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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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Deleted User
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17:02 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Split Fix 1

XVth Man (35) vs (70) Uprising

trats (4) vs (11) lll1lll1lll
reminiscent (6) vs (9) _niall_
(s) hippesville (7) vs (8) dv8
(swp) (s) dgeneratio (5) vs (10) corsair
ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n_v2 (s)
iam_me (5) vs (10) clifton188
(swp) friendyboy vs derik_dalton (Sunday)
the__priest (5) vs (10) davybaumers

DEADLINE: 16/02/15

SL Semi Final

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (3) vs (3) Unbe'A'tables

(s) trats vs fran_
ooo_u_tap_2 vs sleipnir (1 week today since release)
lfc12 (3) vs (3) onevisit
joeyy vs horse10000
hippesville vs turtle1560

Deadline: 22/02/2015
Posts: 13,570
17:15 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I did say only change would be between _gerardddd_ and hippesville so after speaking with Co Captain Alex we don't think it's right to not play the pair of them. So iam_me will be a sub instead.

FCL vs Unbeatables


* we were not the team who decided to post their team selections on an open forum. No doubt numpty 1 and 2 will speak up soon and claim tactical crap when it's our prerogative to select who the Hell we like before release. None of them are tactical, gerardddd hasn't played yet and didn't through no fault of his own get to play fran_ in the SL so as it currently stands (subject to change) they meet now. Plus this is the final time we can select hippesville, as a huge thank you for his fantastic contribution he will be played in both fcl matches.

Edited at 12:37 Sun 15/02/15 (GMT)

Nay bar
Posts: 1,029
17:16 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have every right to make changes we feel necessary to make. As you said, the fixture has not been released yet, so if anything we are informing you early of what we may intend to do. We will be making as few swaps as possible.

Find it to be hilarious when Uprising start piping up about tactical swaps anyways, no one likes a hippocrit.......
Posts: 10,109
17:18 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have every right to make changes we feel necessary to make. As you said, the fixture has not been released yet, so if anything we are informing you early of what we may intend to do. We will be making as few swaps as possible.

Find it to be hilarious when Uprising start piping up about tactical swaps anyways, no one likes a hippocrit.......

A what? Is that supposed to say hypocrite?

Find a clan other than yours that has ever accused us of a tactical sub. There isn't one. How many accuse you of it. That is the only hilarious thing here!
Posts: 3,846
17:19 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have every right to make changes we feel necessary to make. As you said, the fixture has not been released yet, so if anything we are informing you early of what we may intend to do. We will be making as few swaps as possible.

Find it to be hilarious when Uprising start piping up about tactical swaps anyways, no one likes a hippocrit.......

will 8pm be okay tonight?
Posts: 1,029
17:23 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was trying to make a fat joke while combining the meaning of the word hypocrite. I don't really care if people say anything about your tactical swaps, it's the same rule for all. At the end of the day, whether a sub is tactical or not is subjective. point is, we didn't clog your thread up about it like you and your Lil army do on ours. get off our thread please.


Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:24 Sun 15/02/15 (GMT)
Posts: 1,029
17:24 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have every right to make changes we feel necessary to make. As you said, the fixture has not been released yet, so if anything we are informing you early of what we may intend to do. We will be making as few swaps as possible.

Find it to be hilarious when Uprising start piping up about tactical swaps anyways, no one likes a hippocrit.......

will 8pm be okay tonight?

Yes derik, all good for about 8 my end.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:25 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why can't all matches be this easy to arrange LOL, i'll set up my vidiprinter - Good Luck Alex.
Posts: 3,846
17:26 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
We have every right to make changes we feel necessary to make. As you said, the fixture has not been released yet, so if anything we are informing you early of what we may intend to do. We will be making as few swaps as possible.

Find it to be hilarious when Uprising start piping up about tactical swaps anyways, no one likes a hippocrit.......

will 8pm be okay tonight?

Yes derik, all good for about 8 my end.

ok thanks
Posts: 13,570
17:30 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
When is the fixture actually released?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:31 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
When is the fixture actually released?

Tonight mate I believe - IF we win the SL vs UB's then you'll still be selected for that - this isn't the end just the end of the FCL.
Posts: 13,570
17:36 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Then surely tactical sub comments are irrelevant??
Game of pool is what we're all after, so maybe leave it at that until fixture is announced
Posts: 1,029
17:38 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Was one of my points exactly Gaz.
Posts: 10,109
17:49 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was trying to make a fat joke while combining the meaning of the word hypocrite. I don't really care if people say anything about your tactical swaps, it's the same rule for all. At the end of the day, whether a sub is tactical or not is subjective. point is, we didn't clog your thread up about it like you and your Lil army do on ours. get off our thread please.


Haha, Fran and Turtle are in my "lil army" now are they?? Seems to be growing pretty big!

As long as your clan continue to make dubious changes, your thread will always be clogged up. Whether I post or not! Abbreviate as many swear words as you like, it won't change anything!

Quote edited

Edited by forum moderator ab_rfc, at 19:25 Sun 15/02/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:56 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you we will, we could change the whole lineup if we so wish and it would still have nothing to do with yourself up until the fixtures are released.

We didn't ask for UB's to post their lineup before they are actually released. There's usually a common protocol and they were the ones who abused it.

Now if you don't mind you have been asked to leave this thread before, please adhere to it. Seem to have more admin than mods recently so I'm sure they will not mind removing you if you can't follow simple requests.
Posts: 10,109
18:02 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you we will, we could change the whole lineup if we so wish and it would still have nothing to do with yourself up until the fixtures are released.

We didn't ask for UB's to post their lineup before they are actually released. There's usually a common protocol and they were the ones who abused it.

Now if you don't mind you have been asked to leave this thread before, please adhere to it. Seem to have more admin than mods recently so I'm sure they will not mind removing you if you can't follow simple requests.

Yes, if I break any rules I'm sure they could. Unfortunately, swearing and abuse are looked down upon much more than keeping the threads active. I'll post as many times as I see fit, and I won't resort to foul language.
Posts: 6,417
18:05 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your gang has increased a lot in numbers faust.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:06 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fran-you posted the team sheet so Ash could pick and choose whatever games he liked before the start of the match and eliminate any need for tactical subs, and because you want to show the confidence that no matter who Ash picks where you will if that confidence is genuine you shouldn't complain about him doing that...makes no difference to you guys.

Ash-by posting your team and then changing it you invited the crap yet again, could pick and choose whatever match ups you liked behind the scenes without any problems.
On top of that you start calling Fran and Sean numpties for no reason guaranteeing arguments take over the thread again!
Posts: 3,846
18:10 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you we will, we could change the whole lineup if we so wish and it would still have nothing to do with yourself up until the fixtures are released.

We didn't ask for UB's to post their lineup before they are actually released. There's usually a common protocol and they were the ones who abused it.

Now if you don't mind you have been asked to leave this thread before, please adhere to it. Seem to have more admin than mods recently so I'm sure they will not mind removing you if you can't follow simple requests.

Yes, if I break any rules I'm sure they could. Unfortunately, swearing and abuse are looked down upon much more than keeping the threads active. I'll post as many times as I see fit, and I won't resort to foul language.

you would think so stu pal however,the week before me and eri were muted no less than 20 posts were moderated for swearing, neither me or eri swore but were revoked, the ones who swore went unpunished.
i then recieved 3 messages all including swearing and they went unpunished, 80npercent of it were due to this clan, so it seems regarding admin they can do what they want, what u say flapjack
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:13 Sun 15 Feb 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't call Sean and Fran numptys, i said no doubt numptys will post and claim to be tactical. They named themselves it they weren't even on the numpty radar tbh.

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XVth Man: 'What doesn't kill us, makes us Stronger'

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