phoenix, but the accusations you've thrown about just show a lack of class. We were given a stronger line up to face in the frat match against FPDs than you so you have no right to complain when the show is on the other foot. 5 players in the list we have were in your list last set, the other 3 are about even in skill.

Thankyou for doing that. Makes his accusations a mockery, as i knew them to be anyway. Nice to see it in black and white though.
Posts: 38,097
15:31 Tue 6 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
nice to see yeah, no justification needed though as i posted on Phoenix, guys play their best, is that cheating? no, tactical subs? some may say it is but nope, but fielding weaker is classed as cheating? its the same as playing your best but reversed.

would have been funny to see it though if that was the intention.
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