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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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Posts: 10,109
22:12 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the point has been lost in transition faust. There is no reason to let the game default, I think the point is that shad will play anyone you can get online of course when shad is available. is my belief that we won't see Shad online until after the deadline. I also believe this will be entirely engineered towards trying to force a default. Of course, if I am wrong and he does log in, I will apologize for implying such a thing!

Edited at 19:21 Sat 12/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
22:30 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
First of all, thanks for the sub, secondly a default was never played for and never will be. I can see why you would think down that route but we aren't that shallow to even consider it let alone put in practise.
Posts: 334
22:39 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I am online and waiting to play anyone that they give me to play.
Posts: 10,109
22:39 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
First of all, thanks for the sub, secondly a default was never played for and never will be. I can see why you would think down that route but we aren't that shallow to even consider it let alone put in practise.

I which case Alex was right, and I did misinterpret your post.
Posts: 7,324
22:44 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I am online and waiting to play anyone that they give me to play.

I can do it.
Posts: 10,109
22:44 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As much as it pains me, I must wholeheartedly apologize for my incorrect assertions. Shad is logging in to play Niall as we speak. Consider my words eaten.
Posts: 334
22:45 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He accused me of dodging Gibson last time as well. When Gibson finally showed up he had no knowledge of what faust was on about.

Faust tries to cover for defaults with lies, lies and more lies.
Posts: 10,109
22:50 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
He accused me of dodging Gibson last time as well. When Gibson finally showed up he had no knowledge of what faust was on about.

Faust tries to cover for defaults with lies, lies and more lies.

Whatever combination of medication you're on right now really isn't reacting well. I'd maybe look into some kind of holistic remedy.

A suspicion isn't a lie, and there aren't going to be any defaults - so wring that hanky out and dry your eyes!
Posts: 2,327
22:52 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
And it was such a pleasant atmosphere for almost an entire fixture! Come on please guys, lets move on now.
Posts: 334
23:49 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs _niall_

8us 2 - 3
9us 3 - 2
8uk 1 - 4

Total achpfsk (6) - (9) niall

All the best for the rest.
Posts: 14,736
23:51 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Very good 6 points mate keeps us ahead overall, niall is a very good player so well played

Cheers for playing the match matey.
Posts: 14,736
23:54 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** OLD Fixtures ***

Firestorm Phoenix
FCL Fix Set 1: Deadline 13th Sep 2015
Subs Permitted From: 6th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (53) vs (52) Uprising

(swp) _fresh_ (9) vs (6) nike
(swp) (s) friendyboy/off_white/legend_pot vs corsair
(s) davybaumers (11) vs (4) cgibson92
miss_harriet (10) vs (5) dv8
joeyy (7) vs (8) clifton188
alex_lewis (6) vs (9) r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk (6)vs (9) _niall_
ghost_chili (4) vs (11) turtle1560

Firestorm Phoenix (65) vs (55) Pros - Complete

miss_harriet (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
slimeball (6) vs (9) andyw1
davybaumers (5) vs (10) dvz
achpfsk (9) vs (6) nzym_visual (s)
_fresh_ (7) vs (8) alfie1966
(s) ghost_chili (7) vs (8) dgeneratio (s)
joeyy (11) vs (4) silent_hill
friendyboy (9) vs (6) johnythefox

Firestorm Phoenix (68) vs (52) Pocket Dynamos - Complete

slimeball (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
legend_pot (8) vs (7) w_hoolahan
_fresh_ (12) vs (3) the__priest
_knightmare_ (5) vs (10) punkpoet
(swp) friendyboy (7) vs (8) bulletzzzz
(swp) alex_lewis (8) vs (7) marksmith
ghost_chili (8) vs (7) siber_man
miss_harriet (11) vs (4) jasonb

Completed: 20/24

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk

legend_pot can sub in ANY should he be available
Posts: 14,736
23:55 Sat 12 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** OLD Fixtures ***

FBL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 20th September 2015.
Subs Permitted From: 13th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (10) vs (2) F.P.D

8us: joeyy vs fatmikee
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (7-1)
9us: slimeball (2) vs (0) fasteddie_ (5-3)
9us: alex_lewis vs jacksealy21 (14)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) anoneeemouse (5-2)
8uk: davybaumers (0) vs (2) scottyjr (3-5)
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) watchinawe
Str: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) _pot_luck_

Firestorm Phoenix (3) vs (5) Uprising

8us: miss_harriet vs cgibson92
8us: achpfsk (0) vs (2) dv8 (3-5)
9us: _payback_ vs fran_
9us: (swp) davybaumers (1) vs (1) nike (4-4)
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (6-2)
8uk: (swp) ghost_chili vs corsair (Monday 9:30)
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm Phoenix (7) vs (5) Pros

8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) bigcjl2 (5-0)
8us: achpfsk (1) vs (1) crazy_greg (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) nzym_visual (5-0)
9us: ghost_chili (0) vs (2) silent_hill (2-5)
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) tension (4-4)
8uk: davybaumers (1) vs (1) alfie1966 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs sean_92
Str: joeyy vs dvz

Completed: 16/24

Edited at 00:44 Sun 13/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
01:12 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 27th September 2015
Subs Permitted From: 21st September 2015

Firestorm A (5 Matches)

1. Firestorm A (5) vs (9) FPD A
legend_pot vs _huts24_
_fresh_ (2) vs (4) whocares8x8
achpfsk (3) vs (5) scottyjr
slimeball vs klien

2. Firestorm A (4) vs (2) PD's A
legend_pot vs bulletzzzz
_fresh_ vs toon_lad
achpfsk (4) vs (2) jasonb
slimeball vs marksmith

3. Firestorm A vs Uprising A
legend_pot vs _niall_
_fresh_ vs horse10000
achpfsk vs fran_
slimeball vs turtle1560

4. Firestorm A vs Firestorm B
legend_pot vs davybaumers
_fresh_ vs _payback_
achpfsk vs joeyy
slimeball vs ghost_chili

5. Firestorm A (12) vs (7) Pros A
legend_pot vs alfie1966
_fresh_ (5) vs (1) triple_b
achpfsk (5) vs (2) vixen_xox
slimeball (2) vs (4) silent_hill


Firestorm B (5 Matches)

1. Firestorm B (13) vs (7) PD's B
davybaumers (5) vs (2) w_hoolahan
_payback_ (5) vs (1) the__priest
joeyy vs _siber_man_
ghost_chili (3) vs (4) letsgochamp

2. Firestorm B (3) vs (4) Uprising C
davybaumers (3) vs (4) cgibson92
_payback_ vs corsair
joeyy vs dv8
ghost_chili vs nike

3. Firestorm B vs Rev's B
davybaumers vs _equality_
_payback_ vs mrmagic
joeyy vs derik_dalton
ghost_chili vs mad_matt

4. Firestorm B vs Pros B
davybaumers vs destroyer_v2
_payback_ vs crazy_greg (swp)
joeyy vs nzym_visual (swp)
ghost_chili vs tension
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:16 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Results

davy 5 - 2 w_hoolahan

8 ball: 1 - 1
9 ball: 1 - 1
8 ball uk: 2 - 0 run out for me

Short format, and got in my 2nd SL match this season and today my 2nd run out. Harry had bad luck when i made no mistake anymore when we started 8 ball uk.

I'm still a bit sick, and i'm a bit tired, but never reached a win like this before against Harry.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:19 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
brilliant win especially vs hoola!
Posts: 14,736
01:22 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Incredible result davy - WOW what a day you've had - some brilliant results and topped off with this one vs Harry. Very Well Played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:31 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you both

Score was 2 - 2 before we started 8 ball uk

8 ball uk:
1st game: i broke and cleared up
2nd game: he broke, no ball was potted and i cleared again

My luck, Harry had only 1 shot in 8 ball uk
Posts: 14,736
02:49 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Quality Davy
Posts: 14,736
03:03 Sun 13 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship: Round 1
Deadline: 13th September 2015

joeyy vs horse10000

*** ONLY 1 remain, Deadline is Sunday! Good Luck ***


legend_pot 9 vs 3 letsgochamp
friendyboy 3 vs 9 tinie_v17
_payback_ vs johnythefox - johnythefox conceded
_knightmare_ 9 vs 3 fasteddie_
achpfsk 5 vs 7 faust
_fresh_ 9 vs 3 fastboysam
davybaumers 7 vs 2 lolurmadbro
miss_harriet vs the__saint - the__saint conceded
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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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