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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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20:50 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship Results

davy 7 - 2 lolumadbro

8 ball: 3 - 1
9 ball: 3 - 1
8 ball uk: 1 - 0

It was one of those days that everything was going perfect. nothing went wrong for me in this match. On another day, i never win with this difference.
Posts: 14,736
20:55 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Quality result mate versus a very good player - emphatic scoreline - top stuff davy
Posts: 14,736
20:55 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Firestorm Phoenix
FCL Fix Set 1: Deadline 13th Sep 2015
Subs Permitted From: 6th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (27) vs (33) Uprising

(swp) davybaumers vs nike
(swp) legend_pot vs corsair
_fresh_ vs cgibson92
miss_harriet (10) vs (5) dv8
joeyy (7) vs (8) clifton188
alex_lewis (6) vs (9) r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk vs fran_
ghost_chili (4) vs (11) turtle1560

*Agreed with faust to swap the top 2 again.

Firestorm Phoenix (38) vs (37) X-Pros

miss_harriet (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
slimeball (6) vs (9) andyw1
davybaumers (5) vs (10) dvz
achpfsk (9) vs (6) nzym_visual (s)
_fresh_ (7) vs (8) alfie1966
legend_pot vs tension
joeyy vs silent_hill
friendyboy vs johnythefox

Firestorm Phoenix (48) vs (27) Pocket Dynamos

slimeball (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
legend_pot (8) vs (7) w_hoolahan
_fresh_ (12) vs (3) the__priest
_knightmare_ vs punkpoet (TBC 1-4)
alex_lewis vs bulletzzzz
friendyboy vs marksmith
ghost_chili (8) vs (7) siber_man
miss_harriet (11) vs (4) jasonb

Completed: 14/24

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 14,736
20:56 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 20th September 2015.
Subs Permitted From: 13th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (8) vs (0) F.P.D

8us: joeyy vs fatmikee
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (7-1)
9us: slimeball vs fasteddie_
9us: alex_lewis vs jacksealy21
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) anoneeemouse (5-2)
8uk: davybaumers vs scottyjr
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) watchinawe
Str: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) _pot_luck_ (51 Run..quality!)

Firestorm Phoenix (2) vs (2) Uprising

8us: miss_harriet vs cgibson92
8us: achpfsk vs dv8
9us: _payback_ vs fran_
9us: (swp) davybaumers vs nike
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (6-2)
8uk: (swp) ghost_chili vs corsair
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm Phoenix (7) vs (3) Pros

8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) bigcjl2 (5-0)
8us: achpfsk (1) vs (1) crazy_greg (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) nzym_visual (5-0)
9us: ghost_chili vs silent_hill
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) tension (4-4)
8uk: davybaumers (1) vs (1) alfie1966 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs sean_92
Str: joeyy vs dvz

Completed: 11/24

Edited at 18:16 Mon 07/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
20:57 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship: Round 1
Deadline: 13th September 2015
Subs: There aren't ANY lol

miss_harriet vs the_saint
joeyy vs horse10000

C'mon Team!!!


legend_pot 9 vs 3 letsgochamp
friendyboy 3 vs 9 tinie_v17
_payback_ vs johnythefox - johnythefox conceded
_knightmare_ 9 vs 3 fasteddie_
achpfsk 5 vs 7 faust
_fresh_ 9 vs 3 fastboysam
davybaumers 7 vs 2 lolurmadbro
Posts: 109
21:11 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  

_payback_ 5 vs 0 nzym_visual

Top player, top bloke, he was UL and i cleared my chances, GL in rest mate
Posts: 14,736
21:13 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great debut mate - Ray is a good player so - brilliant 5-0.
Posts: 109
21:47 Mon 7 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
cheers mate!
Posts: 9,926
00:09 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League Season IX

Fixture Set 1 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 27th September 2015
Posts: 334
00:32 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
8us: achpfsk (3)vs (5) dv8

All the best m8

I always enjoy paying games against dv8 but tonight it was stressful. Both having browser issues. Mine was real bad.

A few things that happened to me in the 8 frames

1 - Couldn't get lined up as the cursor would move erratic
2 - Very, very jerky. Like a strobe disco.
3 - White ball under hitting quite often.
4 - It was his shot and nothing was happening, then 3 balls potted in 2 seconds.
5 - Things I typed took about 4-5 seconds to appear.

To top it all off, the issues I mentioned above was happening more frequent in my game against faust earlier. He was having browser issues as well.

If it continues like this then there is no point in playing here. I am not a bad loser and moaning about my loss to dv8, he played better than me and won, not an issue. Since Chrome has stopped working I have been having these issues, sad face, lol.
Posts: 14,736
00:46 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree mate - game's a crock of crap!
Every break in 8uk potted the damn cue ball - I never do that - 9us he had an easy clear so decided to snooker me 3 times, what was that about?
8uk - You give carry's away every frame you might as well not bloody bother.

He played well took all the chances I handed him, another result or experience like that then I'll just not bother anymore.

Managed to get some wins in 9us and 8uk but I feel I deserved more tbh. (apart from the crap in offs in 8uk)

Result: _knightmare_ (5) vs (10) punkpoet

8us: 1-4
9us: 2-3
8uk: 2-3

I'll get him next time, good luck for the rest of the season, wp. Also thanks for your understanding these past few days, much appreciated.
Posts: 334
00:53 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I haven't ot an issue with how dv8 played, he's always a gent. To be honest the way the balls split I was up against it anyway. He played better than me and deserved the win.

My issue is with how the browsers are letting the games be played.

Edited at 23:04 Mon 07/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
00:59 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Firestorm Phoenix

friendyboy (CC)
joeyy (VC)
ghost_chili (VC)
miss_harriet (VC)
dark_chocco (sub)
off_white (sub)

Team: Please welcome dukesy to our ranks - he's a very good player and one i think will be a great addition to us. dbno unfortunately just isn't available atm but he will return when he can. So I figured it best we sign up another new TOP player who will be more active. Welcome Aboard mate!
Posts: 19,819
01:15 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Totally agree mate - game's a crock of crap!
Every break in 8uk potted the damn cue ball - I never do that - 9us he had an easy clear so decided to snooker me 3 times, what was that about?
8uk - You give carry's away every frame you might as well not bloody bother.

He played well took all the chances I handed him, another result or experience like that then I'll just not bother anymore.

Managed to get some wins in 9us and 8uk but I feel I deserved more tbh. (apart from the crap in offs in 8uk)

Result: _knightmare_ (5) vs (10) punkpoet

8us: 1-4
9us: 2-3
8uk: 2-3

I'll get him next time, good luck for the rest of the season, wp. Also thanks for your understanding these past few days, much appreciated.

Why ask here and not in the game?
I mean I can barely remember where the balls were now lol.
If memory serves me right, you fouled.
I had a difficult pot and an easy snooker, so did the snooker.
I again was put in a situation where on the third I had an easy snooker and was abit shaky with potting in previous rack, so took the snooker.
In future ask in private!!!

Also I had bad luck as well, I mean didnt I leave you an easy combo? lol.
We got on well but this write up is very irritating.
Posts: 14,736
01:58 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 27th September 2015
Subs Permitted From: 21st September 2015

Firestorm A (5 Fixtures)

1. Firestorm A vs FPD A
legend_pot vs _huts24_
_fresh_ vs whocares8x8
achpfsk vs scottyjr
slimeball vs klien

2. Firestorm A vs PD's A
legend_pot vs bulletzzzz
_fresh_ vs toon_lad
achpfsk vs jasonb
slimeball vs marksmith

3. Firestorm A vs Uprising A
legend_pot vs _niall_
_fresh_ vs horse10000
achpfsk vs fran_
slimeball vs turtle1560

4. Firestorm A vs Firestorm B
legend_pot vs davybaumers
_fresh_ vs _payback_
achpfsk vs joeyy
slimeball vs ghost_chili

5. Firestorm A vs Pros A
legend_pot vs alfie1966
_fresh_ vs triple_b
achpfsk vs vixen_xox
slimeball vs silent_hill
Posts: 14,736
02:00 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Firestorm B (5 Fixtures)

1. Firestorm B vs PD's B
davybaumers vs w_hoolahan
_payback_ vs the__priest
joeyy vs _siber_man_
ghost_chili vs letsgochamp

2. Firestorm B vs Uprising C
davybaumers vs cgibson92
_payback_ vs corsair
joeyy vs dv8
ghost_chili vs nike

3. Firestorm B vs Rev's B
davybaumers vs _equality_
_payback_ vs mrmagic
joeyy vs derik_dalton
ghost_chili vs mad_matt

4. Same as Firestorm A's

5. Firestorm B vs Pros B
davybaumers vs destroyer_v2
_payback_ vs nzym_visual
joeyy vs crazy_greg
ghost_chili vs tension

Good Luck - Let's focus on the FCL asap then we can get some of the new ones played.


Edited at 23:04 Mon 07/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
02:08 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** OLD Fixtures ***

Firestorm Phoenix
FCL Fix Set 1: Deadline 13th Sep 2015
Subs Permitted From: 6th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (27) vs (33) Uprising

(swp) davybaumers vs nike
(swp) legend_pot vs corsair
_fresh_ vs cgibson92
miss_harriet (10) vs (5) dv8
joeyy (7) vs (8) clifton188
alex_lewis (6) vs (9) r1p0m4n_v2
achpfsk vs fran_
ghost_chili (4) vs (11) turtle1560

*Agreed with faust to swap the top 2 again.

Firestorm Phoenix (38) vs (37) X-Pros

miss_harriet (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
slimeball (6) vs (9) andyw1
davybaumers (5) vs (10) dvz
achpfsk (9) vs (6) nzym_visual (s)
_fresh_ (7) vs (8) alfie1966
legend_pot vs tension
joeyy vs silent_hill
friendyboy vs johnythefox

Firestorm Phoenix (53) vs (37) Pocket Dynamos

slimeball (9) vs (6) letsgochamp
legend_pot (8) vs (7) w_hoolahan
_fresh_ (12) vs (3) the__priest
_knightmare_ (5) vs (10) punkpoet
alex_lewis vs bulletzzzz
friendyboy vs marksmith
ghost_chili (8) vs (7) siber_man
miss_harriet (11) vs (4) jasonb

Completed: 15/24

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 14,736
02:10 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
*** OLD Fixtures ***

FBL Fixture Set 1:
Deadline: 20th September 2015.
Subs Permitted From: 13th September 2015

Firestorm Phoenix (8) vs (0) F.P.D

8us: joeyy vs fatmikee
8us: friendyboy (2) vs (0) _psmon_ (7-1)
9us: slimeball vs fasteddie_
9us: alex_lewis vs jacksealy21
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) anoneeemouse (5-2)
8uk: davybaumers vs scottyjr
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) watchinawe
Str: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) _pot_luck_ (51 Run..quality!)

Firestorm Phoenix (2) vs (4) Uprising

8us: miss_harriet vs cgibson92
8us: achpfsk (0) vs (2) dv8 (3-5)
9us: _payback_ vs fran_
9us: (swp) davybaumers vs nike
8uk: _fresh_ (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (6-2)
8uk: (swp) ghost_chili vs corsair
Str: legend_pot vs turtle1560
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) clifton188

Firestorm Phoenix (7) vs (5) Pros

8us: miss_harriet (2) vs (0) bigcjl2 (5-0)
8us: achpfsk (1) vs (1) crazy_greg (4-4)
9us: _payback_ (2) vs (0) nzym_visual (5-0)
9us: ghost_chili (0) vs (2) silent_hill (2-5)
8uk: _fresh_ (1) vs (1) tension (4-4)
8uk: davybaumers (1) vs (1) alfie1966 (4-4)
Str: legend_pot vs sean_92
Str: joeyy vs dvz

Completed: 13/24

Edited at 01:29 Tue 08/09/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:20 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
8us: achpfsk (3)vs (5) dv8

All the best m8

I always enjoy paying games against dv8 but tonight it was stressful. Both having browser issues. Mine was real bad.

A few things that happened to me in the 8 frames

1 - Couldn't get lined up as the cursor would move erratic
2 - Very, very jerky. Like a strobe disco.
3 - White ball under hitting quite often.
4 - It was his shot and nothing was happening, then 3 balls potted in 2 seconds.
5 - Things I typed took about 4-5 seconds to appear.

To top it all off, the issues I mentioned above was happening more frequent in my game against faust earlier. He was having browser issues as well.

If it continues like this then there is no point in playing here. I am not a bad loser and moaning about my loss to dv8, he played better than me and won, not an issue. Since Chrome has stopped working I have been having these issues, sad face, lol.

Have you got the ads on? I used to get exactly the same problems off certain adverts.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:17 Tue 8 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ul shad. Are you playing in full screen? I don't mean dragging the window full I mean full screen view mode. That fixed my stuttering on Firefox.
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Firestorm Phoenix: 'Ready To Set The Leagues Alight' :)

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