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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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21:58 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash-by posting your team and then changing it you invited the crap yet again, could pick and choose whatever match ups you liked behind the scenes without any problems.
On top of that you start calling Fran and Sean numpties for no reason guaranteeing arguments take over the thread again!

Spot on!!!
Deleted User
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21:59 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for telling me about being the sub ash , was really wanting to play but I guess I would of lost anyway I guess? that's why I'm the sub maybe?


Nothing against you or your game mate, just _gerardddd_ didn't get to play in the SL so felt were appropriate we allowed him too now.
Deleted User
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22:00 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
just play the games will yas jeez,, roll on

Lol I'm not bothered if he plays them on his VTech computer tbh.

meaning everyone stop the bickering again just play the games get them done then get outa here so i can read scores fixtures etc instead of tactical this tactical that whos playing who subbing in who jeez thats tactical sick of it really am,,if this happens next season im outa here cant stand this anymore doin me head in not just this team im on about the posts from others also

Edited at 20:05 Sun 15/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
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22:02 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for telling me about being the sub ash , was really wanting to play but I guess I would of lost anyway I guess? that's why I'm the sub maybe?
you know your coming across wrong when even your own team thinks your being tactical and posts it on your thread haha. But yeah the rest of the site is wrong.......
Deleted User
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22:05 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Split Fix 1

XVth Man (46) vs (74) Uprising - Complete

trats (4) vs (11) lll1lll1lll
reminiscent (6) vs (9) _niall_
(s) hippesville (7) vs (8) dv8
(swp) (s) dgeneratio (5) vs (10) corsair
ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
iam_me (5) vs (10) clifton188
(swp) friendyboy (11) vs (4) derik_dalton
the__priest (5) vs (10) davybaumers

DEADLINE: 16/02/15

SL Semi Final

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (3) vs (3) Unbe'A'tables

(s) trats vs fran_
ooo_u_tap_2 vs sleipnir (1 week today since release)
lfc12 (3) vs (3) onevisit
joeyy vs horse10000
hippesville vs turtle1560

Deadline: 22/02/2015

Edited at 21:41 Sun 15/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
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23:45 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alex taking to long to post...awesome result mate!
Posted Image
Deleted User
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23:47 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol @ Wayne's World.
Posts: 9,926
23:56 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 6

Games can be found here...

Deadline for all games is Midnight UK on 01st March 2015
Posts: 38,097
23:58 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Greg, Greg, i want James or Potlimit swap please

just banter, i'll play anyone
Deleted User
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00:05 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Final Fixtures: 15/02/15 >>>>> 01/03/15

XVth Man vs Unbeatables

reminiscent vs barkley20
the__priest vs mikeybboy
hippesville vs onevisit
lfc12 vs raker
joeyy vs turtle1560
trats vs mrmagic
_gerardddd_ fran_
legend_pot vs horse10000

FCL vs Pros

hippesville vs w_hoolahan
ooo_u_tap_2 vs potlimit
friendyboy vs jamesmcgarry
dgeneratio vs crazy_greg
legend_pot vs beenjammin
reminiscent vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs dvz
the__priest vs tinie_v17

Good Luck Team let's finish on a high, let's fight for 3rd place ALL the way
Posts: 38,097
00:07 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
tough games for everyone in Pros list, UBs not as bad but still lethal
Deleted User
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00:49 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
alex take a bow my son i now promote you to a knight,,,brill stuff matey well played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:57 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL info

legend_pot 4 run outs
iam_me 3 run outs
beenjammin 2 run outs 1 GB

Top 3 in events just proves alot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:59 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL info

legend_pot 4 run outs
iam_me 3 run outs
beenjammin 2 run outs 1 GB

Top 3 in events just proves alot

Yeah very good aren't they - shows how strong the side is and will be with the great additions next season too. Great to have such quality players at our disposal, keep it going.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:01 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Final Fixtures: 15/02/15 >>>>> 01/03/15

XVth Man vs Unbeatables

reminiscent vs barkley20
the__priest vs mikeybboy
hippesville vs onevisit
lfc12 vs raker
joeyy vs turtle1560
trats vs mrmagic
_gerardddd_ fran_
legend_pot vs horse10000

FCL vs Pros

hippesville vs w_hoolahan
ooo_u_tap_2 vs potlimit
friendyboy vs jamesmcgarry
dgeneratio vs crazy_greg
legend_pot vs beenjammin
reminiscent vs miss_harriet
joeyy vs dvz
the__priest vs tinie_v17

Good Luck Team let's finish on a high, let's fight for 3rd place ALL the way

Looks for name , fails to find it , looks at self in mirror , looks at stats , looks at deactivation button , hovers over , thinks to self

then laughs in disgust
Posts: 9,926
01:02 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Sub

ooo_u_tap_2 vs sleipnir


ooo_u_tap_2 vs greyhound
Deleted User
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01:06 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cheers Keith
Deleted User
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01:07 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Split Fix 1

XVth Man (46) vs (74) Uprising - Complete

trats (4) vs (11) lll1lll1lll
reminiscent (6) vs (9) _niall_
(s) hippesville (7) vs (8) dv8
(swp) (s) dgeneratio (5) vs (10) corsair
ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
iam_me (5) vs (10) clifton188
(swp) friendyboy (11) vs (4) derik_dalton
the__priest (5) vs (10) davybaumers

DEADLINE: 16/02/15

SL Semi Final

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (3) vs (3) Unbe'A'tables

(s) trats vs fran_
ooo_u_tap_2 vs greyhound (s)
lfc12 (3) vs (3) onevisit
joeyy vs horse10000
hippesville vs turtle1560

Deadline: 22/02/2015
Posts: 1,029
01:14 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Friendyboy 11 - 4 derik_dalton

Started with 8us, I felt I played really well clearing or leaving balls tactically. Twice during the us games I was nice enough to allow him to log off and on. Took the 8us 3-2.
In 9us I won 5-0, starting with a nice mini clear before a combo. Then saw a few flukey shots leading toward a likely runout only for a semi hard 9 to be missed. I didn't do much wrong in 9 ball in one game getting unlucky on position to then leave the 9 hidden behind the 8.

8uk played ok here though missed an easy ish black. Then cleared well a few times with a few scrappy frames.

Glad to win us some points here, played well. Be nice to get compliments where necessary but seems that "problems throughout" with computers is a good excuse.

Seems that a lose makes us liable to being called idiots. Such nice people :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:23 Mon 16 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was expecting the crapola excuse mate..goes with his crayola
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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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