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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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Posts: 7,297
01:35 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (8) vs (8) The Revolution - completed

8US walktall (0) vs (2) magic_smoke (2-6)
8US _huts24_ (0) vs (2) fr34k_p0t (3-5)
9US madmiketyson (2) vs (0) mad_matt (5-3)
9US silenthill (2) vs (0) mighty_zeus (6-2)
8UK retraced (1) vs (1) kris(4-4)
8UK coutinho10 (0) vs (2) veyron
STR w_hoolahan (2) vs (0) _flukez_
STR achpfsk (1) vs (1) drewdt3
Posts: 7,297
01:41 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (15) v (15) F.P.D.

lateo1993 vs blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs dozer
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs thegreatone7
tozzie vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (24) v (31) The Revolution

achpfsk vs fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson vs amac3 (5-5) TBC
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
ronalddw vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (16) v (29) Uprising

_huts24_ vs psychosis
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
bulletzzzz vs clifton188
tozzie vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
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01:45 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
tozzie offline 16 days, am ok waiting til next week but please could you untag me
Posts: 4,971
01:46 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Planning to sub tozzie out tomorrow/monday of any games currently in! fausts been asking for a sub for him few days ago and i said for weeks 2,3 will have the sub, so will be changing opponent v shortly sarah.
Posts: 7,297
02:55 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball Tournament - winner _huts24_

ty for madmiketyson watching
Posts: 7,297
12:06 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

Black Scorpions (14) v (17) Knight Stars - completed

achpfsk (2) v (5) _fresh_
silenthill (5) v (1) dgeneratio
madmiketyson (3) v (3) trats
w_hoolahan (2) v (4) joeyy
bulletzzzz (2) v (4) the__priest

F.P.D. (9) v (11) Black Scorpions

aladdin_sane (5) v (1) walktall
jacksealy21 (3) v (4) bulletzzzz
whocares8x8 v _huts24_
buckjam (1) v (6) w_hoolahan
thegreatone7 v silenthill

Format : 2 games of each 8us , 9us, 8uk . Extra point for golden break , ran rack.

Good luck guys!

Edited at 17:11 Tue 28/04/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,971
13:12 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL: BS v Uprising

sub and swap:

tozzie v sharky89

is now

walktall v sharky89

+ bulletzzzz v clifton188 & walktall v sharky89,

is now

bulletzzzz v sharky89
walktalll v clifton188

walktall and cliffy likely to find each other fine daytime more, and buletz v sharky be an evening one more.
Posts: 4,971
15:43 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

tozzie v anoneeemouse

is now

madmiketyson v anoneeemouse

lateo1993 v blackcabman7

is now

achpfsk v blackcabman7
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15:59 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Black Scorpions v Uprising

walktall 5 - 10 clifton188

8Ball US 2 - 3
9Ball US 2 - 3
8Ball UK 1 - 4
Posts: 7,297
16:22 Sun 3 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (15) v (15) F.P.D.

achpfsk vs blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs dozer
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs thegreatone7
Madmiketyson vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (24) v (31) The Revolution

achpfsk vs fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson vs amac3 (5-5) TBC
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
ronalddw vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (21) v (39) Uprising

_huts24_ vs psychosis
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Posts: 10,415
00:05 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Played Kingdadcool. Thought we had a game but it was the one that I started against a sub. Decided to play anyway. Nice fella, good games. I got a run out in US9 and UK8 back to back, happy with that! Hit some decent form in these games.

3-2 US8
4-1 US9
3-2 UK8
10-5 Overall

Shame it doesn't count! lol.
Posts: 7,297
00:28 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah shame lol

u can stiill win 10-5 in your match vs amac3 .
Posts: 9,926
02:42 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Season 13

Fixture Set 2 games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is Midnight UK on 24th May 2015
Posts: 10,415
05:10 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Beat amac 3-2 at US9 for an overall 8-7 win.
Posts: 7,297
10:35 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Beat amac 3-2 at US9 for an overall 8-7 win.

Nice one ! Well done
Posts: 7,297
10:54 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (15) v (15) F.P.D.

achpfsk vs blackcabman7
skeptical vs whocares8x8
walktall vs dozer
ronalddw vs jacksealey21
_huts24_ vs thegreatone7
Madmiketyson vs anoneeemouse
w_hoolahan (9) vs (6) buckjam
silenthill (6) vs (9) aladdin_sane

Black Scorpions (27) v (33) The Revolution

achpfsk vs fr34k_p0t
silenthill (5) vs (10) kris
w_hoolahan (12) vs (3) mighty_zeus
bulletzzzz vs kingdadcool
madmiketyson (8) vs (7) amac3
walktall (2) vs (13) magic_smoke
ronalddw vs deluxe
keaneo16 vs veyron

Black Scorpions (21) v (39) Uprising

_huts24_ vs psychosis
achpfsk (5) vs (10) erigert
silenthil (5) l vs (10) _niall_
madmiketyson (6) vs (9) dv8
retraced vs corsair
w_hoolahan vs cgibson92
Walktall (5) vs (10) clifton188
bulletzzzz vs sharky89

Format: 5 x8us , 9us , 8uk

Please message all opponents and arrange a day / time for your matches .

(26/04/15 to 17/05/15)

Good Luck guys !!!!
Posts: 7,297
11:21 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions vs Fearless Knights

8 US _huts24_ vs joeyy
8 US achpfsk vs lfc12
9 US silenthill vs _sachibub
9 US _dntbmad__ vs poolh8r
8 UK lateo1993 vs friendyboy
8 UK madmiketyson vs _fresh_
STR bulletzzzz vs dgeneratio
STR ronalddw vs the__priest

Black Scorpions vs Unbeatables

8 US silenthill vs horse10000
8 US _huts24_ vs tip_doctor
9 US bulletzzzz vs mikeybboy
9 US retraced vs mrmagic
8 UK _dntbmad__ vs andyw1
8 UK w_hoolahan vs sleipnir
STR walktall vs turtle1560
STR achpfsk vs greyhound

Black Scorpions 0 v 0 Chips n Gravey

8 US _huts24_ vs slimeball
8 US achpfsk vs rubber_duck
9 US bulletzzzz vs jimmy_efc
9 US retraced vs foxhound
8 UK madmiketyson vs r1p0m4n_v2
8 UK w_hoolahan vs liam_scfc
STR walktall vs _mich_
STR silenthill vs strange_daze


8 racks of Either 8US, 9US, 8UK, or 2 racks of str8
Important = first to 5 wins !

Good luck guys !

Edited at 08:26 Mon 04/05/15 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:50 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
can ya untag me please lee/hula,, message sent to shads cheers m8

Edited at 12:54 Mon 04/05/15 (BST)
Posts: 334
20:22 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs fr34k_p0t

8us 3 - 2
9us 4 - 1
8uk 1 - 4

Total achpfsk (8) - (7) fr34k_p0t

Good luck in the rest buddy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:30 Mon 4 May 15 (BST)  [Link]  
achpfsk vs fr34k_p0t

8us 3 - 2
9us 4 - 1
8uk 1 - 4

Total achpfsk (8) - (7) fr34k_p0t

Good luck in the rest buddy.

U 2 pal , i started playing 1 frame in to uk rest i was poor
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Black Scorpions - Div 2 FCL and FBL champions!

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