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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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01:01 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the only available sub we have is derik_dalton and I think he's still having trouble getting on at the moment. I'll message him and if he can get on to play then I'll sub him in, but other than that there's not much I can do, that many people have gone inactive and the couple of new signings I don't think are eligible.

I managed to get 5 games out the way in 1 day last week and I log in this morning to see I'm back upto 5 again lol. It's getting a bit much, just 2 many games to keep on top of.

ok mate, well thanks for the reply, well if quickshot don't come on soon and i see derik_dalton about, is there permission to play them instead yes?
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01:13 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah if you see him on and he can play then sure m8, he's been online but hasn't replied to my message.

Well done all great results, especially mikey against Harriet, brilliant m8!!
Posts: 10,109
15:33 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
cgibson92 v quickshot

quickshot off 19 days
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15:50 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not much we can do m8 sorry, Joe is the only available sub I think and he hasn't replied to my message so I'm guessing he can't play.
Posts: 19,819
22:45 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fastboysam v mr_magoo
Hey guys mr_magoo hasnt replied to sams messaged 7 days ago.

And quickshot off 19 days in the other game, do you not have subs for us like the one above?

Edited at 20:03 Tue 13/10/15 (BST)
Posts: 851
23:31 Tue 13 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
dvz just killed me (4) vs (11)
He schooled me start to finish! Sorry chaps
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02:51 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

mikey (7) vs (8) lateo1993

Ggs funny games in some frames tho we look both just so nervous playing lol... great player and person.!

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11:33 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
fastboysam v mr_magoo
Hey guys mr_magoo hasnt replied to sams messaged 7 days ago.

And quickshot off 19 days in the other game, do you not have subs for us like the one above?

Edited at 20:03 Tue 13/10/15 (BST)

No active subs at all m8 sorry apart from derik_dalton who didn't reply to my message which I'm guessing means he can't play.


As you can see we are struggling big time at the moment due to that many people going inactive, so is there any chance of the new guys playing in the SL games to save at least 4 games going to default? Would anyone else have any issues if this was allowed? I'm not really that fussed either way tbh but it seems better than so many games going to default.
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13:50 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FPD A (9) v (9) Revs A
the__saint (2) v (4) poolbiird
whocares8x8 v veyron
scottyjr (4) v (2) tinie_v17
fr34k_p0t (3) v (3) lolumadbro

Pros A (12) v (8) Revs A
triple_b (5) v (1) poolbiird
vixen_xox v veyron
dvz (6) v (2) tinie_v17
silent_hill (1) v (5) lolumadbro

Uprising A (7) v (5) Revs A
fran_ (5) v (1) poolbiird
_niall_ v veyron
turtle1560 v tinie_v17
horse10000 (2) v (4) lolumadbro

Revs A (2) v (10) Firestorm A
poolbiird (1) v (5) _fresh_
veyron v legend_pot
tinie_v17 v davybaumers
lolumadbro (1) v (5) joeyy
FPD B (1) v (5) Revs B
watchinawe v mr_magoo
bonfireheart v quickshot
king8ball (1) v (5) mikeybboy
_psmon_ v mrmagic

Uprising C (4) v (2) The Revolution B
nike vkris
cgibson92 v quickshot
corsair v mikeybboy
dv8 (4) v (2) mrmagic

Revs B (1) v (7) Pocket Dynamos B
mr_magoo v fastboysam
quickshot v letsgochamp
mikeybboy (1) v (7) w_hoolahan
mrmagic v walktall

Pros B (3) zv (9) Revs B
dgeneratio (1) v (5) kris
lateo1993 v quickshot
andyw1 (2) v (4) mikeybboy
bigcjl2 v mrmagic
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13:50 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Revolution (40) v (20) Pocket Dynamos

fasteddie v letsgochamp
_tinie_v17 v re_rack_jack
lolubadbro (12) v (3) _siber_man_
poolbiird (5) v (10) the__priest
tip_doctor (10) v (5) walktall
veyron v punkpoet
mikeybboy v w_hoolahan
mrmagic (13) v (2) blueberry

Uprising (20) v (10) The Revolution

corsair v veyron
cgibson92 v mikeybboy
fran_ (9) v (6) fasteddie
dv8 v derik_dalton
erigert v tip_doctor
r1p0m4n_v2 v mrmagic
turtle1560 (11) v (4) lolumadbro
clifton188 v mr_magoo

The Revolution (41) v (35) The Professionals

mr_magoo v triple_b
tinie_v17 v _wales_lad_
mikeybboy (7) v (8) lateo1993
tip_doctor (10) v (5) vixen_xox
poolbiird (10) v (5) andyw1
lolumadbro (9) v (6) silent_hill
fasteddie_ v johnythefox
mrmagic (4) v (11) dvz

The Revolution (8) v (7) Firestorm Phoenix

kris v _fresh_
mikeybboy (8) v (7) miss_harriet
tinie_v17 v legend_pot
veyron v 2pac786
poolbiird v joeyy
mrmagic v friendyboy
lolumadbro v _payback_
tip_doctor v slimeball
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13:51 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Season 14

The Revolution 0 v 2 Funky Pool Devils

8 US mikeybboy (0) v (2) scottyjr
8 US veyron v the__saint
9 US welshnow18 v _jesus_
9 US kris v klien
8 UK poolbiird v ric_flair
8 UK lolumadbro v king8ball
STR tinie_v17 v fr34k_p0t
STR fasteddie_ v whocarese8x8

The Revolution 1 v 1 Uprising

8 US mikeybboy v cgibson92
8 US mrmagic v dv8
9 US lolumadbro v fran_
9 US welshnow18 (1) v (1) zantetsukenz
8 UK poolbiird v corsair
8 UK tip_doctor v nike
STR tinie_v17 v clifton188
STR fasteddie_ v erigert
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13:51 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Revolution 0 v 0 Firestorm Phoenix

8 US derik_dalton v davybaumers
8 US veyron v miss_harriet
9 US tip_doctor v _knightmare_
9 US lolumadbro v 2pac786
8 UK mrmagic v _fresh_
8 UK poolbiird v nzym_visual
STR tinie_v17 v joeyy
STR mikeybboy v legend_pot

The Revolution 2 v 0 Pocket Dynamos

8 US welshnow18 (2) v (0) walktall
8 US fasteddie_ v re_rack_jack
9 US veyron v scarlets2k15
9 US kris v blueberry
8 UK lolumadbro v w_hoolahan
8 UK poolbiird v ang3l
STR tip_doctor v the_priest
STR tinie_v17 v punkpoet

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 01st November 2015
Posts: 4,046
14:08 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Id rather your games got done than not. Ok with me.
Posts: 10,109
21:33 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
SL Sub

nike v kris
is now
faust v kris
Posts: 10,109
22:05 Wed 14 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

faust (2) v (4) kris
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00:09 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The Revolution v Pocket Dynamos

STR tip_doctor (2) v (0) the_priest

(32 run tip)

Posts: 6,262
00:29 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I played kris in us9 and lost 5-3

He ranout in a frame so that's another point..

Well played kris

kris 6 - 3 dingleberry
Posts: 38,097
01:06 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Id rather your games got done than not. Ok with me.

Posts: 871
01:36 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  

kris 4-11 _fresh_

he asked me to post, ggs buddy enjoyed it!
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01:40 Thu 15 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising v The Revolution

erigert (9) v (6) tip_doctor
8us 3-2
9us 4-1
8uk 2-3
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The Revolution....we keep marching on

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