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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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Posts: 871
02:37 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
It's been a travesty that the bullying towards Ash has been allowed to go on for so long. It has been years of abuse without punishment. Ash has had many accusations made against him with only a handful being true, of which he has admitted to and apologised for.

Ash's mother is very ill, he is besides himself with worry and all certain players can think of to do is pile the pressure on. Ash is a human being just like any other, with real emotions and feelings. Why you are kicking him when he is not just down but flat on his face is beyond my reasoning.

If threatening to punish people for the way they act is no deterrent then actual punishment must be handed out. You cannot keep drawing a new line in the sand every time someone crosses it. IT NEEDS TO STOP!

Very well said Shad...

I echo this post, a game like this is naff all compared to the real world and certain peoples BULLYING posts will no doubt have a direct affect on him.
Admin need to be doing more without a doubt, it's gone unnoticed and unpunished for way too long.
And respect to Klein for his post too, although there are far worse people that need to grow a pair and do the same.
Stay on as captain your not perfect but who is, keep this clan going strong and if it gives you some peace away from other thoughts on your mind then great.. If the constant barrage of abuse makes you feel worse than stop and concentrate on other things..
You have my backing
Posts: 1,986
02:41 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fearless Knights-
On a downward spiral lol
Posts: 871
02:42 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Lowlife. Grow up
Posts: 6,417
02:44 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Victimised as always, if he has problems in his real life he can do without this online game. I would love to beleive him but i did so in the past and the only thing he does is being a hypocrite tbh. And im sure this is not different, although i wish to his mum a speed recovery cause after all we are all humans.

When u provoke others, u should know how to handle it. If not then dont provoke.
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02:45 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some good comments

I'd like to say although myself and ash have had words regarding pool and been personal at times.I echo fausts words too, and i say i do not wish you to withdraw from being a captain, things can only get better and i hope you stay on. You have had i don't know how many seasons now and i think you have put up with a good deal more than this and stayed strong so yes i believe you should just ignore what's worth ingoring keep going and keep on your quest to bring the team you worked hard on making progress more.

You have the backing of some quality players and loyal ones too i think that says tons for their personal feelings, so yes stay as captain and good luck Ash to you and you mom.
Posts: 871
02:46 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes but Eri maybe this game is a way to take his mind off things, and 95% of the time he is the one being being provoked before a response. There's an obsession with it and it's sad
Posts: 2,588
02:49 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
We had the exact same problem with bullying a few years back where a lot of people targeted pixie_dust. I defended her that time and got banned for it.

I should know better than to do a similar thing to Ash, except this time be on the wrong side of things. We, as a fpool community who have seen this happen so many times and done nothing, should know better.
Posts: 6,417
02:52 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes but Eri maybe this game is a way to take his mind off things, and 95% of the time he is the one being being provoked before a response. There's an obsession with it and it's sad

Thats where i think u are wrong. Hes not being provoked 95% of the time. Why dont people try to provoke you or someone else on this team or in other teams? In my opinion its simple, he provokes others and then when it backfires he plays the role of the victim. U can make a mistake once but u cant keep doing it every time u have the chance and then ask for pardons.
Posts: 14,736
02:55 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you; siber_man, Shad, klien and _fresh_ - your posts are much appreciated.

I'm to blame too, recently I've been on a very short fuse and exacerbated simple incidences into huge problems. My means of defense were to attack and I really shouldn't tbh.

I am going through a tough time and ONLY subbed myself in as I felt I could help out and try to contribute something to the team. Unfortunately that opportunity were taken away from me with my mother 1 week on still in hospital and now on oxygen. I'm forever up the hospital as much as i can as well as keeping her bills and finances straight along with accompanying my dad who is nothing short from 'being distraught'.

So I'm sorry i had to sub myself out and put in another player, only for that replacement to not be available themselves but what am i to do? Leave myself in and show no effort or acknowledgment? OR make a sub and hope it will encourage a fixture I were in to get played?

Never seem to win whatever I do, I were pretty quiet for a huge amount of the season, make subs and swaps at a reduced rate and everything was going swimmingly. Then the first mention of 'tactical sub' completely engulfed the clan world and all HELL ever since has forever been rising in temperature.

I'm fully aware I'm not the easiest person to get along with at times but am some of the time. I agree with faust - maybe ambition has blindfolded me a little and made me lose focus on what clans and team cohesion is all about.
Posts: 1,029
03:02 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some great support here from people that you would not expect, and ofc great words from our old friends Karl and shad.

Great to here the support for ash as tbh without him, I would have little clue lol

Cheers fresh, one the best signings and so loyal. Love the support mate. Plus if you left, then who would I rule killer with lmao

On a serious note, I have told ash no way should he even contemplate quitting. He knew I'd say it I guess haha

Kilien respect for your posts here also.

Finally. Eri. Yeah, your a disgrace mate, no idea what sort of ethics they encourage in lichtenstein or whatever, but bullying is not cool. You literally cannot keep off the thread. as kieran said, you are obsessed. Leave it out please, as you are in my eyes contributing heavily to the death of clans.
Posts: 1,029
03:06 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fearless Knights-
On a downward spiral lol

Don't even get me started on you mikee. Please return to your thread....oh wait......
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03:06 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I wish captains had the choice to ban someone from their thread.. That would help a lot !!

Ash, you need to remain a captain. Your a top captain on Funkypool. TBH it does go overboard on Fearless knight's thread. Ash, someone once gave me advice and he said "don't forget to have fun" ... Agreed,,, This needs to be your escape from what is going on with your mum.... You gotta start having fun with it again mate..
Posts: 6,417
03:08 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Some great support here from people that you would not expect, and ofc great words from our old friends Karl and shad.

Great to here the support for ash as tbh without him, I would have little clue lol

Cheers fresh, one the best signings and so loyal. Love the support mate. Plus if you left, then who would I rule killer with lmao

On a serious note, I have told ash no way should he even contemplate quitting. He knew I'd say it I guess haha

Kilien respect for your posts here also.

Finally. Eri. Yeah, your a disgrace mate, no idea what sort of ethics they encourage in lichtenstein or whatever, but bullying is not cool. You literally cannot keep off the thread. as kieran said, you are obsessed. Leave it out please, as you are in my eyes contributing heavily to the death of clans.

Thanks for the compliments frindyboy, want to have some geography lessons from you when u have the time. And also some lessons where i can learn some ethics
Posts: 1,029
03:09 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I wish captains had the choice to ban someone from their thread.. That would help a lot !!

Ash, you need to remain a captain. Your a top captain on Funkypool. TBH it does go overboard on Fearless knight's thread. Ash, someone once gave me advice and he said "don't forget to have fun" ... Agreed,,, This needs to be your escape from what is going on with your mum.... You gotta start having fun with it again mate..

Always say the right thing mate. Thanks for that comment jack!!
Posts: 14,736
03:15 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Team is low on numbers but we are 'not depleted and certainly not defeated.'

x_connor ?

So we need look out for some players, there's top quality already here but nothing wrong with adding more and some depth. Shame to lose some top quality but if they don't believe in the team then we don't need them.

Plenty of players out there, we have time on our side.

Ideas for a clan pic???
Posts: 14,736
03:31 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I wish captains had the choice to ban someone from their thread.. That would help a lot !!

Ash, you need to remain a captain. Your a top captain on Funkypool. TBH it does go overboard on Fearless knight's thread. Ash, someone once gave me advice and he said "don't forget to have fun" ... Agreed,,, This needs to be your escape from what is going on with your mum.... You gotta start having fun with it again mate..

Thanks mate - Having fun is a great idea/concept, but you have to be comfortable in your surroundings and around decent company in order to truly appreciate it. I have fun when in this Team, can't say the same when around the rest atm. Hopefully that will change - dreading to log on daily is 'not having fun'.

I don't class myself as a top Captain, I try my best and that's good enough for me.
Posts: 14,736
03:41 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 4: DEADLINE: 12th July 2015

Fearless Knights (4) vs (8) Uprising

8us: (swp) friendyboy (3) vs (5) cgibson92
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) dv8
9us: (swp) dark_chocco (5) vs (1) irish_ninja
9us: vixen_xox (0) vs (5) the_marine
8uk: _fresh_ (6) vs (2) graftonspile
8uk: x_connor vs zantetsukenz
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) corsair
Str: legend_pot vs clifton188

Fearless Knights (5) vs (1) Pros

8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet
8us: joeyy vs beenjammin
9us: (s) _sachibub vs crazy_greg
9us: (s) _fresh_ (5) vs (3) johnythefox
8uk: (s) dark_chocco (5) vs (0) _payback_
8uk: the__priest (4) vs (4) nike
Str: legend_pot vs dvz
Str: (s) _knightmare_ vs lll1lll1lll

Fearless Knights (6) vs (6) Unbeatables

8us: bigcjl2 (5) vs (2) liam_scfc
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) mrmagic (swp)
9us: dark_chocco (5) vs (3) horse10000
9us: (s) friendyboy vs hahahaha (swp)
8uk: x_connor (2) vs (5) tension
8uk: _fresh_ (5) vs (0) andyw1
Str: (s) legend_pot vs fran_
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) strange_daze

Doing well here TEAM - let's continue and finish the season on a HIGH.

Posts: 3,359
03:47 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well that was some read I agree with Alex its good to see people showing support

Stick with it Ash mate , hopefully things will change and you can run your team and continue to grow , Stu has a point all you need is a good nucleus of players and then build around them

All the best knights for rest of season
Posts: 1,986
04:30 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well i have to admit i feel for your mother Ash,but its just a begging as i have lost my father,mother and brother over the years.
Plus 5 years ago i had cancer and they took out a tumor the size of a soft ball gutted me like a pig.
Surgen told me he had to get two more Dr's to help him get it out as he was afraid it would have busted and would have killed me rt there.
I also spent 2 months with in home with health care workers 2 times a day 7 days a week do to a staff enfection.

And just about 3 months ago my wife of 45 years was in hospital for 25 days on oxygen. now she is on a walker for life and oxygen.
Point is, All good things do come to a end in time.

But you have to live with it,so it is nothing compared to what i have been tru,but i dint post all this as it has nothing to do with the way F/P is run.So get a job and let F/P go on.You are online 24/7 so i know you never have to work.Very lucky there.So hope your mom pulls tru and all will be fine.

And ill stop posting also.
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04:46 Mon 6 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Mike we know you had troubles.
but we dont slate it public.

we dont slate what he does..his trouble right now is stuff he has yet to deal with..i wont want to be sick in hospital with my kids looking at me in a bed..

i think its time you dropped all comments towards ash unless u have a team or a ? regarding team subs...ash does deserve some slack.and u need to give it!
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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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