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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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Posts: 14,736
04:27 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fix Set 4 (3 Matches ONLY due to 1 Teams Removal)
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (53) vs (67) Uprising - Complete

(s) legend_pot (9) vs (6) graftonspile (swp)
(swp) _sachibub (7) vs (8) ritcho
(s) friendyboy (6) vs (9) corsair (swp)
(s) bigcjl2 (6) vs) 9) the_marine
joeyy (4) vs (11) clifton188
_fresh_ (9) vs (6) cgibson92
_pacman (5) vs (10) dv8
the__priest (7) vs (8) erigert

FCL Fix Set 4...cont
Deadline: 5th July 2015

Fearless Knights (40) vs (64) The Pros

legend_pot (11) vs (4) crazy_greg
(s) friendyboy (7) vs (8) beenjammin
(s) vixen_xox (4) vs (11) johnythefox
(s) _pacman/trats (4) vs (11) nike
joeyy (3) vs (12) lll1lll1lll
_fresh_ (6) vs (9) dvz
(swp) the__priest vs miss_harriet (Sun)
(swp) bigcjl2 (6) vs (9) _payback_

Fearless Knights (43) vs (62) Unbeatables

joeyy (6) vs (9) r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
_pacman (9) vs (6) retraced
friendyboy (5) vs (10) andyw1
_fresh_ (11) vs (4) horse10000 (s)
the__priest (2) vs (13) tension
(s) vixen_xox (2) vs (13) fran_ (swp) (s)
bigcjl2 (8) vs (7) liam_scfc
legend_pot vs hahahaha (swp)
Posts: 14,736
04:28 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 4: DEADLINE: 12th July 2015

Fearless Knights (4) vs (8) Uprising

8us: (swp) friendyboy (3) vs (5) cgibson92
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) dv8
9us: (swp) dark_chocco (5) vs (1) irish_ninja
9us: vixen_xox (0) vs (5) the_marine
8uk: _fresh_ (6) vs (2) graftonspile
8uk: x_connor vs zantetsukenz
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) corsair
Str: legend_pot vs clifton188

Fearless Knights (5) vs (1) Pros

8us: friendyboy vs miss_harriet
8us: joeyy vs beenjammin
9us: (s) _sachibub vs crazy_greg
9us: (s) _fresh_ (5) vs (3) johnythefox
8uk: (s) dark_chocco (5) vs (0) _payback_
8uk: the__priest (4) vs (4) nike
Str: legend_pot vs dvz
Str: (s) _knightmare_ vs lll1lll1lll

Fearless Knights (6) vs (6) Unbeatables

8us: bigcjl2 (5) vs (2) liam_scfc
8us: the__priest (2) vs (5) mrmagic (swp)
9us: dark_chocco (5) vs (3) horse10000
9us: (s) friendyboy vs hahahaha (swp)
8uk: x_connor (2) vs (5) tension
8uk: _fresh_ (5) vs (0) andyw1
Str: (s) legend_pot vs fran_
Str: joeyy (0) vs (2) strange_daze
Posts: 14,736
04:44 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Team: Please welcome a very good player - one I've been impressed with for a while in: maddmgpvx5. Will be played more as a super sub so that will benefit the team immensely. Welcome aboard matey.

Gonna be a Top player and where better than within a TOP Team.

Edited at 03:10 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 14,736
06:05 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't forget: Team Killer 9pm Sunday 5th July (Default Time)

_fresh_, legend_pot and 1 more seeing as joeyy and dark_chocco unfortunately cannot play at that time of evening.

Anyone else, Craig, Alex, bigcjl2, etc.

Edited at 03:11 Sun 05/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 871
12:45 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll be on tonight before 9 pal, come on guys lets confirm our third player soon.
Posts: 871
12:45 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Also welcome Maddmgpvx5, great to have you here
Posts: 7,974
12:58 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
after reading your true feelings in a message I received
stick the game I was going to play.

Ash I've stood by you, through thick and thin even when your M8s and others were slating you
only to find you were slating me !

preferential treatment was true, I was only ever put in the tough games to start and subbed into easy games, when your phantom players didn't show

you asked me to sort some players, I did that to the best of my ability

other players you signed, if I was twisting ? I was proven right, nearly everyone played one game then went into long term hibernation

as for yourself, people appear to have a good relationship with you, within the team, truly I don't understand this
because apart from 3 or 4, you don't have a good word to say about anyone

your behaviour on the threads
has been disgraceful, a captain is there to lead by example, not to stick his nose into everything, instigating arguments with everyone

this isn't an attack on you
I'm truly disappointed to read your true thoughts Ash

I've got to apologise to many people and friends on here who had views on you and I disagreed, because I couldn't have been me more wrong

I apologise to the team, I left the team for many reasons
my captain slating me was the number one factor and yes Ash I was told by a few of your friends also

I sent you a message about your mum and family which I meant truly and still do

totally let down
Posts: 7,974
13:01 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I've messaged Harriet and told her to contact you

if anyone is on to play
Harriet is on at 1-30pm today
Posts: 2,588
13:20 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
For once Craig is talking some true stuff.

Respect for standing by your captain even though you knew he was in the wrong and then trying to leave silently without bringing too much up.
Posts: 254
14:04 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I sent the message to Craig.

It was the day after Craig left and I received the message slating him from Ash. Now I've been a fan of fearless knights for a while, but Ash knew when he sent the message that Craig was a mate (If only a virtual one) and if somebody does that to me I find it offensive tbh. Sure, I'll chat about this player and that player, just don't appreciate mates being put down by mutual 'mates'.

I've backed Ash over a few things, put myself out there and made posts that might be unpopular, but no more. I can see everything is second to this clan team that Ash never seems to play for and the majority of Argo he receives is of his own doing.

A bit of advice:

Either play or don't play. Don't pretend to play. If you have ONGOING issues outside of funky just do the right thing and don't put yourself into futures. It's not fair on you and it's not fair or your many opponents. Seriously, At this rate it sometimes comes across, and this may sound childish...It sometimes comes across that you're fearful of playing.

Did I say it's also not fair on those that have had your back?

Just like Craig I also want to state this isn't a character assassination, but I draw the line at personal attacks on mates, especially mates I can see have been through thick and thin.

Where does that leave me, lol.
Posts: 10,109
14:53 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No such thing as friends in Phoenix Nights. Every person in is replaceable if a better player comes along, and the captain has more faces than a clock shop.

Personally it's my favourite thread though - the home of the funkypool arguments. The site is utterly boring without the daily drama on here!
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14:55 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A reality TV show in the making!
Posts: 10,109
14:58 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
A reality TV show in the making!

That's how we can save funkypool! Sell the rights to channel 5!!!!
Posts: 1,029
15:00 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I have read this supposed message about Craig. I personally do not see why you felt the need to say anything. Wow he said Craig moans......not saying it is a nice thing to say, but it does not warrant all this controversy on the thread. As I said to Craig via pm, I have spoken lots to ash about the clan, but not once has a single bad word been mentioned of Craig. If anything, we have made more decisions to keep Craig happy than any other.

And in regards to ash playing, you soon changed your view on that as I seem to recall you sticking up for his decision. Ash is a good player. End of. The fact that morons from other clans slated him when he lost after constant goading, I tbh understand why he would feel scared. Can't win. He loses he gets abuse, he doesn't play he gets abuse.


We will miss Craig on the team, as he is a great player and person.
Posts: 38,097
15:01 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ugh not that horrible guy who like says "Big Brother on Channel Five", sounds gay

Sell it to Dave
Posts: 1,029
15:02 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That was in response to ummagumma :)
Posts: 14,736
15:15 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Wow just read through the posts on this thread, first of all, it goes to prove that there are more snakes in the grass than expected.

Secondly: The message I admit to sending were this:

Craig quit the team last night because I gave permission to bigcjl2 to swap and play _payback_ if he caught him online.

Seriously mate, he moaned about everything. Even accused me of giving other players preferential treatment ffs.
Bear in mind he'd had 4 weeks to play _payback_ and this is the final weekend till DEADLINE, I think I did and stand by the right decision.
Sent 2 days ago

Show me where I've truly slated anyone? It's common knowledge that many players on here are quick to moan/criticise first when things don't go their way then think later. I were speaking to the recipient as a mate would, when I'm asked what happened with Craig then that's my invitation to state why. Maybe in hindsight I said more than I should but when prompted and thought person were a mate then had no real reason to question their true intentions.

As for the 'this isn't a personal attack nonsense' then personally attacks me straight after, I have a question for you, which one is it?

He left the team just as the incident before when I made a swap which you weren't too pleased about. I only make swaps when I feel action is needed. On this occasion the fact we are in the Final weekend of a 4 week fixture where sufficient, more than ample time to have played it by now.
Posts: 14,736
15:36 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Let's address some points: Had your say, now it's my turn.

your behaviour on the threads
has been disgraceful, a captain is there to lead by example, not to stick his nose into everything, instigating arguments with everyone: I agree and have already acknowledged that.

this isn't an attack on you - So what is it then, if this is an appraisal I'd sure hate see a slating
I'm truly disappointed to read your true thoughts Ash - I'm sure there's many out there with offline messages annihilating me, but don't worry your secrets safe with the 90% of them. You're not holier than thou, deluded if you think you are the__priest.

I apologise to the team, I left the team for many reasons
my captain slating me was the number one factor and yes Ash I was told by a few of your friends also - Number 1 reason were you complained when any action was taken, threatened to leave if I signed certain players. When I asked if we should try get Ummagumma you're reply was NO. You slated trats to me numerous times via offline, complained that your GC FCL was suffering each season due to not liking playing the better players. Then you post 'I'll beat anyone'. If that were the case you'd stop moaning about who you played.

I spoke and held your opinion in high regard, the incessant whining over trivial things ruined it.

I may not be the best Captain on the game, never said I was, we all speak behind each others back, every one does. Good or Bad!
Posts: 10,109
15:40 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well...the good news is you can probably re-sign tratter now!!
Posts: 2,588
15:49 Sun 5 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well...the good news is you can probably re-sign tratter now!!

He already had a replacement for Craig's spot
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Fearless Knights - On the Upward Spiral

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