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Posts: 13,570
22:17 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Bit gutted Arcade is being implemented

Join the queue! lol

To me that'll be the short straw!
Posts: 38,097
22:26 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Random Generator for 9Arc?
Posts: 6,417
22:31 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
1 player for each type? Instead of 2.


But teams are still 16 max so that's 10 players not played. We need MORE matches to accommodate the Whole Team.

As it was this season we had:
FCL: 8 indiv matches in one team match
FBL: 8 "
SL: 5 "

I believe the new idea is:
FCL 8 "
SL 8 "
FBL 6 "

So we'll actually have 1 more indiv match than we used to.

Wrong, in SL atm some clans enter two teams and we get more games overall. But that can only work with 5 games per fixture. If we have 6 games per fixture in FBL then u will need to have at least 12 active players to enter two teams which is a hard task for any clan.
Posts: 2,463
22:38 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah ok, I was half-wrong.
It was true for a team that used to enter 1 SL team, they get 1 more.
But for a team that used to enter 2, we'll have 4 less indiv fixtures.
Posts: 6,417
22:57 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
That would mean we get to reduce 15% of the games. That in my eyes is a regress for clans who have active players.

Edited at 20:03 Wed 22/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,940
23:04 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Could remove straight from FBL to make 5, then you could enter 2 teams in that.
Posts: 6,417
23:11 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Or the legendary types of 9 ball arcade and & ball arcade.
Posts: 7,940
23:12 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Bin them all
Posts: 9,926
23:12 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
For me 9 Ball Arc shouldn't be included, guys like craig and huts will moan at me but pretty much 4/5 its a break and clear for person breaking and over in less than 60 seconds in most cases, overall less than 10 minutes so whats the point coming on to play for 5-10 minutes to log out again? I come on to play pool and i admit longer the competition the more motivation i have which i have a real lack of motivation and drive to play.

Think you need to work out stats a bit better or get practicing your 9 arcade, you are claiming that 80% of the games the person who break clears. You currently are down at 11% and even beenjammin and seb are only at 25%.
Posts: 9,926
23:19 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
1 player for each type? Instead of 2.


But teams are still 16 max so that's 10 players not played. We need MORE matches to accommodate the Whole Team.

As it was this season we had:
FCL: 8 indiv matches in one team match
FBL: 8 "
SL: 5 "

I believe the new idea is:
FCL 8 "
SL 8 "
FBL 6 "

So we'll actually have 1 more indiv match than we used to.

Wrong, in SL atm some clans enter two teams and we get more games overall. But that can only work with 5 games per fixture. If we have 6 games per fixture in FBL then u will need to have at least 12 active players to enter two teams which is a hard task for any clan.

There was only uprising who managed 2 clans last season and even then you ran out of players at one point.

We lost 2 clans as they couldn't cope so I don't see the logic of running 2 teams from a clan when all it causes is grief when one folds.

And it doesn't mean less fixtures as it depends how many games you release at any one time it could mean more
Posts: 38,097
23:20 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true but i didn't look at stats, just a feeling i had, only time i seem to play 9Arc these days is when Kelly invites, for me 9Arc is worse type there is
Posts: 9,926
23:26 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true but i didn't look at stats, just a feeling i had, only time i seem to play 9Arc these days is when Kelly invites, for me 9Arc is worse type there is

Well if you are going to post facts that others are going to read and probably believe maybe try some scientific ones as opposed to your feelings

Might be your worst but I have noticed a few have backed the introduction of them and just like straight if people play them why should they not get the chance to play them in a clan league.
Posts: 6,417
23:27 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true but i didn't look at stats, just a feeling i had, only time i seem to play 9Arc these days is when Kelly invites, for me 9Arc is worse type there is

Well if you are going to post facts that others are going to read and probably believe maybe try some scientific ones as opposed to your feelings

Might be your worst but I have noticed a few have backed the introduction of them and just like straight if people play them why should they not get the chance to play them in a clan league.

Who exactly has backed the introduction of them apart from the priest and huts?
Posts: 38,097
23:28 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true, just don't like 6 frames of 9 Arc, too quick, i think it should be more than the main 3 types
Posts: 6,417
23:29 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can also make a list of players who havent enjoyed the suggestion. Its a long one lol
Posts: 9,926
23:29 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true but i didn't look at stats, just a feeling i had, only time i seem to play 9Arc these days is when Kelly invites, for me 9Arc is worse type there is

Well if you are going to post facts that others are going to read and probably believe maybe try some scientific ones as opposed to your feelings

Might be your worst but I have noticed a few have backed the introduction of them and just like straight if people play them why should they not get the chance to play them in a clan league.

Who exactly has backed the introduction of them apart from the priest and huts?

I am sure you can read through all the pages of posts and find some others if you really want to
Posts: 9,926
23:31 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can also make a list of players who havent enjoyed the suggestion. Its a long one lol

I could do the same for players who don't like straight so will we get rid of that as well if I get a few names?

Then will I do the same for US8, US9 and UK8, then ab's suggestion will be correct, bin them all and we just close the leagues down?
Posts: 6,417
23:33 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I can also make a list of players who havent enjoyed the suggestion. Its a long one lol

I could do the same for players who don't like straight so will we get rid of that as well if I get a few names?

Then will I do the same for US8, US9 and UK8, then ab's suggestion will be correct, bin them all and we just close the leagues down?

Do it for straight please and for arcades. The type that gets less votes get binned so we can make ab happy aswell by binning something. U accept the challenge?
Posts: 10,109
23:34 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

There was only uprising who managed 2 clans last season and even then you ran out of players at one point.

We lost 2 clans as they couldn't cope so I don't see the logic of running 2 teams from a clan when all it causes is grief when one folds.

And it doesn't mean less fixtures as it depends how many games you release at any one time it could mean more

To be fair Keith, we have run 2 teams every single season, and even became the only clan to contest the final with both of it's teams. 1 fixture this season, we had 3 players all drop out within 48 hours. That was nothing short of an anomaly, and it it extremely unlikely to happen again. It was also compounded by the fact that I went on holiday midway through the fixture. Unlike last season, we're up to 16 players for next, and if the rules allow it in SL, I would enter two teams of 9. Despite all the doom and gloom mongerors harking to all about clans struggling to recruit - we could run at 20 next season if the rules allowed it!
Posts: 7,940
23:34 Wed 22 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
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