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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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01:45 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

w_hoolahan (10) vs (5) mikey

Ggs and enjoyable miss some few easy racks in 9 but mostly was a fair result great guy Harry and friend.

Posts: 250
02:15 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
kris said to say that his non posting ban ends on monday...
Posts: 4,046
02:47 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Sub

FPD B vs Revs B

watchinawe vs mr_magoo is now

watinawe vs kris

(kris asked me to me to make sub on his behalf)
Posts: 1,361
03:51 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

watchinawe v kris

8 Ball: 1 - 1
9 Ball: 0 - 2
8 UK: 1 - 1
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11:04 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL subs vs PDs B

mr_magoo vs fastboysam
Is now
kris vs fastboysam

quickshot vs letsgochamp
Is now
tip_doctor vs letsgochamp

SL sub vs FPD B

bonfireheart vs quickshot
Is now
bonfireheart vs tip_doctor

SL sub vs Uprising C

cgibson vs quickshot
Is now
cgibson vs tip_doctor

SL sub vs Pros B

lateo1993 vs quickshot
Is now
lateo1993 vs tip_doctor
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11:41 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FPD A (9) v (9) Revs A
the__saint (2) v (4) poolbiird
whocares8x8 v veyron
scottyjr (4) v (2) tinie_v17
fr34k_p0t (3) v (3) lolumadbro

Pros A (12) v (8) Revs A
triple_b (5) v (1) poolbiird
vixen_xox v veyron
dvz (6) v (2) tinie_v17
silent_hill (1) v (5) lolumadbro

Uprising A (7) v (5) Revs A
fran_ (5) v (1) poolbiird
_niall_ v veyron
turtle1560 v tinie_v17
horse10000 (2) v (4) lolumadbro

Revs A (2) v (10) Firestorm A
poolbiird (1) v (5) _fresh_
veyron v legend_pot
tinie_v17 v davybaumers
lolumadbro (1) v (5) joeyy
FPD B (3) v (9) Revs B
watchinawe (2) v (4) kris
bonfireheart v tip_doctor
king8ball (1) v (5) mikeybboy
_psmon_ v mrmagic

Uprising C (6) v (6) The Revolution B
faust (2) v (4) kris
cgibson92 v tip_doctor
corsair v mikeybboy
dv8 (4) v (2) mrmagic

Revs B (1) v (7) Pocket Dynamos B
kris v fastboysam
tip_doctor v letsgochamp
mikeybboy (1) v (7) w_hoolahan
mrmagic v walktall

Pros B (3) zv (9) Revs B
dgeneratio (1) v (5) kris
lateo1993 v tip_doctor
andyw1 (2) v (4) mikeybboy
bigcjl2 v mrmagic
Deleted User
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11:41 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Revolution (45) v (30) Pocket Dynamos

fasteddie v letsgochamp
_tinie_v17 v re_rack_jack
lolubadbro (12) v (3) _siber_man_
poolbiird (5) v (10) the__priest
tip_doctor (10) v (5) walktall
veyron v punkpoet
mikeybboy (5) v (10) w_hoolahan
mrmagic (13) v (2) blueberry

Uprising (29) v (16) The Revolution

corsair v veyron
cgibson92 v mikeybboy
fran_ (9) v (6) fasteddie
dv8 v derik_dalton
erigert (9) v (6) tip_doctor
r1p0m4n_v2 v mrmagic
turtle1560 (11) v (4) lolumadbro
clifton188 v mr_magoo

The Revolution (41) v (35) The Professionals

mr_magoo v triple_b
tinie_v17 v _wales_lad_
mikeybboy (7) v (8) lateo1993
tip_doctor (10) v (5) vixen_xox
poolbiird (10) v (5) andyw1
lolumadbro (9) v (6) silent_hill
fasteddie_ v johnythefox
mrmagic (4) v (11) dvz

The Revolution (12) v (18) Firestorm Phoenix

kris (4) v (11) _fresh_
mikeybboy (8) v (7) miss_harriet
tinie_v17 v legend_pot
veyron v 2pac786
poolbiird v joeyy
mrmagic v friendyboy
lolumadbro v _payback_
tip_doctor v slimeball
Deleted User
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11:41 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Season 14

The Revolution 0 v 2 Funky Pool Devils

8 US mikeybboy (0) v (2) scottyjr
8 US veyron v the__saint
9 US welshnow18 v _jesus_
9 US kris v klien
8 UK poolbiird v ric_flair
8 UK lolumadbro v king8ball
STR tinie_v17 v fr34k_p0t
STR fasteddie_ v whocarese8x8

The Revolution 1 v 1 Uprising

8 US mikeybboy v cgibson92
8 US mrmagic v dv8
9 US lolumadbro v fran_
9 US welshnow18 (1) v (1) zantetsukenz
8 UK poolbiird v corsair
8 UK tip_doctor v nike
STR tinie_v17 v clifton188
STR fasteddie_ v erigert
Deleted User
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11:41 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Revolution 0 v 0 Firestorm Phoenix

8 US derik_dalton v davybaumers
8 US veyron v miss_harriet
9 US tip_doctor v _knightmare_
9 US lolumadbro v 2pac786
8 UK mrmagic v _fresh_
8 UK poolbiird v nzym_visual
STR tinie_v17 v joeyy
STR mikeybboy v legend_pot

The Revolution 6 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

8 US welshnow18 (2) v (0) walktall
8 US fasteddie_ v re_rack_jack
9 US veyron v scarlets2k15
9 US kris (2) v (0) blueberry
8 UK lolumadbro v w_hoolahan
8 UK poolbiird v ang3l
STR tip_doctor (2) v (0) the_priest
STR tinie_v17 v punkpoet

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 01st November 2015
Posts: 3,250
19:23 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I should be on a bit on saturday if tinie is about for our SL match. Haven't heard anything from him myself.
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01:16 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mikey(5) vs (2) cgibson

Ggs great player! Cheers
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02:36 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mikey (6) vs (9) cgibson

Ggs there won in 8 and 9 but in uk i pot 8 ball twice no luck there lost 5 nil, great player! Cheers
Posts: 1,029
19:44 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can we have a sub for tinie_v17 vs davybaumers SL - offline 3 days and after last time with the default we would like to avoid similar situation again.


Posts: 38,097
19:58 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ill message him on FB, tends to ignore me though but will try
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23:44 Fri 16 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Pros B v Revs B

lateo1993 (1) v (5) tip_doctor
8us 1-1
9us 0-2
8uk 0-2
ggs,no luck at all for you m8.
Deleted User
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00:18 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

legend_pot (2) vs (0) mikey

Honestly nothing much i cpuld do he was on fire, no chance to play at all Ggs, great player!
Posts: 1,111
00:29 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

legend_pot (2) vs (0) mikey

Honestly nothing much i cpuld do he was on fire, no chance to play at all Ggs, great player!

thanks mate ggs!
Posts: 19,819
01:30 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My FCL opponent veyron logs in, I pm him thinking its my lucky day.
He closes chat.
i pm him again.
He has me on ignore LOL.
Sort him out revs.
Posts: 1,111
01:43 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My FCL opponent veyron logs in, I pm him thinking its my lucky day.
He closes chat.
i pm him again.
He has me on ignore LOL.
Sort him out revs.

i have to play him as well so i hope he doesn't do the same to me lol
Posts: 19,819
01:45 Sat 17 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
My FCL opponent veyron logs in, I pm him thinking its my lucky day.
He closes chat.
i pm him again.
He has me on ignore LOL.
Sort him out revs.

i have to play him as well so i hope he doesn't do the same to me lol

Send him a PM.... good luck
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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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