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Proposed Tournament Schedule Thread

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Posts: 254
01:51 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Below is a proposed tournament schedule that i feel could be built around with member input. All comments much appreciated as i feel there is a lot of room for improvement and a change could make a difference in regards to the numbers entering.

24 main tournaments on the hour! Comprises of the 4 'main' game types on the non-arcade tables. The 25 hour rotation is understandable, but as this timetable shows there are occurrences of each game type every 4 hours, so no matter where you are in the world you'll be treated the same. I feel it's important that a persons favorite tournament, UK for example, be on at the same times each day. The reasoning for this is that members both new and old can arrange their lives around these solid times and not have to consider the hour shift each day.

I placed a random and straight alternating every 4 hours and a 6 marathon tournament spread for world users at evening times.
Posts: 254
01:51 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
1am = 9 Ball Billiards
2am = 8 Ball Billiards
3am = 8 Ball UK
4am = Straight
5am = 9 Ball Billiards
6am = 8 Ball Billiards
7am = 8 Ball UK Marathon
8am = Random
9am = 9 Ball Billiards Marathon
10am = 8 Ball Billiards Marathon
11am = 8 Ball UK
12pm = Straight
1pm = 9 Ball Billiards
2pm = 8 Ball Billiards
3pm = 8 Ball UK
4pm = Random
5pm = 9 Ball Billiards
6pm = 8 Ball Billiards
7pm = 8 Ball UK Marathon
8pm = Straight
9pm = 9 Ball Billiards Marathon
10pm = 8 Ball Billiards Marathon
11pm = 8 Ball UK
12am = Random
Posts: 254
01:52 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Micros at 20 past and 40 past to accommodate those that missed main tournament or were knocked out early.

12:20am = 9 Ball Arcade
12:40am = 8 Ball arcade
1:20am = 8 Ball UK
1:40am = 9 Ball Billiards
2:20am = 8 Ball Billiards
2:40am = 9 Ball Arcade
3:20am = 8 Ball arcade
3:40am = 8 Ball UK
4:20am = 9 Ball Billiards
4:40am = 8 Ball Billiards
5:20am = 9 Ball Arcade
5:40am = 8 Ball arcade
6:20am = 8 Ball UK
6:40am = 9 Ball Billiards
7:20am = 8 Ball Billiards
7:40am = 9 Ball Arcade
8:20am = 8 Ball arcade
8:40am = 8 Ball UK
9:20am = 9 Ball Billiards
9:40am = 8 Ball Billiards
10:20am = 9 Ball Arcade
10:40am = 8 Ball arcade
11:20am = 8 Ball UK
11:40am = 9 Ball Billiards
12:20pm = 8 Ball Billiards
12:40pm = 9 Ball Arcade
1:20pm = 8 Ball arcade
1:40pm = 8 Ball UK
2:20pm = 9 Ball Billiards
2:40pm = 8 Ball Billiards
3:20pm = 9 Ball Arcade
3:40pm = 8 Ball arcade
4:20pm = 8 Ball UK
4:40pm = 9 Ball Billiards
5:20pm = 8 Ball Billiards
5:40pm = 9 Ball Arcade
6:20pm = 9 Ball Arcade
6:40pm = 8 Ball arcade
7:20pm = 8 Ball UK
7:40pm = 9 Ball Billiards
8:20pm = 8 Ball Billiards
8:40pm = 9 Ball Arcade
9:20pm = 9 Ball Arcade
9:40pm = 8 Ball arcade
10:20pm = 8 Ball UK
10:40pm = 9 Ball Billiards
11:20pm = 8 Ball Billiards

11:40 is left open and reverse tournaments done away with due to spending your time only to lose against a single golden break etc.
Posts: 254
01:53 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I know it's a lot of tournaments, but as i stated before a solid structure is in my opinion much needed. I've been here years and looking at the upcoming tournaments page is confusing to me let alone any new members. 3 hours, 25 hours, daily - It's messy.

Please add comment on any changes you feel are needed, how you would do it differently, reasons for change and your ideal schedule. If we all input on this perhaps admin will take a look and trial a different schedule for a month or 2 to see if there is any improvement in the numbers entering. There is no better feeling than entering a large tournament and i feel it's a community element that's been underestimated and sorely missed.

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04:02 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
you have to take into account the time limit per match as marathons can be up to 9 racks will take longer then an hour depending how many enter plus straight is the same i cant see either tourny taking less than an hour but i like ya ideas
Posts: 254
13:43 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the input siber, very much appreciated! I can take from your comment that it's not productive to have two marathons back to back, although i did make 9 Ball the first of the two due to shorter games and believing that a good few would be knocked out and ready for the 8 Ball.

It's a rough draft that certainly needs a lot more input. You can see i didn't add speed to any tournaments for example, so ideas on this would be much appreciated. I do honestly believe that removing the 25 hour timing is paramount for a structured tournament schedule if you're indeed looking to build them in entry numbers.

Anyone else have a proposed schedule? You can paste parts of mine i.e the times and discipline titles to move it along.
Posts: 7,974
14:00 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't think there is anything wrong with the current schedule tbh
I would definitely keep speed because all formats are covered.
tournaments moving an hour allows a variation, for people who have work commitments etc
I don't want to come in from work and play the same game type every time I come in from work

I messaged admin a while go
micros need to be there, maybe 2 an hour as you have pointed out
Giving tournament points to, there was always high participation in them, they were taken away on a whim by players who don't even play them, they twisted about main tournaments, saying get rid of micros as this will lead to more ranked games, also tournament were worthless
so why change things for people who don't play in them

their suggestions worked didn't they........... No they didn't

tournament points in micros, helps people who don't have the time to play marathons etc, why should they be excluded for having an opportunity to win a day, week or month event.

at the moment you can enter a micro, you can win
because no one else enters.
add tournament points it proved to be interesting, just limit them to 2 an hour

my thoughts, I have already messaged admin, but as per
things can be changed on a whim, but cant be changed for the better
in my humble opinion

I would set micro tournament points to 40 per overall win though again my opinion. this helps people to gain points but not at the detriment to main tournament's
Posts: 7,297
17:15 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I want tournaments and micros back how it used to be . I enjoyed logging on and playing straight away knowing i would either play in a tournament or wait for a micro .

3 micros per hour would be good and 1 main tournament per hourly.

I would be delighted if admin does whats suggested above as this site needs more tournaments / micros. Sometimes i log in and can wait up to 30mins to play 1 ranked game! Not fun lol
Posts: 254
22:33 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks to Craig and Lee for the feedback.

So the ideas so far are to keep a good marathon spread, include tournaponts for micros in the hope of getting more to participate in them and maybe an increase in micros if the numbers are present.

I'm sure admin will take a look at the thread and hopefully make a few changes based on member feedback. The more of us that post the best chance we have of finding a good cross section of interest and it can move from there. At the same time it's understandable there may be no change if people are content with the way things are right now, especially after reading Craig's post in regards to being happy with the 25 hr rotation.

If anyone has a proposed schedule please post it up and keep the ball rolling on this one.
Posts: 13,570
23:10 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not sure about your schedule, but I totally agree with getting rid of this 25 hour crap.
I'd thought about tryin to do a schedule myself but it was a case of not a lot of time, and at other times, I cba, so well done.......YA LAYABOUT!!!!

My initial thoughts were for scrapping the every 25 hours because ya never knew when yer favourite format tourney would be. Those who know me, know I'm a fan of 9 Ball and would always play in them, but not knowing when they would be is a shambles!! The only 1 ya were sure of being available for was the 9 Mara at 1.25am!!! when I should be snoring!
Hence I woulda given definite times for formats, with thought being given to their accessibility to say, UK, US and the eejits from OZ. Sorry if I've left any other biggies out there. Might hear from Albania lol

I really do think that if there were concrete times for tournies then numbers would rise.

Well that's me done for now. Good Luck Sir
Posts: 254
23:32 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the feedback hippesville.

I saw your previous posts on related tournament threads and can see you're also passionate in regards to the 25 hr rotation, so thanks for reaffirming you still hold that view.

Most of us are creatures of habit. I look at my clock right now and don't have the slightest idea what tournament is upcoming, unless I bring up the site page. It would be nice to be sitting around at home and know for certain that 7pm, every night, I could get a UK fix.

If you look I've incorporated a pattern of games that will suit other countries with say a 12 hour time difference, but the reality is most players are European and maybe that's something we should lean towards a bit more. The 25 hr rotation was put in place to accommodate these overseas players, but we can accommodate them simply by providing the same schedule for all. I know numbers will be low for say a 7am marathon, but to me that's a better option than keeping the rotation.

Does that make sense?

By the way, making the template took about 45 minutes, a few brain cells and a coffee!! It would be great if you could find the time to put one up yourself, seeing as you have a lot of experience in tournament play and will have a better understanding on say the average times vs entry numbers.
Posts: 9,456
23:45 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can say that we are always looking at the schedule and are very happy to hear members opinions on ideas, the last time we changed the tournament schedule we recieved a lot of hassle so we need to take into account everyone's views and not change anything based on a few, however keep posting and if we receive enough interest we could possibly run a trial.
Posts: 38,097
23:55 Mon 1 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about adding a Chosen By You tournament?, seems to work fine on Snooks. If Killer is chosen then its a 15 man normal room

Prefer schedule back when you had a tournament every 2-3 hours then numbers playing normal rooms could rise (would need them to rise for Guests)
Posts: 254
00:09 Tue 2 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the feedback crazzy, very welcome indeed.

Dgen, I like the idea of a monthly tournament. It could be advertised on the forum and in-game via staff announcements. We differ on the amount of tournaments though. I see you want one every 3 hours, but my thinking is to keep the schedule as routine and predictable as possible and the rest will eventually fall into place.

You've got a wealth of experience on Funky and it's always good to hear what you have to say.
Posts: 13,570
02:02 Tue 2 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ok here goes :s

8US, 9US Speed, 8 Arcade, 8UK Speed, Straight, Random
8US Mara, 9 Arcade, 9US Mara, 8UK, Random Speed, Straight Speed,
8US, Random Speed, 9US, 8UK Mara, 8 Arcade, Straight
8US Speed, 9US, 8UK, 9 Arcade Speed, Random, Straight Speed.............because of the flexibility of 8US, 9US and 8UK, I would have liked to throw in a Speed Mara just for a slight twist/change.
Apologies to all those who hold the Arcade Formats dear, but if I'm honest, I'd have them open to anyone and everyone. lacking a Mara with those formats, Sorry
Granted that didn't take me very long but it's something along the lines of what I think would be a better and more regular schedule. If anyone agrees/disagrees, have your say!
totally feel like I've forgotten something lol but I'm off to bed now
Posts: 19,819
18:05 Tue 2 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about adding a Chosen By You tournament?, seems to work fine on Snooks. If Killer is chosen then its a 15 man normal room

Prefer schedule back when you had a tournament every 2-3 hours then numbers playing normal rooms could rise (would need them to rise for Guests)

For those of us not on snooker can you explain that?
Posts: 254
14:41 Tue 23 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I saw budweiser in the chat room yesterday explaining how he will be the person changing the tournament schedule on pool.

Is this true and if so when will it be happening? Think it would be good to make it official so we at least know not to propose any more schedules ourselves.
Posts: 38,097
14:55 Tue 23 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
he usually does it a day or two before it starts but hes known to make a few mistakes, any mod or admin can adjust the schedule (since bud is only a Moderator himself) it seems so if you see a mistake notify someone from staff team
Posts: 38,097
14:57 Tue 23 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How about adding a Chosen By You tournament?, seems to work fine on Snooks. If Killer is chosen then its a 15 man normal room

Prefer schedule back when you had a tournament every 2-3 hours then numbers playing normal rooms could rise (would need them to rise for Guests)

For those of us not on snooker can you explain that?

Sorry didn't see this but theres a thread now, hope it helps

regarding Killer its a normal ranked room of people willing to enter only, have to be here at 7:30 and invites start at 7:40
Posts: 2,588
16:27 Tue 23 Jun 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It can't be just be who thinks the micro tournaments are redundant. I never play them and if i do, there is hardly ever another player entered into it. The micro tournaments don't even offer tournapoints, and rightly so, considering how easy they are to win.

Why not just take it back to old school funkypool days when we just had one tournament on the hour, every hour.

I miss the days when we had 32+ people in every single tournament.
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Proposed Tournament Schedule Thread

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