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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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Posts: 7,297
02:01 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL : sub

ronalddw vs deluxe

is now :

_huts24_ vs deluxe
Posts: 7,297
02:05 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (15) v (15) F.P.D.

achpfsk vs blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs dozer
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs thegreatone7
Madmiketyson vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
_huts24_ vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (21) v (39) Uprising

_huts24_ vs psychosis
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Posts: 7,297
02:06 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (4) vs (0) Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) lfc12 (5-3)
9 US silenthill (2) vs (0) _sachibub (5-3)
9 US _dntbmad__ vs poolh8r
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz vs dgeneratio
STR ronalddw vs the__priest

Black Scorpions (4) vs (2) Unbeatables

8 US silenthill (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-2)
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ vs andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) sleipnir (5-2)
STR walktall (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (0-2)
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions (2) v (0) Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk vs rubber_duck
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced vs foxhound
8 UK madmiketyson vs r1p0m4n_v2
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) liam_scfc (5-1)
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !
Posts: 4,046
05:57 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Swap

FPD VS Scorpions

dozer vs walktall
thegreatone7 vs _huts24_

is now

thegreatone7 vs walktall
dozer vs _huts24_

Dozer couldnt get on at walktalls times and i might have to sub out greatone7 anyway so just trying to get game done.
Posts: 7,297
09:59 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats fine mate . ^
Posts: 7,297
10:07 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (15) v (15) F.P.D.

achpfsk vs blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs thegreatone7
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs dozer
Madmiketyson vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
_huts24_ vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (21) v (39) Uprising

_huts24_ vs psychosis
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:47 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just played foxhound..

Ended 4-4..

Was fun games tbh, enjoyed them.. I did fluke the 9 ball in the final frame to make it 4 all.. I think this was a fair result in my opinion..

Thanks for games mate, enjoyed them..

ggs wp, take care and good luck in the season.
Posts: 7,297
12:05 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done retraced ! Good draw m8
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:17 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Guys any chance of someone subbing in for my FCL game against Ronaldw.

he hasn't been online for 8 days now
Posts: 7,297
15:41 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (4) vs (0) Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk (2) vs (0) lfc12 (5-3)
9 US silenthill (2) vs (0) _sachibub (5-3)
9 US _dntbmad__ vs poolh8r
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz vs dgeneratio
STR ronalddw vs the__priest

Black Scorpions (4) vs (2) Unbeatables

8 US silenthill (2) vs (0) horse10000 (5-2)
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ vs andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) sleipnir (5-2)
STR walktall (0) vs (2) turtle1560 (0-2)
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions (3) v (1) Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk vs rubber_duck
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced (1) vs (1) foxhound (4-4)
8 UK madmiketyson vs r1p0m4n_v2
8 UK w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) liam_scfc (5-1)
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !
Posts: 14,736
16:29 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ronalddw offline 8 days can we have a sub please or can anyone contact him?

Posts: 7,297
17:05 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
ronalddw offline 8 days can we have a sub please or can anyone contact him?


Hes had java problems which im hoping he sorts out soon . Will allow him some time as deadline is 24th but if he cant then a sub will defently be done . Ty
Posts: 14,736
17:28 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok thanks - no worries.
Posts: 10,109
19:04 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

_huts24_ v psychosis
is now
_huts24_ v 2andygorams
Posts: 334
20:06 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs blackcabman7

8us 3 - 2
9us 3 - 2
8uk 4 - 1

Total achpfsk (10) - (5) blackcabman7

Good games buddy. All the best in the season.
Posts: 5,821
20:08 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs blackcabman7

8us 3 - 2
9us 3 - 2
8uk 4 - 1

Total achpfsk (10) - (5) blackcabman7

Good games buddy. All the best in the season.

all good games 8 ball and 9 ball went to the wire but as u can see 8 ball again giving away to many carry shots
best player won gl in rest m8
Posts: 334
20:31 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks buddy. You are getting tougher to beat, playing well.
Posts: 7,297
22:01 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Great win shad ! Well done m8
Posts: 7,297
22:04 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (25) v (20) F.P.D.

achpfsk (10) vs (5) blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs thegreatone7
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs dozer
Madmiketyson vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (35) v (40) The Revolution

achpfsk (8) vs (7) fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
_huts24_ vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (21) v (39) Uprising

_huts24_ vs 2andygorams
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:37 Wed 6 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I'll respond to silenthill on here seeing as the wee chav decided to send me an unprovoked message and then was chicken enough to put me on ignore.

Wether I'm gay or not it's got sweet FA to do with you little boy. If you go through life hating on people because they are gay, straight, bi, black, white or a chav then hopefully an awful life for you it shall be.

And thank you for your words of encouragement. They aren't required though as I do enjoy life oh so much.

Now off back to your laptop and your sock.
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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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